Hurwitz Zeta Function (2024)

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The Hurwitz zeta function Hurwitz Zeta Function (7) is a generalization of the Riemann zeta function Hurwitz Zeta Function (8) that is also known as the generalized zeta function. It is classically defined by the formula

Hurwitz Zeta Function (9)


for Hurwitz Zeta Function (10) and by analytic continuation to other Hurwitz Zeta Function (11), where any term with Hurwitz Zeta Function (12) is excluded. It is implemented in this form in the Wolfram Language as HurwitzZeta[s, a].

The slightly different form

Hurwitz Zeta Function (13)


is implemented in the Wolfram Language as Zeta[s, a]. Note that the two are identical only for Hurwitz Zeta Function (14).

Hurwitz Zeta Function (15)

The plot above shows Hurwitz Zeta Function (16) for real Hurwitz Zeta Function (17) and Hurwitz Zeta Function (18), with the zero contour indicated in black.

For Hurwitz Zeta Function (19), a globally convergent series for Hurwitz Zeta Function (20) (which, for fixed Hurwitz Zeta Function (21), gives an analytic continuation of Hurwitz Zeta Function (22) to the entire complex Hurwitz Zeta Function (23)-plane except the point Hurwitz Zeta Function (24)) is given by

Hurwitz Zeta Function (25)


(Hasse 1930).

The Hurwitz zeta function is implemented in the Wolfram Language as Zeta[s, a].

For Hurwitz Zeta Function (26), Hurwitz Zeta Function (27) reduces to the Riemann zeta function Hurwitz Zeta Function (28),

Hurwitz Zeta Function (29)


If the singular term is excluded from the sum definition of Hurwitz Zeta Function (30), then Hurwitz Zeta Function (31) as well.

The Hurwitz zeta function is given by the integral

Hurwitz Zeta Function (32)


for Hurwitz Zeta Function (33) and Hurwitz Zeta Function (34).

Hurwitz Zeta Function (35)

The plot above illustrates the complex zeros of Hurwitz Zeta Function (36) (Trott 1999), where Hurwitz Zeta Function (37). Here, the complex Hurwitz Zeta Function (38)-plane is horizontal and the real Hurwitz Zeta Function (39)-line is vertical and runs from Hurwitz Zeta Function (40) at the bottom to Hurwitz Zeta Function (41) at the top. The upper line is the critical line Hurwitz Zeta Function (42), which contains zeros of Hurwitz Zeta Function (43). The lower two lines are Hurwitz Zeta Function (44) and Hurwitz Zeta Function (45) (again), which contain zeros of Hurwitz Zeta Function (46) and Hurwitz Zeta Function (47), respectively, since Hurwitz Zeta Function (48); cf. equation (9) below.

This plot also appeared on the cover of the March 2004 issue of FOCUS, theMathematical Association of America's news magazine.

The Hurwitz zeta function can also be given by the functional equation

Hurwitz Zeta Function (50)


(Apostol 1995, Miller and Adamchik 1999), or the integral

Hurwitz Zeta Function (51)


If Hurwitz Zeta Function (52) and Hurwitz Zeta Function (53), then

Hurwitz Zeta Function (54)


(Hurwitz 1882; Whittaker and Watson 1990, pp.268-269).

The Hurwitz zeta function satisfies

Hurwitz Zeta Function (55)


for Hurwitz Zeta Function (56) (Apostol 1995, p.264), where Hurwitz Zeta Function (57) is a Bernoulli polynomial, giving the special case

Hurwitz Zeta Function (58)


In addition,

Hurwitz Zeta Function (59)Hurwitz Zeta Function (60)Hurwitz Zeta Function (61)


Hurwitz Zeta Function (62)Hurwitz Zeta Function (63)Hurwitz Zeta Function (64)


Hurwitz Zeta Function (65)Hurwitz Zeta Function (66)Hurwitz Zeta Function (67)


Hurwitz Zeta Function (68)Hurwitz Zeta Function (69)Hurwitz Zeta Function (70)


Hurwitz Zeta Function (71)Hurwitz Zeta Function (72)Hurwitz Zeta Function (73)


Derivative identities include

Hurwitz Zeta Function (74)Hurwitz Zeta Function (75)Hurwitz Zeta Function (76)


Hurwitz Zeta Function (77)Hurwitz Zeta Function (78)Hurwitz Zeta Function (79)


where Hurwitz Zeta Function (80) is the gamma function (Bailey et al. 2006, p.179). The definition (1) implies that

Hurwitz Zeta Function (81)


for Hurwitz Zeta Function (82).

In the limit,

Hurwitz Zeta Function (83)


(Whittaker and Watson 1990, p.271; Allouche 1992), where Hurwitz Zeta Function (84) is the digamma function.

The polygamma function Hurwitz Zeta Function (85) can be expressed in terms of the Hurwitz zeta function by

Hurwitz Zeta Function (86)


For positive integers Hurwitz Zeta Function (87), Hurwitz Zeta Function (88), and Hurwitz Zeta Function (89),

Hurwitz Zeta Function (90)


where Hurwitz Zeta Function (91) is a Bernoulli number, Hurwitz Zeta Function (92) a Bernoulli polynomial, Hurwitz Zeta Function (93) is a polygamma function, and Hurwitz Zeta Function (94) is the Riemann zeta function (Miller and Adamchik 1999). Miller and Adamchik (1999) also give the closed-form expressions (where a large number of typos have been corrected in the expressions below)

Hurwitz Zeta Function (95)Hurwitz Zeta Function (96)Hurwitz Zeta Function (97)


Hurwitz Zeta Function (98)Hurwitz Zeta Function (99)Hurwitz Zeta Function (100)


Hurwitz Zeta Function (101)Hurwitz Zeta Function (102)Hurwitz Zeta Function (103)


Hurwitz Zeta Function (104)Hurwitz Zeta Function (105)Hurwitz Zeta Function (106)


where Hurwitz Zeta Function (107) means Hurwitz Zeta Function (108), Hurwitz Zeta Function (109) means Hurwitz Zeta Function (110), and the upper and lower fractions on the left side of the equations correspond to the plus and minus signs, respectively, on the right side.

See also

Hurwitz's Formula, Khinchin's Constant, Polygamma Function, QRS Constant, Riemann Zeta Function, Zeta Function

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Adamchik, V. "A Class of Logarithmic Integrals." In ISSAC'97: July 21-23, 1997, Maui, Hawaii: Proceedings of the 1997 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (Ed. W.W.Kuechlin). New York: ACM, 1997.Adamchik, V.S. and Srivastava, H.M. "Some Series of the Zeta and Related Functions." Analysis 18, 131-144, 1998.Apostol, T.M. Introduction to Analytic Number Theory. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1995.Bailey, D.H.; Borwein, J.M.; Calkin, N.J.; Girgensohn, R.; Luke, D.R.; and Moll, V.H. Experimental Mathematics in Action. Wellesley, MA: A K Peters, 2007.Berndt, B.C. "On the Hurwitz Zeta-Function." Rocky Mountain J. Math. 2, 151-157, 1972.Cvijovic, D. and Klinowski, J. "Values of the Legendre Chi and Hurwitz Zeta Functions at Rational Arguments." Math. Comput. 68, 1623-1630, 1999.Elizalde, E.; Odintsov, A.D.; and Romeo, A. Zeta Regularization Techniques with Applications. River Edge, NJ: World Scientific, 1994.Erdélyi, A.; Magnus, W.; Oberhettinger, F.; and Tricomi, F.G. "The Generalized Zeta Function." §1.10 in Higher Transcendental Functions, Vol.1. New York: Krieger, pp.24-27, 1981.Hasse, H. "Ein Summierungsverfahren für die Riemannsche Hurwitz Zeta Function (112)-Reihe." Math. Z. 32, 458-464, 1930.Hauss, M. Verallgemeinerte Stirling, Bernoulli und Euler Zahlen, deren Anwendungen und schnell konvergente Reihen für Zeta Funktionen. Aachen, Germany: Verlag Shaker, 1995.Hurwitz, A. "Einige Eigenschaften der Dirichlet'schen Funktionen Hurwitz Zeta Function (113), die bei der Bestimmung der Klassenanzahlen Binärer quadratischer Formen auftreten." Z. für Math. und Physik 27, 86-101, 1882.Knopfmacher, J. "Generalised Euler Constants." Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 21, 25-32, 1978.Magnus, W. and Oberhettinger, F. Formulas and Theorems for the Special Functions of Mathematical Physics, 3rd ed. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1966.Miller, J. and Adamchik, V. "Derivatives of the Hurwitz Zeta Function for Rational Arguments." J. Comput. Appl. Math. 100, 201-206, 1999.Prudnikov, A.P.; Marichev, O.I.; and Brychkov, Yu.A. "The Generalized Zeta Function Hurwitz Zeta Function (114), Bernoulli Polynomials Hurwitz Zeta Function (115), Euler Polynomials Hurwitz Zeta Function (116), and Polylogarithms Hurwitz Zeta Function (117)." §1.2 in Integrals and Series, Vol.3: More Special Functions. Newark, NJ: Gordon and Breach, pp.23-24, 1990.Spanier, J. and Oldham, K.B. "The Hurwitz Function Hurwitz Zeta Function (118)." Ch.62 in An Atlas of Functions. Washington, DC: Hemisphere, pp.653-664, 1987.Trott, M. "Zeros of the Generalized Riemann Zeta Function Hurwitz Zeta Function (119) as a Function of Hurwitz Zeta Function (120)." Background image in graphics gallery. In Wolfram, S. The Mathematica Book, 4th ed. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, p.982, 1999., E.T. and Watson, G.N. A Course in Modern Analysis, 4th ed. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, pp.268-269, 1990.Wilton, J.R. "A Note on the Coefficients in the Expansion of Hurwitz Zeta Function (121) in Powers of Hurwitz Zeta Function (122)." J. Pure Appl. Math. 50, 329-332, 1927.

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Hurwitz Zeta Function

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Sondow, Jonathan and Weisstein, Eric W. "Hurwitz Zeta Function." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.

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Hurwitz Zeta Function (2024)


Is zeta function solved? ›

In mathematics, the Riemann hypothesis is the conjecture that the Riemann zeta function has its zeros only at the negative even integers and complex numbers with real part ⁠12⁠. Many consider it to be the most important unsolved problem in pure mathematics.

What does the Riemann Zeta function tell us? ›

The simplest explanation is that the Riemann zeta function is an analytic function version of the fundamental theorem of arithmetic. That theorem says: Every positive integer is a unique product of finite many prime numbers. That is, n=pk11pk22…

Why is the zeta function not defined at 1? ›

The Riemann zeta function is defined, for Re(z)>1 Re ( z ) > 1 as ζ(z)=∑n≥11/nz ζ ( z ) = ∑ n ≥ 1 1 / n z . This series does not converge if the real part of the complex number z is less or equal to 1, and that's a problem for this discussion because this function has no zero for Re(z)>1 Re ( z ) > 1 .

Is the zeta function holomorphic? ›

Thus the Riemann zeta function is a meromorphic function on the whole complex plane, which is holomorphic everywhere except for a simple pole at s = 1 with residue 1.

What is the 1 million dollar math problem? ›

The first million-dollar maths puzzle is called the Riemann Hypothesis. First proposed by Bernhard Riemann in 1859 it offers valuable insights into prime numbers but it is based on an unexplored mathematical landscape. If you can show that its mathematical path will always lie true, $1m (£600,000) is all yours.

Has the Riemann hypothesis been proven? ›

In a way, it would be more interesting if it were false, but it would be a disaster because we've built so much around assuming its truth.” Several mathematicians have addressed the Riemann hypothesis across its 164-year history, but none of their attempts has been accepted as proof.

What does ζ mean in math? ›

Riemann zeta function, function useful in number theory for investigating properties of prime numbers. Written as ζ(x), it was originally defined as the infinite series ζ(x) = 1 + 2x + 3x + 4x + ⋯. When x = 1, this series is called the harmonic series, which increases without bound—i.e., its sum is infinite.

What is the golden zeta function? ›

The Golden Zeta Function is a mathematical concept that has emerged from the study of the concatenation of natural numbers. It can be expressed as a sum of terms, where each term is the product of a natural number and a power of 10.

What is the real part of the zeta function? ›

The real part of the zeros of the zeta function is determined to be 1/2 along a symmetry line from the singularity removal condition. (In the other points, the singularities are adequately cancelled as a whole to lead to a finite value.)

What is the singularity of the zeta function? ›

The zeta function has a pole, or isolated singularity, at z = 1, where the infinite series diverges to infinity. (A function such as this, which only has isolated singularities, is known as meromorphic.)

Is zeta function infinite? ›

The function is finite for all values of s in the complex plane except for the point s = 1 . Euler in 1737 proved a remarkable connection between the zeta function and an infinite product containing the prime numbers: (1.62) ζ ( s ) = ∏ n = 1 ∞ 1 - 1 p n s - 1 . The product notation ∏ is analogous to ∑ for sums.

Is the zeta function an L function? ›

The Riemann zeta function is an example of an L-function, and some important conjectures involving L-functions are the Riemann hypothesis and its generalizations. The Riemann zeta function can be thought of as the archetype for all L-functions.

Why is Riemann's zeta function important? ›

The Riemann zeta function encodes information about the prime numbers —the atoms of arithmetic and critical to modern cryptography on which e-commerce is built. Finding a proof has been the holy grail of number theory since Riemann first published his hypothesis.

Why is Z not holomorphic? ›

As a consequence of the Cauchy–Riemann equations, any real-valued holomorphic function must be constant. Therefore, the absolute value |z |, the argument arg (z), the real part Re (z) and the imaginary part Im (z) are not holomorphic.

What is the reciprocal of the zeta function? ›

Reciprocal of the zeta function

is the Möbius function. Equivalently, we may say that the Möbius function gives the Dirichlet generating sequence of the reciprocal of the Riemann zeta function.

Why is the Riemann hypothesis hard to solve? ›

The Riemann zeta function far from a simple object. On half of the complex plane, it's an infinite series. On the other half it is an analytic continuation of an infinite series, an even hairier object. We don't even half a general formula for the roots of degree 5 polynomials.

Can AI solve Riemann's hypothesis? ›

The Riemann Hypothesis poses unique challenges when it comes to applying AI: Complexity: The Riemann zeta function, at the core of the hypothesis, is intricate and highly dimensional. AI models must navigate this complexity to identify patterns and potential solutions.

What would happen if the Riemann hypothesis was solved? ›

So if the Riemann hypothesis is proven correct in that all of the solutions to the Riemann zeta function do have the form ½ + bi, we will gain insight into the locations of the prime numbers and how much they deviate from the functions that the Prime Number Theorem presents.

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