Barotrauma Cheats, Cheat Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC (2024)

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Barotrauma Cheats, Cheat Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC (1)

  • Developer: Undertow Games
  • Publisher: Daedalic Entertainment
  • Genre: Simulation
  • Release: Mar 13, 2023
  • Platform: PC
  • ESRB: Not Set



Cheat Mode

During gameplay you should press on the F3 key to bring up the Command Console. After that you can lookup below what cheats there are & what their codes to enter are. To list all the COMMANDs you can use, open the console in-game and type in help

Abandons submarine editor. You may need to use command control (character) to restore control over yourself and command lockcamera (character) to remove freecam command's side effect.gamescreen
Above thing, but on specified player. I'm not sure if this command is real.heal (player name)
All hulls in a submarine have set oxygen quality to 100%, also works on other presented submarines.oxygen
All items and broken interactable parts of the submarine (except of walls) fully reduce their condition.fixitems
All monsters near your submarine are killed if players don't control them.killmonsters
All walls are fully repaired.fixwalls
Causes you to enter submarine editor in the middle of the game. You can see waypoints of autopilot being there and edit them as well as alien ruins stuff. You can also remove gaps in the broken walls of submarine borderlining with exterior area to make submarine not take flood by them.editsub
Instantly kills all creatures in the map.killcreatures
Makes the submarine invulnerable.godmode
Removes bleeding, oxygen deprivation and lost HP from yourself, but not the others.heal
Spawns husk outside of submarine at the start of the level, but I don't know how exactly this works.spawn husk
This spawn welding tool at cargo spawnpoints of submarine. If you submarine has more, than one you can do below command.spawnitem welding tool
This spawns a welding tool at the second cargo spawnpoint of you submarine.spawnitem welding tool 2
This will cause player to be spawned, but it's buggy. You may need to use heal (player) to fix this.spawn (player)
View Complete List »

From: SafalgopsoxJun 6, 2019


Hints & Secrets

Easy "Naval architect" Achievement Guide

From empirical experience (and as of now), time should only count when you leave through the main menu.

From: Cdm131Mar 12, 2021


The Europan's guide to Medicine and Practice

The Rules of Practice
Rule Number 1 of Practice: Always try to save someone's life, even if it brings risk to your own.

You, as a medic, should put the health of your crewmates above all else. Every second that passes by where a crewmate's health is in disrepair, is a second of failure for the Medical Doctor. You should always keep a diving mask on you, but its better to take two, or even more, in the all-too-common situation where a flood or explosion causes multiple people to go unconscious while underwater, you should hastily slap masks onto everyone who is incapable of breathing, and then once everyone is in a stable condition, perform CPR upon them, so they begin breathing again. Sometimes you may even have to sacrifice your diving suit and face certain death, just to save the life of someone else, most commonly, the Captain, or a close friend of yours. This rule doesn't mean throwing caution to the wind, and jumping into poor situations, such as, running into a reactor fire to save a stunned engineer with 30% burns, instead of just getting a fire extinguisher and putting the fire out first. Or, attempting to perform a check-up on a security guard while he is at arms with a mudraptor. This usually ends with more injuries being added than subtracted. This caution is a good segue into Rule number 2 of practice:

Rule Number 2 of Practice: DO NOT always try to save someone's life when at risk to your own.

This may seem contradictory, but sometimes, it is not worth putting effort into somebody. Sometimes, you will give up your only diving suit to somebody else, and then that somebody else who survived attempts to revive more people on the ship, but fail due to sheer incompetency. In a situation like this, it will be worth letting one dunderhead die so that you, the medic, remain alive to tend to the people who aren't naturally selected. You should also know not to heal evildoers, like clowns or criminals, unless they are restrained first, and nobody else is in dire need. It simply makes you look bad, even if they are in handcuffs. You should also carry handcuffs in you in the case of bad actors in need of medical attention. You can easily make handcuffs in your ships fabricator with a simple bar of steel, being made of Carbon and Iron, which are plentiful on most ships. They usually take 9 seconds to make if your weapon skill is sufficient. Or, if your ship doesn't have a fabricator, you can ask your ship's security guard nicely, and if he or she is sympathetic, they just might cede you a pair of shackles. It is not necessary to "waste" resources on healing bad actors, but it will be benefit to your medical skill to at least keep them alive.

Rule Number 3 of Practice: Try to conserve medical resources as much as you can.

This one can be a real pain in the ass. If your crewmates like fighting a lot, or excessively cause ruckus, it will drain your medical supplies faster than a mudraptor melts to raptor-bane. (which is like 10 seconds at worst.) So, as your sub's medic, it should be your duty to try and keep violence to a minimum, and look for the most peaceful way forward. If diplomacy fails, then you can just bar people off from your medbay until they learn to behave themselves, which may not roll so well with security, but just might teach your crewmates a thing or two about roughhousing. Medicine is expensive, after all. Except Opium, that stuff is dirt-cheap. But more on that later.

Rule Number 4 of Practice: Don't cry over spilled milk (blood)

Sometimes you're gonna get a black eye on your medical record: Someone will die and it will be your fault. You need to accept this now, or you will never improve as a doctor. Whether it is bad ship design causing you to not know where your dying patient is, or be it the fact that you performed CPR on somebody with an empty oxygen mask, and didn't realize until it was too late, you are gonna screw up. No medic is perfect, not even me. Learn to get over the obstacles and keep pushing onward until you reach the next outpost. If you want to be a doctor, but then you fail miserably and want to quit and be security instead, well, that's your choice. But its like Churchill said, there is no victory without failure. Or maybe JFK. Or Plutarch or something, I don't know. You cannot learn without messing up, basically, is what I'm saying. No matter how badly you screw it up, there is always a lesson to be learned in the field of medicine.

How to Revive a Crewmate
When somebody is unconscious and not able to breathe on their own due to excessive pain from injuries, it is your job and yours alone to get them back on their feet. This can be as easy as a single syringe, or as brutal and traumatizing as 5 whole minutes of CPR. I know that CPR is your first thought when somebody won't wake up and you don't know why, But ~50% of the time I see it, CPR is actually only hurting the patient more. People chalk up their CPR failing to "Not having enough medical skill", but that is very far from the truth. CPR, no matter how low your medical skill, should be able to revive someone who is not breathing, with the medical skill only making it marginally harder or easier to do it. So, lets go over the reasons why someone is dying, and the reasons why CPR does not work on them. Keep in mind, that sometimes some causes of death will encroach faster than others, and whatever is the most critical injury needs to be tended to first.

Cause of Death #1: Blood Loss
Probably the 3rd most common cause of death is blood loss, or, the patient not having enough blood in their system for their heart to continue beating. When somebody is afflicted with blood loss, Don't perform CPR on them. It will only push more blood out of their body, on top of the blunt force trauma it ensues. If someone is dying from blood loss, transfuse them some blood, or a saline solution if no blood is available. But even before that, you should treat their bleeding wounds with bandages or antibiotics. If you are able to solve the blood loss in somebody, but they still aren't waking up because they are not breathing, THEN do CPR. That is the correct time.

Cause of Death #2: Barotrauma
Water Pressure - The 2nd most common cause of death, in my opinion. It is extremely dangerous to humans, and will kill them in 5-15 seconds if they are not protected by a diving suit. That being said, if your patient is suffering from Barotrauma, there is not much you can do: Option A is to give them your diving suit and try to find another one. Which, as stated in Rule 2 of practice, may be not such a good idea. Or, Option B is to try and drag them into a room without the risk of water pressure. If one of these methods work for you, then great, you can go back to treating your patient. If not, then hopefully you didn't give them your diving suit, because whoever is stuck without it is pretty much dead.

Cause of Death #3: Suffocation
And now, the grand daddy of death in the world of Europa, and your main obstacle in keeping your crew alive, is the oxygen problem. Your patient may not have enough Oxygen in them to remain alive, let alone awake. This is very common, even the most common cause of death among sub crews, but thankfully we have a special tool we can use to combat Low Oxygen: CPR. That's right, It actually comes into great use when dealing with people who have suffocated to the point of unconsciousness. But there is one important rule to CPR that I absolutely HAVE to cover right now: CPR is useless if the patient has no air to breathe. Just remember that phrase and use your brain a little, and you can end up saving a lot of lives. I have seen WAY too often this situation: Someone in a diving suit is trying to do CPR on somebody without a diving suit. But they don't realize that the room has no oxygen in it, because a fire in the reactor room burnt it all already. The supposed savior is only pumping smoke and carbon into the bloodstream of the patient, which certainly won't help. Or, even more common, Someone is performing CPR on somebody else in a room with no oxygen, but the patient's diving mask has an empty tank of oxygen. There is absolutely no air for the patient to breathe, it is a futile effort. Now, there is a second rule, that applies to not only CPR, but also to medicine in General, you will want to remember this one as well, even if you aren't being a medic: Look in the patient's inventory for items which might be useful. This mistake especially gets on my nerves when somebody comes across a dying person with ample medicine in their pockets that can be used to save their life, but instead they try and do CPR in a situation where it doesn't help. This also applies to the previous situation in an important way: Oxygen tanks! If they have spare oxygen tanks, you can swap one over into their mask, THEN do CPR on them. Or better yet, being a medic, you should have spare O2 tanks on you for this exact type of situation. I will reiterate; sometimes some causes of death will encroach faster than others, and whatever is the most critical injury needs to be tended to first. So if your patient is losing a moderate amount of blood, but is about to suffocate to death from oxygen loss, then solve their oxygen problem FIRST, then their blood problem. There is also a common misconception that giving painkillers to somebody suffocating to death will only make them die. While it is true that Painkillers, being Pomegrenade Extract, Opium, Morphine Sulfate, and Fentanyl temporarily sap oxygen from your system, it is rarely enough to actually kill someone from suffocation. If they are on the brink of death and desperately need as much oxygen as they can to hold onto life, then yeah, hold off on the meds until they are more stable. But in most situations, even if someone is out of oxygen, it is still best to just give them the painkillers for their other ailments, THEN work on their oxygen.

Cause of Death #4: Burns
Burns are extremely common on Europa. Most Europans grow up without even knowing the concept of warmth, but engineers in coalition subs know the devil of warmth all too well. Burns are the easiest-to-treat injury ever, just slap bandages, or preferably plastiseal on them, and they disappear! The only way people ever usually burn to death on submarines, is if they go unconscious from the shock of burning inside a fire, or if they are caught in an explosion. For the 2nd case, not much you can do, but for the 1st case, you may in one case or another need to drag someone out of a room lest they burn to death. It is easy to get out of hand, but as long as you know where fire extinguishers are, fires won't be near the top of your list for problems on the submarine. Also, make sure people don't suffer too-harsh burns trying to repair junction boxes. Getting electrocuted trying to fix junction boxes is the most embarrassing way to die, and the ship's doctor, the one trying to protect them, will have ample amount of that 2nd-hand embarrassment on their shoulders. Don't let it happen, just give them some bandages from time to time.

Cause of Death #5: Internal Damage
Internal Damage is the most broad definition for damage that one can come up with. Internal Damage ranges from Blunt force trauma from falling, to Lacerations from knives, to Bite marks from crawlers, to Gunshot wounds from guns, to Organ failure from antibiotics, to deep-tissue injury from shrapnel of explosions, or even the damage you get from getting chopped up in the ship's propeller. All of the above can only be solved with Painkillers, and a few other medicines. These being, in order of potency:

Tonic Water
Pomegrenade Extract
Morphine Sulfate

These are what you want to use, from a scale of a boo-boo from falling, to the absolute brink of death when it comes to internal injury. So make sure not to waste Fentanyl on a boo-boo, or to try and treat 135% gunshot wound damage with pomegrenade extract.

Cause of Death #6: Everything Else
CALYX INFECTION: Treat it with Antibiotics or find Calyxanide to cure it.
POISON: Treat it with stabilizone, or find an Antidote.
OVERDOSE: Treat it with stabilizone, or find Naloxone to cure it.
PARALYSIS: Cannot actually kill you, but vegetates you. Anaparalyzant is the only cure.
RADIATION: Cure with Antirad or you burn forever. (and ever.)

Medicines, Drugs, & Substances Part I
This part of the instructions will teach you everything you need to know about your Tools as a physician. Without knowledge of this, you can get nothing accomplished as a Medic.


Bandages are used to patch up bleeding wounds and burns. But it is a straight downgrade to Plastiseal, unfortunately. Still has utility in that you can deconstruct 2 of them to make an Organic Fiber, which can then be formed into a Toolbelt. But if your ship has a decent amount of supplies, there should already be Organic Fiber on board for you to make a toolbelt with.

A better bandage. Simple as. Stock up on a lotta these if you want your crew to live long.

Saline is very useful. It is a straight downgrade to the Blood Bag, although, it gets its usefulness in the deconstructor, since it can make Sodium and Chlorine, The latter of which is useful in many crafting situations, such as Meth or Sedatives. Sodium is also useful for making Cyanide if that is what you want.

Blood Bag
Blood Bag is what you use if someone has lost too much blood. And that's it. It is perhaps the most simple medical tool at your disposal. Again, you will need a bit of this, but not nearly as much as Plastiseal or Painkillers.

Antibiotic Glue
Antibiotic Glue is a straight upgrade to plastiseal in the bleeding department, being able to patch even the worst bleeds with just one use. Although, you will burn through these fast, and speaking of burns, they do nothing against burns, unlike plastiseal and bandages. It will also cause organ damage if improperly used.


Tonic Liquid is the least effective painkiller, only able to heal the mildest injuries, such as 4% blunt force trauma from falling, 2% lacerations from a failed mechanical repair, etc. It is best advised to save these up for crafting in the Fabricator instead of using them. Although they do have the added bonus of slowing down metabolism, allowing chemicals to persist longer through your body.

Pomegrenade Extract
Pomegrenade Extract is a mild painkiller with no addictive qualities, but will sap oxygen from the patient's body temporarily. Although, to suffocate someone to death using Pomegrenade Extract is a tribulation. Don't worry about accidentally killing someone with this.

Opium is the most basic Painkiller you can find. It will moderately treat internal injuries and burns, and it's cheap. Only use on patients with light-moderate injuries, as anything higher will be a waste, and you will want to move onto Morphine/Fentanyl. You should fabricate this into Morphine if you want to improve your Medical skill.

The Bread and Butter of Medics everywhere, Morphine is the definitive Painkiller, with two doses being able to heal someone fully at maximum efficiency. It will be the answer to most of your problems as a medic.

Fentanyl is the most powerful painkiller, besides Deusizine. It will solve most injuries with just one dose. Be wary of Overdosing while using Fentanyl; perhaps keep a syringe of Naloxone on-hand.


While not advisable to their health, Tobacco is the token choice for most Captains. It helps keep one's mind level against insanity.

Ethanol is a 90% Alcohol cleaning agent, but it finds much greater use in the Medical Fabricator, as it helps you to make Sedatives and Painkillers. Drinking not advisable, as it can easily lead to Alcohol Poisoning. Alcohol Poisoning is treated the same way all other poisons are; with Stabilozine

Meth will make anyone who takes it go really fast. It comes at a cost to one's health, though.

Steroids do not actually heal the patient, but it will temporarily invigorate them, preventing death even at its brink. A favorite by security in combat situations. Can also be used to temporarily stabilize a victim of Poison.

A personal favorite of mine, Hyperzine is the drug that you inject when you have no other options. Someone can be a second away from death, and Hyperzine will make them not only stand up, but go faster, become stronger, and be more efficient. It is the most powerful stimulant.

Deusizine is both a stimulant and a painkiller, with potency only matched by Hyperzine; It will cure Oxygen deprivation, Blood loss, and almost all your internal damages. The only drawback being that it cannot heal burns, only exacerbating them in the process. In any situation without burning, it is an absolute lifesaver.

Chloral Hydrate
A sedative made of Chlorine and Alcohol. Now I already know what you are thinking - "I can use this in my Syringe gun and knock people out!" right? Wrong. While normally knocking someone out for ten seconds, through the syringe gun, Chloral Hydrate can only knock someone out for five seconds, which may be the difference between life and death. It is best to opt for a Stun Gun instead of a Chloral Hydrate-loaded syringe gun if a ranged non-lethal option is what you are looking for. Still, do not underestimate Chloral Hydrate, it will put someone to sleep fast if you can get an injection off.

Haloperidol is a drug administered to cure Psychosis. Although Tobacco and Ethanol are good for resisting the effects of Psychosis, wherever it may come from, Haloperidol is the definitive answer to stop it in its tracks, and regain the sanity of whatever patient.

Medicines, Drugs, & Substances Part II


Raptor Bane Extract
This, as opposed to Chloral Hydrate, is the perfect weapon to load in your syringe gun. It is a potent toxin against Mudraptors, which nobody wants to get close to. This extract will melt away your mudraptor problems in 10 seconds or less per syringe. Problem is, shooting it at anything but a mudraptor will not kill it, but rather make it a little sick. To source Raptor Bane, ask one of your ships assistants to start a Raptor-Bane nursery. Once you have made enough extract, you can arm an entire dive crew with syringe guns full of this stuff.

Morbusine is a potent toxin which slows the victim down and saps the oxygen from their body gradually. While effective, it is a pain in the neck to manufacture, needing 2 Deusizines and some Sulphuric Acid.

Sufforin is my personal poison of choice; it is fast acting like its brother Morbusine, less of a chore to manufacture, and does more or less the same job, just without the oxygen deprivation. Would recommend using in the Syringe gun.

Cyanide is the best choice of poison for beginners. It is slower-going than Sufforin and Morbusine, but it is laughably easy to manufacture, only one step above Chloral Hydrate. Would also recommend using in the Syringe gun.

[Note: While there is no penalty of using these poisons in Syringe Guns, it is smarter to just treat the person you want to poison, and slip the poison in with normal treatment. To shoot poison at someone with a syringe gun is suspect, and bound to have security track you down. Although, the syringe gun is still the best option with poisoning moving targets or non-human enemies.]

Radiotoxin is perhaps the weakest poison. It is quite slow-going, and is a hassle to manufacture, requiring both Uranium and Thorium to make one syringe. But it has great utility - It is the only poison that can kill a Moloch, Matriarch, or any other lifeform with just one syringe. While the other poisons will eventually stop working when dealing with a Moloch, Radiation Poisoning will stick around until its victim is dead. Note that Radiotoxin, much like Chloral Hydrate, suffers a 50% effectiveness penalty when shot through the Syringe Gun, but it may just be worth it, as shooting a Moloch or Matriarch with a syringe of Radiotoxin is perhaps the most cost-effective way of killing one, short of chopping it up with the ship's propeller. Its still useful with killing humans too, although with its ability to cause burns, it is more noticeable to the victim than all the other poisons, leaving you more likely to be called out.

Paralyzant is a scary chemical, as once it is injected into somebody, they are doomed to face paralysis, where they cannot move or act. They can breathe, but not much else. There is only one cure, as well as an obscure treatment not likely to be found on any ship.

Deliriumine is non-lethal, but causes persistent insanity in the victim, with even Haloperidol only temporarily treating it. Very annoying to get hit by.


Your go-to antitoxin. It will treat any poison, be it Sufforin, Cyanide, Radiation, or even Alcohol Poisoning. But it cannot do anything against Paralyzant.

Antibiotics is a treatment to Velonaceps Calyx 'Husk' Infection, but comes at the cost of Organ Damage, even Organ Failure if taken in multiple doses.

A better antibiotic. Will kill most Calyx infections with just one dose, and does not cause Organ Damage of any kind. Only drawback is the cost of manufacturing, requiring husk eggs themselves to make.

Naloxone is the antidote to opioids. It is what you use when somebody is overdosing on Opium, Morphine, or Fentanyl. Overdosing is a very quick death mind you, so you must be quick with the Naloxone if you wish to save a life.

Morbusine Antidote
Cures Morbusine Poisoning.

Sufforin Antidote
Cures Sufforin Poisoning.

Cyanide Antidote
Cures Cyanide Poisoning.

Cures Radiation Sickness.

The only cure for Paralysis. (other than an obscure substance known as Hallucinogenic Bufotoxin.)

Deliriumine Antidote
Cures Deliriumine Poisoning. (but no other type of Psychosis.)

[Note: When carrying poisons around on the sub, make sure you also have the Antidotes for said poisons, just in case of an accident]

Medicines, Drugs, & Substances Part III


Alien Blood
Alien Blood is used in a Medical Fabricator to make Blood Bags. If the necessary materials for a Blood Bag are not present, then using Alien Blood in a transfusion is a viable option, but will cause psychosis in the patient.

Used to craft Fentanyl when combined with Morphine and Ethanol in a Medical Fabricator.

Sulphuric Acid
Burns upon ingestion. So don't drink. Used in a Medical Fabricator to make Sufforin and Morbusine. (But, as previously stated, Morbusine is expensive to manufacture, so just stick to Sufforin.)

Flash Powder
A useful ingredient made of Magnesium and Potassium, which can work as a makeshift grenade if thrown. Can be fabricated into many things, among them is Sufforin when combined with Sulphuric Acid.

Liquid Oxygenite
Will temporarily reverse the effects of Oxygen Deprivation (allowing you to breathe in water without a mask) at the cost of some internal damage. I highly recommend using this as ammunition in your Syringe Gun. Not for the internal damage, but because it is volatile, and tends to explode upon impact. This will make your Syringe Gun effectively into a Grenade Launcher.

Calyx Eggs
The most vile thing ever. Your first impulse upon seeing this should be "How do I get rid of this?" Thankfully I will tell you right now: Shove it into a medical fabricator, and combine it with Antibiotics and Stabilozine, and you'll create Calyxanide, the enemy of Calyx. The faster you get rid of Calyx Eggs, the better it will be for your entire crew.


Aquatic Poppy
A plant that may be deconstructed, yielding Opium.

Sea Yeast Shroom
An odorous plant that may be deconstructed, yielding Ethanol

Slime Bacteria
A plant that may be deconstructed, yielding Antibiotics

Fiber Plant
A plant that may be deconstructed, yielding Organic Fiber.

Organic Fiber
Used to fabricate toolbelts and bandages - very useful.

Elastin Plant
A plant that may be deconstructed, yielding Elastin, a very useful crafting tool

Elastin is used to make Plastiseal and Antibiotic Glue. Note that the recipe to make plastiseal is one elastin and one bandage, effectively doubling the mileage of a bandage, on top of the extra efficiency of plastiseal compared to bandages. So, if you have elastin, you should use it as much as you can to make a lot of plastiseal. Having a large surplus of Plastiseal at any time can and will save your entire crew. It is also useful for making Antibiotic Glue, but that is more expensive and is burned through quicker, as previously stated, so only use elastin to make antibiotic glue if you are out of bandages and the Organic Fiber with which to make bandages. Making plastiseal is also an easy way to increase Medical skill.

Adrenaline Gland
An organ of a Thalamus that may be deconstructed, yielding Adrenaline.

Swim Bladder
An organ of Hammerheads that may be deconstructed, yielding Stabilozine and Saline.

From: CargoMar 30, 2021


Medical items Guide

3 items heal almost everything you'll get in the game

  • bandage - heals bleeding and burns (won't use for burns tho) medical skill needed - 10
  • saline - heals blood loss medical skill needed - 10
  • opium - heals bodily harm (physical and burns) medical skill needed - 15

All classes apart from the captain start with at least 15 medical skill as long as you have the medical skill to use said item, you're as good as a doctor.

To boost medical skill with no loss just make syringe gun in a fabricator and deconstruct said gun.

Security has a higher medical skill 25-35 as such they can use plasteel bandages without penalty, medical skill needed - 22 and if they roll high enough they can use morphine, medical skill needed - 30
if under 30 just boost it.

plasteel bandages and morphine have x2 strength over normal bandages and opium. Saline will still do you for blood loss.

Normal bandages and opium might not cut it for dive teams but security should have/use plasteel bandages and morphine.

I wouldn't go near a shipwreck without a doc, husk's and paralyze are about medical skill 38 or so

Now that i've made the medic class alot more pointless, here's a tip to be a useful medic.

Join diving teams, you hold the meds, security holds the ammo. You can bring lots of meds and treat quickly while they can bring more ammo and both of you have more space for gathering plants and minerals.

no one dies in a sub unless the sub itself is screwed. (and it will be pressure that kills them)

From: DesMay 9, 2021


Clown's Guide to Clowning!

An all encompassing guide to clowning by your favorite Child of the Honkmother, Clown! We're making this guide due to the widespread hatred and persecution of Her children. We've also seen poor clowning as well, we need to represent our Mother well!

Hello all and welcome to Clown's clowning class! Today we will learn how to clown effectively and how to better spread the word and name of our wonderful Mother! As Her children, it is our duty to carry out Her will and wishes, this is the end goal of all Children.

To help you further meet this goal and correct some issues we've seen within the community, we will be going over topics such as; the basics of clowning, how to be useful, when and why to attack, False Children, and much more!

The Basics of Clowning

What is Clowning?
Clowning is the art of entertainment and joy, it is the means through which we achieve the will and wishes of the Mother. Clowning is of upmost important to any clown, and should be done with care and precision. Clowning is the foundation for all clown antics, and thus it is best to practice and perfect this before continuing onto more advanced tactics.

How Do I Clown?
There are a multitude of ways to clown, and the ultimate goal of clowning is to make your compatriots laugh and giggle with joy. Clowning is entirely up to you, what's important is that you and your crew have fun! So as long as you follow these guidelines you should have a wonderful time!

Good Examples of Clowning
Clowning is a diverse and wide art, and every clown will have their unique style and way of making people laugh. However, there are differences between good clowning, and bad clowning. Good clowning will make people laugh. including yourself, and will improve the mood of the ship. Good clowning is useful for breaking tension and raising the moral of the crew! Bad clowning will anger or upset people. Bad clowning harms or hamper's the crew's mission, depleting moral, and making everyone sad.

Examples of Good Clowning:

  • Slipping around the sub
  • Pretending to drown in the ballast
  • Whacking people with the Toy Hammer
  • Honking your horn
  • Throwing pet poop
  • Examples of Bad Clowning
  • Overloading the reactor
  • Swapping O2 tanks for welding fuel
  • Unwiring/Rewiring devices
  • Murder
  • Dumping fuel rods


Basis of Good Conduct
As Children of the Mother, we not only represent ourselves and all of Clownkind, but we also represent our dearest Mother. As such, it is important that we conduct ourselves accordingly, and such, this section will teach you that!

What is Good Conduct?
Good conduct is being polite, patient, and friendly with your crew. Remember, our purpose is to entertain and bring joy to all those around us! Every clown should do their best to be patient and polite, even with the most annoying of crewmates. You don't have to be a doormat, but you should make an effort to be courteous.

What is Bad Conduct?
Bad conduct is being rude, snobbish, impatient, or otherwise ill mannered with people. Poor conduct will make you unlikable and will reflect poorly not only on you, but all clowns, and the Honkmother. Poor conduct in combination with bad clowning is why all of Her children currently have such an awful reputation. Make sure not to conduct yourself poorly!

Being Useful

Why be Useful?
As Her children, when we come aboard a ship, be it early into it's journey, or late, we become part of the crew. While our primary job is to entertain and bring joy to the rest of the crew, we should still make an effort to assist the crew upon their journey. Yes, although we may be immortal through Her blessing, we should not abuse that gift, the crew's demise is the demise of our shell as well!

How can I be Useful?
There are many ways that you can be useful for the sub, and all are very much important! In short, you should make an effort to fix any leaks you find, and over all just try to maintain the sub.


  • Fixing leaks
  • Repairing damaged electrical or mechanical systems
  • Filling all O2 tanks after an expedition
  • Healing wounded crewmates if you can
  • Dispatching hostiles
  • Calling out broken systems if you are unable to repair them

False Children and How to Deal with Them

What are False Children
False Children are those who wish to harm the image of the Mother and her Children. They seek to go against this guide and the founding principles of the Honkmother, they will stop at nothing to destroy the crew and the reputation of our great Mother.

How to Spot a False Child
False Children will always be dressed in the Holy Relics of the Mother, and will go about sabotaging the sub. They often brandish weapons willingly and will use them liberally, most often gunning down innocents and anyone that tries to stop them.

How to Deal with False Children
False Children are often difficult to deal with as they are usually well armed and will use stolen IDs to disguise themselves. They are unpredictable and have a hair trigger, they are to be taken as a serious threat. The best case scenario is you incapacitate them, handcuff them, and take the Holy Relics off them so they can no longer do any harm. However that will often be the exception to the rule. The most likely scenario is that you eliminate them, and retrieve the Holy Relics, eliminating the threat and saving the Mother's reputation.

Self Defense and Self Preservation

Why Self Defense?
It is an unfortunate fact that many beneath icy crust of Europa are apprehensive and aggressive towards Children. Many have had multiple run-ins with False Children and fully believe that the Mother and her Children have it out for them. As such, many people will imprison or attack clowns on sight. With that unfortunate case, it is important that one takes measures to protect one's self.

How do I Defend Myself?
There are a multitude of ways to defend yourself, and at least one method should be employed. To be clear however, these should only be used to defend yourself, and not to bring harm to innocent crewmates.


  • Diving knives
  • Harpoon guns
  • Sulfuric acid
  • Body armor
  • Diving suits
  • Poisons
  • Stun guns, stun batons, or chloral hydrate

When Should I Defend Myself?
You should make an effort to defend yourself only when someone shows unjust hostile intent. Should security attempt to beat you for no reason, or another member threaten you, it is important that you defend yourself. You should try bringing the issue to the Captain or Security if you are able, however if someone begins to attack you, it is up to you to make sure you come out on top. Remember, a good clown is a pacifist clown!

From: ClownOct 16, 2021


All Job Talent Trees

This guide contains the descriptions for all of the elements in each job's talent trees. Assuming the developer elects to document this on their own, this guide will be obsoleted when that is written.

What this guide does:
This guide only contains the given descriptions for each item in the talent tree for each job. This guide makes no suggestions on how to progress through these trees.


Tier 1
Once Upon a Time on Europa
Unlock recipe: Revolver Round.
Whenever you gain Helm skill, also gain Weapons skill.
Your crew's reputation gains are improved by 25%

Tier 2
Whenever you ragdoll for at least 0.75 seconds, your attacks with pistols are 40% more powerful for the next 2.5 seconds.
If it has been longer than 8 seconds since you've attacked with a pistol, your next attack with a pistol is 80% more powerful.

Tier 3
Sailor with No Name
Unlock recipe: Cigar.
Gain a bonus of 20 to Medical.
Gain an additional 50% Chem addiction resistance.
Drunken Sailor
Gain 25% physical damage resistance and 50% stun resistance while drunk.
When you play a Harmonica, a random ally on your current submarine has a 4% chance to gain a random skill point every second.

Tier 4
Bounty Hunter
Unlock recipe: Handcannon, Handcannon Round.
Whenever you or an allied crewmember kills a monster, your crew gains additional marks equal to 25% of the creature's maximum health.


Tier 1
Traveling Tradesman
Your crew gains an additional 500 marks whenever you reach a new station.
Special sales offer 4 additional items.
Evasive Maneuvers
Whenever your submarine takes damage from a monster, gain a bonus of 75 to the Helm skill for 5 seconds.
Your attacks are 20% more powerful against monsters inside your submarine.

Tier 2
Trusted Captain
Whenever you finish at least one mission, gain a Coalition Commendation.
When you apply a Coalition Commendation on another character, gain 250 experience.

Tier 3
Whenever you finish all your selected missions, gain an additional Coalition Commendation.
You are paid an additional 25% for cargo and escort missions.
Down with the Ship
If you are on your submarine and it becomes at least 50% flooded, you gain an additional 50% swimming speed and a bonus of 25 to Mechanical and Electrical skills for 60 seconds.

Tier 4
Esteemed Captain
Whenever you finish at least one mission, gain a Coalition Medal.
When you apply a Coalition Medal on another character, gain 500 experience.
You may select an additional mission.


Tier 1
Whenever you give an order to another character, apply Inspiration to that character, giving them 25% physical damage resistance and a bonus of 10 to all skills.
Giving an order to a new character removes the effect from the last character.

Tier 2
Trust Building
Whenever you finish a mission, your crew gains an additional 2.5% maximum health, and if all crewmembers survived, your crew gains an additional 5% maximum health instead, up to a maximum of 25%.
This bonus is lost on death.
The deaths of assistants do not count.
Maintenance Routine
In addition to other Inspiration bonuses, the ordered character also gains the following attributes:
+20% Repair Speed
+20% Hull Repair Speed
+35% Skill Gain Speed

Tier 3
Whenever you finish a mission without a crewmember dying, and your crew contains at least 5 different jobs, your crew gains an additional 25% money and experience.
The deaths of assistants do not count.
Inspire to Battle
In addition to other Inspiration bonuses, the ordered character also gains the following attributes:
+30% Stun resistance
+30% Melee Attack Speed
+20% Ranged Fire Rate
+20% Turret Fire Rate

Tier 4
All Hands on Deck
You may bestow an additional character with Inspiration effects.
You may select an additional mission.

Weapons Engineer

Tier 1
Military Applications
Unlock Recipe: Depleted Fuel, Depleted Fuel Coilgun Ammunition Box.
Gain a bonus of 20 to Weapons.

Tier 2
Strengthened Alloys
Unlock Recipe: Hardened Wrench, Hardened Screwdriver, Hardened Crowbar, Hardened Diving Knife.
Gain a bonus of 20 to Mechanical Engineering.
Castle Doctrine
Unlock recipe: Dirty Bomb.
Your attacks are 35% more powerful against monsters inside your submarine.

Tier 3
Expanded Research
Whenever you fabricate depleted fuel or a fuel rod, gain 140 experience.
This effect can only occur up to 3 times until you finish another mission.
Arms Dealer
Unlock recipe: Depleted Fuel SMG Magazine, Depleted Fuel Revolver Round.
Whenever you finish at least one mission, gain the following items as an additional reward:
6x Magnesium
3x Steel Bar
3x Copper

Tier 4
Nuclear Option
Unlock recipe: Rapid Fissile Accelerator.
When you fabricate a fuel rod, gain triple output.
This effect cannot occur again until you finish another mission.
Gain an additional 100% Nausea resistance.


Tier 1
Minor in Mechanics
Unlock recipe: Handheld Electrical Monitor.
Whenever you gain Electrical Engineering skill, also gain Mechanical Engineering skill.
Just a scratch
When you are below 50% health, normal damage types slowly heal by themselves.

Tier 2
Melodic Respite
When you play a guitar, you and allies near you gain the following attributes for up to 480 seconds:
+15% Attack Power
+15% Repair Speed
+15% Physical damage resistance
In the Flow
Whenever you fully repair a device, repair 70% faster for the next 7 seconds.

Tier 3
Batteries you fabricate are of 1 higher quality.
If you have not been attacked for 10 seconds, the next attack you suffer has 80% less power and your attacker is stunned for 4 seconds.
Optimized Power-Flow
Gain an additional percentage to Turret Power Cost Reduction and Turret Charge Speed equal to 50% of your Electrical skill. Whenever you fully repair an item, gain a bonus of 1 to Electrical. This bonus is lost on death.

Tier 4
All-Seeing Eye
Unlock recipe: Thermal Goggles.
Gain all the talents in this talent tree.


Tier 1
Remote Monitor
Unlock recipe: Reactor PDA.
Fuel rods you fabricate are of 1 higher quality.
Gain a bonus of 15 to Electrical Engineering.

Tier 2
You can co-write a book with a Mechanic.
To do this, select their character and have them select yours. After 10 seconds, you will gain "The Handy Seaman", and both of you gain 125 experience.
This effect cannot occur again until you finish another mission.
Hazardous Materials
Unlock recipe: Volatile Fulgurium Fuel Rod.
Whenever you loot a reactor in a wreck for the first time, you will find rare materials.

Tier 3
College Athletics
Unlock recipe: Cargo Scooter.
Gain an additional 35% Maximum Health.
Gain an additional 30% Swimming Speed.
Gain an additional 20% Walking Speed.
Gain a bonus of 10 to all skills, and you gain 35% more mission experience, but you have 25% less maximum health.

Tier 4
Ph.D in Nuclear Physics
Unlock recipe: PUCS.
Your attacks with crowbars are 100% more powerful.
As long as your electrical skill is 100 or higher, you can repair electrical devices 40% past their maximum condition.


Tier 1
You can use a wrench to tinker with devices.

You can tinker with a pump, increasing its pumping rate by 150%.
You can tinker with an engine, increasing its torque by 150%.
You can tinker with a loader, increasing the connected turret's firing rate and damage by 20%, while lowering its power usage by 20%.

The device is only affected for as long as you keep tinkering with it. You can tinker for 7 seconds. After you have tinkered with a devices, you cannot tinker for 35 seconds.

Tier 2
Unlock recipe: Repair Pack.
Whenever you fully repair a device, gain 35 experience.
This effect can only occur up to 8 times until you finish another mission.
Mass Production
You can tinker with a fabricator or a deconstructor, increasing their operating rate by 150%.
You can tinker with fabricators and deconstructors indefinitely.

Tier 3
Hull Sealer
Unlock recipe: Fixfoam Grenade.
You can tinker for an additional 5 seconds.
Tinkering with items damages them, but the effects of tinkering are increased by 50%.
The cooldown period of tinkering is reduced to 21 seconds.

Tier 4
Let It Drain
Unlock recipe: Portable Pump.
You can only install a maximum of 2 of this item on your submarine.
Non-turret devices you tinker with will always function as if they had power.


Tier 1
Safety First
Unlock recipe: Safety Harness.
Whenever you gain Mechanical Engineering skill, also gain Electrical Engineering skill.
Aggressive Engineering
When you attack with a wrench, you have a 30% chance to attack with 200% additional power and inflict an additional stun.
You can repair mechanical devices 20% past their normal maximum condition.

Tier 2
Hull Fixer
Unlock recipe: Handheld Status Monitor.
Welding tools and plasma cutters you fabricate are 1 higher quality.
Repair hulls 25% faster with welding tools.

Tier 3
Crisis Management
The more filled with water your submarine is, the faster you repair devices and swim, up to an additional 75% repair speed and 75 swimming speed.
When you inflict burning damage on an enemy, gain 40% physical damage resistance for 5 seconds.
Inflict 40% more burning damage

Tier 4
Artisan Smith
Unlock recipe: Dementonite Wrench, Dementonite Crowbar, Dementonite Screwdriver, Dementonite Diving Knife.
Tools you fabricate are of 1 higher quality.
Gain a bonus of 30 to Mechanical Engineering.


Tier 1
Whenever you open a container in a wreck for the first time, you have a 40% chance of finding an additional scrap.
When you deconstruct scrap, gain 40 experience.
Force doors open 75% faster.

Tier 2
Whenever you deconstruct an ore, you have a 50% chance to gain double the output.
Deal 100% more damage to structures with cutters.
Detach ores 100% faster with cutters.
Demolitions Expert
Gain a bonus of 25 to Weapons.
Explosives you fabricate are of 1 higher quality.

Tier 3
Canned Heat
Fuel and oxygen tanks you fabricate are of 1 higher quality.
Whenever you play an accordion, the ally nearest to you will gain 15 experience every second. When they do, you gain 10 experience. This effect can only occur up to 20 times until you finish another mission.
Elbow Grease
Gain an additional percentage to Melee Power and Maximum Health equal to 40% of your Mechanical skill.
Whenever you deconstruct scrap, gain a bonus of 3 to Mechanical.
This bonus is lost on death.

Tier 4
Scrap Savant
You can refine 3 scrap to any alien material.
Gain 120 experience when you fabricate an alien material.
Whenever you open a container in a wreck for the first time, you have a 80% chance of finding an additional scrap.

Medical Doctor

Tier 1
Researcher's Intuition
Whenever you open an alien container for the first time, you have a 50% chance of finding additional items.
While you are holding a large alien artifact, gain an additional 50% Swimming Speed.

Tier 2
Whenever you deconstruct an alien artifact you gain 100 experience, and your crew gains 50 experience.
Double Duty
As long as you are outside your sub, take 25% less physical damage. As long as you are inside your submarine, gain a bonus of 20 to Medicine.

Tier 3
Alien Hoarder
Your attacks with alien pistols have 8% additional power for each alien artifact you are carrying, up to an additional 40% power. Gain an additional 50% Psychosis resistance.
Reverse Engineer
Whenever you deconstruct an alien artifact, gain double output from it and gain 10 to a random skill.

Tier 4
Atmos Machine
When you deconstruct an alien artifact, there is a 20% chance it will instead transform into a random alien item.
Whenever you finish a mission, your crew gains 15% additional mission experience for each large alien artifact on board your ship, up to 30%.
Gain an additional 150% Deconstructor Speed.


Tier 1
Field Medic
Every 100 seconds, if your allied crewmembers are at 80% health or higher, gain 1 point in Medical skill.
Gain an additional 20% Maximum Health.

Tier 2
Mechanics Course
Unlock recipe: Auto-Injector Headset.
Gain a bonus of 20 to Mechanical Engineering.
Fireman's Carry
You can drag characters at full speed.
Gain an additional 50% Burn resistance.

Tier 3
Bedside Manner
Whenever you apply medicine to a friendly character, they gain 20 physical damage resistance and an additional 25% skill gain, the total duration depending on your medical skill.
Combat Medic
Unlock recipe: Combat Stimulant.
Gain an additional percentage to Movement Speed, Ranged Fire Rate and Melee Attack Speed euql to 30% of your medical skill.

Tier 4
Don't Die on Me!
Unlock recipe: Endocrine Booster.
The CPR you apply is much more powerful.


Tier 1
Dr. Submarine
Using medical items while crouched also applies 50% of the effects on you as well.
Gain an additional 35% Opiate addiction resistance.
Gene Therapist
Refining genetic materials improves their potency by 30% more.
Gain a bonus of 5 to all skills.

Tier 2
Research Grant
Unlock recipe: Pressure Stabilizer.
Whenever you refine or combine genetic items, gain 300 marks.
Research and Development
Whenever you finish a mission without a crewmember dying, you gain an additional 25% experience.
Whenever you finish a mission without a crewmember dying, gain the item 'Europan Medicine'
The deaths of assistants do not count.

Tier 3
Gene Harvester
When you or another crewmember kills a monster while outside your submarine, you have a 35% chance of finding a random genetic material on it.
Genetic Stability
Combining different types of genetic materials is 75% less likely to taint the materials.
Gain an additional 25% Repair Speed.

Tier 4
Advanced Splicing
Unlock recipe: Advanced Gene Splicer.
Whenever you or another allied crewmember combines or refines genetic materials, gain 125 experience and a bonus of 5 to medical. This bonus is lost on death.

Security Officer

Tier 1
First Aid Training
Gain a bonus of 15 to Medical.
When you are below 50% health, normal damage types are healed 75% more effectively.
Physical Conditioning
Gain an additional 25% Melee Attack Speed.
Gain an additional 15% Movement Speed.
Gain an additional 50% Oxygen low resistance.

Tier 2
Navy Diver
Unlock recipe: Slipsuit.
Attacks you suffer are 25% less powerful while you are in water.
Whenever you open a container outside your submarine for the first time, you have a 20% chance of finding additional items. Gain an additional 50% Buff Duration.

Tier 3
Aiming with a melee weapon before attacking adds up to 100% power to your next melee attack.
Gain an additional 35% Stun resistance.
Unlock recipe: Boarding Axe.
Deep Sea Slayer
Gain an additional 25% attack power to harpoons.
If you are in the open sea, gain an additional 50% attack power to harpoons instead.

Tier 4
Duel Spec-Ops
When you ragdoll in water, propel yourself forward in your current direction.
Gain 3 free additional talent points.


Tier 1
Unlock recipe: Shotgun Shell.
Gain an additional 25% Maximum Health.

Tier 2
Beat Cop
You can tackle other characters by ragdolling into them at high speeds.
Inflict 30% more stun.
Munitions Expertise
Unlock recipe: Explosive Slug.
Gain 100% more Weapons skill from fabricating items.
Whenever you fabricate SMG ammo, shotgun ammo or stun gun ammo, you have a 50% chance to gain twice as much output.

Tier 3
Whenever you are attacked, gain an additional 40% physical damage resistance and 40% stun resistance for 4 seconds.
By the Book
Unlock recipe: Fulgurium Stun Gun Dart.
Whenever you finish at least one mission, your crew gains an additional 1250 marks and 200 experience for each captured, live enemy human on board your ship, up to a maximum of 2500 marks and 400 experience.

Tier 4
Unlock recipe: Autoshotgun.
You will remain fully conscious even after falling below 0 health.


Tier 1
]Unlock recipe: SMG Magazine.
Whenever you finish a mission without a crewmember dying, you gain an additional 25% experience.
The deaths of assistants do not count.

Tier 2
Warrior Poet
You can write a book.
To do this, ragdoll yourself. After 15 seconds, you will gain the item 'Art of Submarine Warfare' and 100 marks for each enemy you've killed since your last book (as royalties).
This effect cannot occur again until you finish another mission.
Unlock recipe: Bandolier.
Weapons you fabricate are of 1 higher quality.

Tier 3
Expert Commando
When firing a ranged weapon while crouched, gain 25% additional armor penetration, and your attacks are 35% more powerful, but your firing rate is 50% slower.
Recover from bleeding much more quickly.
Tandem Fire
As long as you are manning a turret alongside another allied crewmember, both of your attacks are 25% more powerful. Only the closest allied crewmember gains this effect.

Tier 4
Unlock recipe: Assault Rifle, Assault Rifle Magazine
Whenever you attack with any weapon, your attack has a 20% chance of becoming twice as powerful.

Jack of All Trades

Tier 1
Whenever you gain a skill point, if it is not for the same skill as the last skill point gained, gain an additional skill point.
Gain an additional 20% Repair Speed.
Whenever another allied character gains a skill point, you have a 20% chance to also gain a skill point in that skill.
Gain an additional 15% Maximum Health.

Tier 2
Stand and Deliver
Whenever you finish at least one mission, gain 'The Sailor's Guide'.
Whenever you apply 'The Sailor's Guide' on another character, gain 5 to all skills.

Tier 3
Rich in Knowledge
Whenever you gain a skill point, gain an additional 20 experience, while your allied crewmembers gain 10 experience.
This effect can only occur up to 15 times until you finish another mission.
Ace of All Trades
Gain a bonus of 15 to all skills.
Gain 15 marks when you gain a skill point.

Tier 4
You can gain skills past their ordinary maximum.
You gain an additional percentage to the following attributes equal to 50 of the total average of all your skills:
Melee Power
Repair Speed
Turret Power Cost Reduction


Tier 1
Playing Catchup
If you are 2 or more levels behind your most highest-leveled crewmember, gain an additional 70% mission experience.
Move 10% faster. When you are attacked, this bonus is increased to 30% for 5 seconds.
Gain an additional 30% Stun resistance.

Tier 2
Survival Package
Enemies will ignore you if you have been ragdolled for longer than 4 seconds.
1x Morphine
1x Bandage
1x Blood Pack
Crew Layabout
Lose 40% Repair Speed.
Suffer a reduction of 15 to all skills.
Allies near you repair 25% faster and gain a bonus of 10 to all skills.

Tier 3
Insurance Policy
Whenever you die from non-friendly sources during a mission, your crew is paid 700 marks for each mission you've completed since the last time you've died.
Still Kicking
Whenever you fall unconscious, revive a short while later and remove all afflictions

Tier 4
Graduation Ceremony
Upon creating a new character, retain all of your current experience for that new character.
Gain an additional 10% maximum health for each of your levels.


Tier 1
Enroll into Clown College
As long as you are wearing a full clown outfit, you gain Clown Power.
Clown Power allows you to honk your horn to give nearby characters an additional 30% skill gain for a short while.
Clown Power gives you an additional 25% physical damage resistance.

Tier 2
Water Prankster
Unlock recipe: Clown Diving Mask.
Clown Power gives you immunity to pressure and allows you to swim 60% faster.
Inspiring Tunes
Clown Power allows you to honk your horn to repair nearby electrical and mechanical items, and nearby allies to gain a bonus of 15 to all skills for a short while.

Tier 3
Psycho Clown
Clown Power allows you to attack faster with melee weapons based on how much Psychosis you have, up to 150%, but you cannot run while having Psychosis.
Slapstick Expert
Clown Power allows you to have a small chance to trip randomly when you run.
While ragdolled, Clown Power allows you to reduce the power of incoming attacks by 50%, and characters that attack you have a 50% chance of becoming stunned for 4 seconds.

Tier 4
True Potential
Clown Power allows you to honk your horn to slowly heal nearby characters.
Clown Power allows you to hit characters with a Toy Hammer for a 0.75% chance to implode them.
Clown Power gives you an additional 25% physical damage resistance.

From: PeterOct 29, 2021


How to be a good mechanic

You are new to the game and you've just done the tutorial, and you want to get into the multiplayer. But what class should you choose as a complete newbie? Be a mechanic! Everyone loves a mechanic on their boat, your basic job is the same as everyone elses (keep the ship alive) and you're the best at it, allowing you to excel while slowly learning the ropes. This is not an in-depth talent review, I will only mention the most important talents and trees for each major activity that you would likely engage in as a mechanic.

1. Your core job: Maintenance. (Technician tree)
Your ostensible job as a mechanic is to keep pumps and engine working, and patch holes in the hull. You hold the wrench in your hand to repair mechanical items, and a welding tool to fix holes in the hull. That's so easy, a bot can do it.

Every class should always carry in their inventory: A screwdriver, a wrench, a welding tool and a plasma cutter, as well as a toolbelt, an oxygen mask, and a bit of spare oxygen. Luckily, as a mechanic, you spawn with most of these items. I furthermore recommend holding a scooter, a weapon of some sort (whether SMG or crowbar) and a handheld sonar, especially if you frequently go on diving missions. If your campaign is good on medical materials, ask your ships doctor to get you a medics fatigue or doctors suit to additionally hold bandages, opium and saline, in case the situation calls for you to deliver first aid to yourself or someone else.

Inside the ship you will rarely require a hardsuit, because the pressure only becomes critical if you are in a closed room with water filling the room up, and no way to reduce the pressure - as long as there is a pump running, or a room connected through a vent where water is draining to, the pressure will not become critical. To be on the safe side, you want a suit though. Outside the sub you always require a suit.

As the core maintenance person, you will repair plenty of electrical items too, and the "safety first" talent makes sure your electrical skills get up to snuff quickly. That same talent also gives you access to crafting the "Safety Harness", which is one of the most underrated items in the game, and what you should be wearing while doing maintenance inside the sub. It protects you effectively against the effects of failing your maintenance skill checks and lets you get around the sub more easily when it is flooding. It is also an effective protection when dealing with Ballast flora, but you are a new player and you should leave that to the more experienced people. Dealing with ballast flora is worthy of its own 5 minute guide.

But generally, you don't need any talents to excel at maintenance. All you need are your basic tools and the ability to pay attention to your ship and where it's breakpoints are.

There are two more core jobs for the mechanic beyond "Ship Maintenance".

2. Combat Diver / Miner (Pioneer tree)
As a mechanic, you are a surprisingly good combat diver. You can start with a plasma cutter, an invaluable tool on any diving mission, opening doors and cutting minerals. And because the speed of your plasma cutter is determined by the mechanics skill, you are the best at it. Furthermore, you can get absolutely staggering amounts of health from your mechanics skill with the "Elbow Grease" talent, and a bonus to deconstructing minerals with the "Miner" talent. You get bonus scrap from wrecks which you can turn into valuable alien materials through the "Scrap Savant" talent and be the guy who can practically summon Physicorium and Sulphurite into existence, worshipped by all the other classes as their respective crafting talents depend on an ample supply of these.

Even when you are not on a diving mission, you try to hold on to your handheld sonar - you can use it to detect minerals from inside the submarine - and help you operate the turrets when gunning for mission targets.

3. Fabricator (Machinist tree)
As a mechanic, you can be the best fabricator on the ship. Your job will be taking stock of your ships inventory and fabricating all kinds of useful things, from masterwork oxygen tanks and tools to C-4 and frag grenades as filler for the railgun shells. The primary reason why the mechanic is the ultimate fabrication BOSS, is the talent "Mass Production" - allowing you to drastically speed up production of fabricators and deconstructors. To overclock and use a fabricator at the same time, holster and unholster your wrench while interacting with the fabricator/deconstructor. However, knowing what materials are needed in what quantities, and telling the captain what minerals to stop for, or what materials to buy at an outpost, requires a great deal of experience that will only come with time and may differ in each campaign.

Without the ship-changing fabrication aspect, the machinist tree is quite anemic, and only marginally useful beyond occasionally giving the engine a boost with the Tinkerer talent. Which is appreciated by most captains nevertheless.

A high level, an experienced mechanic is an absolute boon like almost no other to any submarine, especially once he starts looking beyond just fixing broken pumps and such.

From: C1CDec 26, 2021


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Steam Achievements

To unlock the following, you have to play the game and collect/Earn achievements. You can find those earned achievements in your Game-Main menu or you can view them if you signup at one of the Steam communities.

Unlockable:How to Unlock:
A gaze into the abyssTake the submarine down to crush depth and survive.
A light in the darknessRestore a run-down beacon station.
According to ability and judgmentComplete a round as a Medical Doctor.
Aggressive ArchaeologyComplete a "clear alien ruin" -mission.
Amateur geologistComplete a mining mission.
As good as newRepair a broken device.
AscensionBecome a perfect example of symbiotic harmony.
Bounty hunterComplete an "assassinate bandit leader" -mission.
Do what you loveComplete a round as an Assistant.
Don't count them before they hatchComplete a "destroy monster nest" -mission.
Don't you die on me!Heal someone back from a critical state by performing CPR.
Ever increasing in speed and powerComplete a round as an Electrical Engineer.
Experienced seafarerTravel over 100 kilometers
Extravehicular activityVenture 500 meters away from the sub.
View Complete List »

From: JhonjhonFeb 27, 2023


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How do you activate cheats in barotrauma? ›

First off open the console by pressing F3, then type 'enablecheats'. Afterwards you can use a variety of commands to give yourself skills, experience, items or money.

Can you spawn items in barotrauma? ›

The console is a debugging tool that can be used to view errors and change certain settings and content while the game is opened. Its main function is debugging, but it can also be used to spawn items and creatures, modify their attributes and afflictions, or use moderation commands.

How do you open the debug console in barotrauma? ›

The console can be opened or closed by pressing F3, though this can be changed in settings. While its main use is debugging, it can also be used to spawn creatures/items or use moderation commands.

How to enable achievement barotrauma? ›

Reproduction steps
  1. load up a campaign.
  2. enable cheats and spawn in any items you want/set campaign metadata/set reputation.
  3. save.
  4. restart Barotrauma.
  5. load up the campaign, and achievements will be available again.
Mar 2, 2023

How do I enable Mods in Barotrauma? ›

Enabling Mods on Client

From the main menu go to settings, then under content packages, enable each of the mods you wish to use on your server. Some mods may require a game restart so do this before moving on to the next step.

Can you get banned in Barotrauma? ›

Barotrauma server admins have a wide range of commands at their disposal, including the ability to kick and ban players from the server.

How do I give admin in Barotrauma? ›

How to Add an Admin on your Barotrauma Server
  1. Access your control panel and Stop your server.
  2. Navigate to Files > Config Files.
  3. Click Barotrauma Server Settings.
  4. Set Validate Files to Disabled.
  5. Go back to Config files, and click Barotrauma Client Settings.

How do I access console commands? ›

The console is normally accessed by pressing the backtick key ` (frequently also called the ~ key; normally located below the ESC key) on QWERTY keyboards or the ² on AZERTY keyboards, and is usually hidden by default.

How do I open debug mode? ›

Enabling USB Debugging on an Android Device
  1. On the device, go to Settings > About <device>.
  2. Tap the Build number seven times to make Settings > Developer options available.
  3. Then enable the USB Debugging option.

How to enable lua for barotrauma? ›

On the main menu, select Host Server. A new drop-down box will be visible underneath the password box called Server Executable. Select the drop-down and change it from Vanilla to Lua For Barotrauma - DedicatedServer.

What is the hidden achievement in Barotrauma? ›

"Genocide" is a hidden achievement that can be obtained in Barotrauma. Kill 100 humans. Don't you die on me!

How do you spawn ballast flora in Barotrauma? ›

If you'd like to spawn Ballast Flora on your ship w/ commands, type this into your F3 console after enabling cheats: ballastflora infect / ballastflora growthwarp "NUMBER" to spawn and increase the rate at which the flora spreads.

How to get gotta go fast achievement Barotrauma? ›

Gotta go fast

Accelerate a submarine to over 100 km/h. Easiest to edit the "Max Force" of the engine of your submarine of choice in the sub editor.

How do I activate cheat engine? ›

Open Cheat Engine.

(Windows) or Launchpad (Mac), then click the Cheat Engine option. You may have to click Yes or Open before Cheat Engine will open.

How do I activate Lua Barotrauma? ›

On the main menu, select Host Server. A new drop-down box will be visible underneath the password box called Server Executable. Select the drop-down and change it from Vanilla to Lua For Barotrauma - DedicatedServer.

Is there a sandbox mode in Barotrauma? ›

There exist three Game Modes in Barotrauma Multiplayer: Sandbox, Mission, and Campaign.

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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.