Mythical Champions coming to RAID Shadow Legends! (2024)

Table of Contents
What are mythical Champions? Other unique aspects of Mythical Champions include: What are Primal Shards? Siegfrund the Nephilim – Base Form Excoriating Edge Seraphic Wave – Cooldown: 4 Turns Rage of the Nephilim – Cooldown: 4 Turns Metamorph [Passive] – Cooldown: 4 Turns Stay the Blade [Passive] – Cooldown: 3 Turns Aura Siegfrund the Nephilim – Alternative Form Burn it out Nephilic Ward – Cooldown: 4 Turns Light of the Beyond – Cooldown: 6 Turns Metamorph – 4 Turns Shield of Defiance [Passive] Aura Mezomel Luperfang – Base Form Moonclaw Scarlet Crescent – Cooldown: 4 Turns Moonlight Gift – Cooldown: 6 Turns Metamorph – 4 Turns Relentless Hunt [Passive] Aura Mezomel Luperfang – Alternative Form Spirit of the Pack Life Shredder – Cooldown: 4 Turns Metamorph – 4 Turns Embrace the Beast [Passive] Aura Gharol Bloodmaul – Base Form Foecrusher Hammerquake – Cooldown: 4 Turns Bonded by Blood – Cooldown: 5 Turns Metamorph – Cooldown: 4 Turns Kill or Cure [Passive] Aura Gharol Bloodmaul – Alternative Form Magma Slam Calamitous Maul- Cooldown: 3 Turns Metamorph – Cooldown: 4 Turns Crimson Haze [Passive] Aura Frolni the Mechanist – Base Form Seismic Quake Bloody Larceny – Cooldown: 4 Turns Exterminate the Weak – Cooldown: 4 Turns Metamorph – Cooldown: 4 Turns Limitless Science [Passive] Aura Frolni the Mechanist – Alternative Form Arcs of Pain Pulverizing Procedure – Cooldown: 5 Turns Engine of War – Cooldown: 5 Turns Metamorph – Cooldown: 4 Turns Ensorcelled Plate [Passive] Aura Arbais the Stonethorn – Base Form Bladegale Verdant Rebirth – Cooldown: 4 Turns Harmonious Whisper – Cooldown: 5 Turns Metamorph – Cooldown: 4 Turns Stonethorn’s Embrace [Passive] Aura Arbais the Stonethorn – Alternative Form Boulder Hurl Thorntrap to Brairburn – Cooldown: 3 Turns Roar of the Mistwood – Cooldown: 5 Turns Metamorph – Cooldown: 4 Turns Tanglethorn [Passive] Aura

We’ve got some HUGE News for you today, Plarium have announced today that Mythical Champions will be coming to RAID in the near future!

Plarium sent out special packages to select Content Creators, containing holographic cards that displayed one new Mythical Champion each, which showed both forms of these Champions, You heard correctly, Mythical Champions will have multiple forms, that they can interchange between during combat!

Each of these cards also had a QR code on the back, revealing further information about that Mythical Champion, including their full skill-kit.

What are mythical Champions?

Mythical Champions are a brand-new Champion Rarity in RAID: Shadow Legends that have access to two forms, each with its own look and skills.

A Mythical Champion can have varying roles across their two forms, such as Attack in their base form, and Support in their alternative form.

They use a unique skill called Metamorph to change between these two forms – it’s like having two Champions in one!

Other unique aspects of Mythical Champions include:

  • Higher base Stats compared to Legendary Champions.
  • Metamorph skills that cannot have their cooldowns increased or decreased.
  • Skills that gain an Ignore RES bonus when upgraded via Mythical Tomes.
  • They’re primarily available via summoning from Primal Shards.

What are Primal Shards?

Primal Shards are new resources coming to RAID Shadow Legends that will give you the chance to summon Mythical Champions, we don’t yet know where they’ll be available from, or what the chances of getting a Mythical Champion will be, but there has been some rumours and datamine floating around the community which reveals that you need to collect “Primal Quartz” in order to create a Primal Shard.

1 Primal Shard requires 100 Primal Quartz, which also, we do not know where you will get this from.

The Datamine also shows that Primal Shards will contain Rare, Epic and Legendary Champions alongside Mythical Champions.

Siegfrund the Nephilim – Base Form

Excoriating Edge

Attacks 1 enemy 2 times. The first hit transfers all debuffs from this Champion to the target. The second hit then increases the duration of all debuffs on the target by 1 turn.

Seraphic Wave – Cooldown: 4 Turns

Attacks all enemies. Each critical hit fills this Champion’s Turn Meter by 25%.
Resets the cooldown of the Rage of the Nephilim skill if this attack kills an enemy.
Resets the cooldown of all of this Champion’s skills if this attack kills 2 or more enemies.

Rage of the Nephilim – Cooldown: 4 Turns

Attacks 1 enemy. Will attack all remaining enemies with any surplus damage if the initial target is killed.
Full heals this Champion if the initial hit kills an enemy.

Metamorph [Passive] – Cooldown: 4 Turns

Transforms this Champion into their Alternative Form, whenever their last living ally is killed. Then grants an Extra Turn.

Stay the Blade [Passive] – Cooldown: 3 Turns

If this Champion is about to get killed by a fatal hit, blocks incoming damage and places a [Block Damage] buff on this Champion for 1 turn. Then, heals this Champion by 50% of their MAX HP and fills their Turn Meter by 100%.


Increases Ally ATK in all Battles by 35%.

Siegfrund the Nephilim – Alternative Form

Burn it out

Attacks all enemies. Heals all allies by 20% of the damage inflicted.

Nephilic Ward – Cooldown: 4 Turns

Removes all debuffs from all allies. Then heals all allies by 30% of their MAX HP and places a [Block Debuffs] buff on them for 2 turns.

Light of the Beyond – Cooldown: 6 Turns

Revives all dead allies with 50% HP and 50% Turn Meter, then places a [Block Damage] buff on all allies except this Champion for 1 turn.

Metamorph – 4 Turns

Transforms this Champion into their Base Form. Then grants an Extra Turn.

Shield of Defiance [Passive]

Decreases damage taken from skills by 20%.


Increases Ally ATK in all Battles by 35%.

Mezomel Luperfang – Base Form


Attacks 1 enemy. Places a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff for 2 turns.

Scarlet Crescent – Cooldown: 4 Turns

Attacks 1 enemy 2 times. Will ignore [Stone Skin], [Strengthen], [Ally Protection], and [Shield] buffs.
Places a [Block Revive] debuff if the target is killed.

Moonlight Gift – Cooldown: 6 Turns

Places a 50% [Increase ATK] buff, a 30% [Increase C.RATE] buff and a 30% [Increase C.DMG] buff on this Champion for 3 turns.
Grants an Extra Turn.

Metamorph – 4 Turns

Transforms this Champion into their Alternative Form. Then grants an Extra Turn.

Relentless Hunt [Passive]

Heals this Champion by 20% of the damage inflicted. Places a [Revive on Death] buff on this Champion for 2 turns every time they kill an enemy.


Increases Ally C.RATE in all Battles by 27%.

Mezomel Luperfang – Alternative Form

Spirit of the Pack

Attacks all enemies. This attack will not trigger counterattacks.
Places an extra hit on enemies under [True Fear] debuffs.

Life Shredder – Cooldown: 4 Turns

Attacks all enemies. Places a [True Fear] debuff for 2 turns.
This attack will not trigger counterattacks. Will also ignore [Unkillable] and [Block Damage] buffs.

Metamorph – 4 Turns

Transforms this Champion into their Base Form. Then grants an Extra Turn.

Embrace the Beast [Passive]

Increases this Champion’s ATK and C.DMG by 20% while in their Alternate Form.


Increases Ally C.RATE in all Battles by 27%.

Gharol Bloodmaul – Base Form


Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 50% chance of increasing the cooldown of a random skill on the target by 2 turns.
Also removes any [Shield] buffs.

Hammerquake – Cooldown: 4 Turns

Attacks all enemies. Places a [Provoke] debuff on all enemies for 1 turn.
Also places an [Unkillable] buff on this Champion for 3 turns.

Bonded by Blood – Cooldown: 5 Turns

Removes [Block Buffs] debuffs from all allies and places a 50% [Ally Protection] buff on all allies except this Champion for 2 turns.
Also places a [Shield] buff on all allies equal to 30% of this Champion’s MAX HP for 2 turns.

Metamorph – Cooldown: 4 Turns

Transforms this Champion into their Alternate Form.
Then grants an Extra Turn.

Kill or Cure [Passive]

When attacked, decreases the duration of all buffs on the attacker by 1 turn. Occurs once per hit.
Also heals all allies except this Champion by 50% of the damage taken, whenever this Champion is hit.
Occurs once per hit.


Increases Ally HP in all Battles by 35%.

Gharol Bloodmaul – Alternative Form

Magma Slam

Attacks all enemies. Has a 20% chance of repeating the attack.

Calamitous Maul- Cooldown: 3 Turns

Attacks all enemies. Damage of this skill increases by 10% for each buff on this Champion.
Will ignore 30% of the target’s DEF.

Metamorph – Cooldown: 4 Turns

Transforms this Champion into their Alternate Form.
Then grants an Extra Turn.

Crimson Haze [Passive]

Whenever an Ally attacks, this Champion has a 25% chance to team up with them and join their attack.
Damage increases as the Champion’s HP decreases. (by 1% for every 1% of HP lost).


Increases Ally HP in all Battles by 35%.

Frolni the Mechanist – Base Form

Seismic Quake

Attacks 1 enemy. Will ignore 5% of the target’s DEF for each buff on this Champion.

Bloody Larceny – Cooldown: 4 Turns

Attacks 1 enemy. Steals 2 buffs from a target enemy.
This effect cannot be resisted. If this attack is critical, repeats the attack once.

Exterminate the Weak – Cooldown: 4 Turns

Attacks all enemies. Damage of this skill increases by 30% if this Champion’s MAX HP is higher than each target’s MAX HP.

Metamorph – Cooldown: 4 Turns

Transforms this Champion into their Alternate Form.
Then grants an Extra Turn.

Limitless Science [Passive]

This Champions C.DMG is increased by 1% for every 1,000 HP they have. Increases this Champion’s MAX HP by 20% (stacks up to 100%) and SPD by 20 (stacks up to 100) whenever this champion kills an enemy.
Resets each round.


Increases Ally HP in all Battles by 35%.

Frolni the Mechanist – Alternative Form

Arcs of Pain

Attacks 1 enemy 2 times. Each hit increases this Champion’s DEF by 5% (stacks up to 100%).

Pulverizing Procedure – Cooldown: 5 Turns

Attacks 1 enemy. Heals this Champion by 50% of their MAX HP. Balances the HP of all allies. The HP levels of all allies will be brought up to the level of the ally with the highest HP.

Engine of War – Cooldown: 5 Turns

Places a 50% [Ally Protection] buff on all allies except this Champion for 2 turns. Also places an [Unkillable] buff on this Champion for 2 turns. Then, places a [Shield] buff for 2 turns on all allies with less than 50% HP. The value of the [Shield] is proportional to this Champion’s DEF.

Metamorph – Cooldown: 4 Turns

Transforms this Champion into their Alternate Form.
Then grants an Extra Turn.

Ensorcelled Plate [Passive]

When attacked, reflects 80% of the damage this Champion receives back to the attacker. Debuffs placed on this Champion decrease their producer’s ACC by 10% (stacks up to 50%).


Increases Ally HP in all Battles by 35%.

Arbais the Stonethorn – Base Form


Attacks all enemies. Has a 40% chance of placing a [Block Active Skills] debuff for 1 turn.

Verdant Rebirth – Cooldown: 4 Turns

Removes all buffs from all enemies. Increases the duration of all ally buffs by 1 turn. Then places a [Revive on Death] buff on all allies for 2 turns.

Harmonious Whisper – Cooldown: 5 Turns

Fills the Turn Meters of all allies by 30% and places a 50% [Increase ATK] buff and a 50% [Increase ACC] buff on all allies for 2 turns.

Metamorph – Cooldown: 4 Turns

Transforms this Champion into their Alternate Form.
Then grants an Extra Turn.

Stonethorn’s Embrace [Passive]

Has a 30% chance of placing a [Petrification] debuff on an attacker for 1 turn, whenever an ally is attacked while under a [Revive on Death] buff placed by this Champion.


Increases Ally SPD in all Battles by 25%.

Arbais the Stonethorn – Alternative Form

Boulder Hurl

Attacks 1 enemy. Decreases the target’s Turn Meter by 30%. Then places a 15% [Continuous Heal] buff on this Champion for 1 turn. Also places a 15% [Continuous Heal] buff on the ally with the lowest HP except this Champion for 1 turn.

Thorntrap to Brairburn – Cooldown: 3 Turns

Attacks all enemies. Places a [Leech] debuff and a [HP Burn] debuff for 2 turns.

Roar of the Mistwood – Cooldown: 5 Turns

Places two 15% [Continuous Heal] buffs on all allies for 2 turns. Also places a [Taunt] buff on this Champion for 2 turns, as well as a [Stone Skin] buff for 1 turn.

Metamorph – Cooldown: 4 Turns

Transforms this Champion into their Alternate Form.
Then grants an Extra Turn.

Tanglethorn [Passive]

When attacked, places a 30% [Decrease SPD] debuff on the attacker for 2 turns. Occurs once per hit. Also decreases the damage taken by all allies from skills by 20%. This Champion will receive that damage instead.


Increases Ally SPD in all Battles by 25%.

What are your thoughts on Mythical Champions coming to RAID? Let us know in the comments!

Mythical Champions coming to RAID Shadow Legends! (2024)
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