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Aurora’s Community Newspaper

Vol. 3 No. 11 Week of January 7, 2003 905-727-3300

Wine Wine



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Looking for all the world like a dead, bloated cow, or a crashed space ship, Aurora's 40-year-old water tower located in thetown's south end, collapsed in a heap following a day-long demolition exercise by Priestly Demolition recently. A photostory of the tower's final day on the Aurora horizon may be found on Page 8. Auroran photo by Ron Wallace

A look at Aurora's first half of 2002The year 2002 will go down in

Aurora history as a year of growthand change, of increased taxes,crowded roadways, stop signs,fear of the Ontario Municipal Boardand turbulence and conflict oncouncil.

In January council was scram-bling to reduce the 2002 tax bill.The first draft indicated a 19.8 percent increase, which was reducedto 12 per cent with hopes of mak-ing the final draft still lower. Later in the month it was reduced

to an increase of 8.8 per cent orabout $69 on the average home,plus an estimated $35 increase forthe region.

It was found that stop signs wentup on Kennedy Street duringreconstruction without an enactingbylaw, and residents objected totheir removal.

The licencing for public garageswas put on hold, as was the pro-posed development for a five-storey building at Tyler and YongeStreets.

Aurora lost one of its most

respected citizens, retired DeputyFire Chief Fred Bolsby who died atthe age of 64.

Friends of the late formerCouncillor Bob Hartwell startedplanning the Bob HartwellMemorial Runners Challenge toraise funds for the Children'sSafety Village.

One of the major issues facingcouncil in February was the futureof local hydro with the provincialproposal to deregulate bothOntario Hydro and local utilities.

The final report was received onconstruction of the new library at atotal cost of $11 million including$2 million for land.

The multi-stop at Kennedy andGeorge Streets was still controver-sial and stop signs left up for a six-month trial. Growth in Aurora wasstill strong with 1,300 approvedresidential units in the works.

Council supported a centralizedfire dispatch system in principlepending a report on final costs,and approved Aurora being desig-nated as a Character Community

on a split vote.The 2002 capital and operating

budgets were adopted with a taxincrease of 8.8 per cent over 2001.Council petitioned the province toreduce the powers of the OntarioMunicipal Board and the region torelax the smoking bylaw for bingoparlours, as charities were suffer-ing financially.

March brought many problemsand challenges to council withSeaton Drive residents objectingto the elevation of the new homesto the rear of their properties.Aurora continued to grow from35,837 to 40,167 or 15.2 per centin five years.

Proposed widening of BathurstStreet through Aurora created con-cern about traffic noise and noiseattenuation measures wererequested. The need for a side-walk on Bathurst Street was ques-tioned

Lighting for the ThompsonFuneral Home parking lot con-cerned neighbours and townrenewed parking agreements with

the United Church. Council supported an initiative for

changes in legislation so localbylaw enforcement officers canenforce speeding and stop signbylaws.

A heavy snowstorm hit the areaMarch 26th with more than fiveinches of snow.

Council's application to federaland provincial governments forfunding to rehabilitate the historicChurch Street School was suc-cessful and $320,000 was commit-ted.

April was another month ofgrowth and complaints. Therewere 69 planning applications invarious stages of progress for atotal of 5,000 residential units. A112-acre development on BayviewAvenue was approved and addedto the list.

Clublink's proposal for a seven-storey retirement home on the for-mer Aurora Highlands clubhousesite was appealed to the OntarioMunicipal Board.

One more time

Maybe something will happenthis time.

For many years a butcher shopoccupied the property located onthe southwest corner of Tyler andYonge Streets. It later became aleather goods store and was dam-aged by fire, resulting in its demo-lition.

The property remained emptyover the years in spite of variousproposals.

Now it appears a five-storeymixed-use building including retailspace on the ground floor and 32residential condominium apart-ment units above will be con-structed on the site.

But it's not the first time Auroracouncillors have heard such a pro-posal.

At a recent council meeting astaff report was adopted recom-mending a zoning bylaw amend-ment with first, second and thirdreadings of the enabling bylaw tobe considered at the next avail-able council meeting.In March, 1996, council approved

in principle an application for theredevelopment of the site for afour storey mixed-use buildingincluding commercial space onthe ground floor and 13 condo-minium units above, plus theretention of a house at 5 TylerStreet.

Council approval the applicationsubject to several conditionsincluding façade treatment, alter-ations to the configuration of thefourth storey and issues dealingwith access.

While a site plan agreementalong with the third reading of theimplementing bylaw was sched-uled for the August 1996 councilmeeting, the documents were notapproved pending the involve-ment of an urban design consult-ant.

The applicant retained a newarchitect for a revised project in1999, which was for a five storeymixed use building, located onboth the Yonge and Tyler Streetproperties.

Please see page 2Please see page 10

Outer space visitor?

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2 - AURORAN, Week of January 7, 2003

Back Pain?Aurora, ON – According to a recently released back pain relief report, most back pain sufferers have no idea how to eliminate their pain. Some use heat, others ice. From sleeping on the floor, to pillows underneath the legs, back pain relief techniques vary. But thanks to a free report, local back pain sufferers finally know exactly what to do. To get a copy of the free “Back Pain Relief Report”, call toll-free, 24 hourrecorded message






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The revised project includ-ed retail uses on theground floor and 32 resi-dential condominium apart-ments above and requiredseveral concessions includ-ing setbacks and bufferstrips.

Following another publicmeeting in January, 2000,council approved therevised application in prin-ciple and requested thatplanning staff and the appli-cant work together to solveoutstanding issues andconcerns raised by neigh-bours.

By September, 2000, theurban design consultant,staff, the applicant and res-idents had reached con-sensus on several issues,except for parking.

A revised site plan sub-mission was completedJanuary 7, 2002, and wasdiscussed by general com-mittee later that month.

Angela Daust, represent-ing the residents of Tylerand Temperance Streets,appeared before the com-mittee to express opposi-tion to the proposal. Shepointed out that the massand density of the buildingwas not in keeping with theneighbourhood, nor the his-toric United Church acrossthe road.

She also expressed con-cerns about traffic safety atthe Tyler/Yonge intersec-tion, on-street parking andpedestrian safety. After listening to commentsfrom the public, councilagreed to refer the applica-tion back to staff until alloutstanding issues wereresolved, including parking.

Last month, staff advised

Coming Events In Aurora


Every Wednesday afternoon from 3 to 7 p.m., free inter-net training for seniors over 60, sponsored by ElderConnections. For further information, call Barbara at 905-727-8808.

* * * *Aurora United Church is looking for volunteers for its Out

of the Cold homeless program. Call Bev at 905-841-8420.Training is mandatory for new volunteers and will be heldon Jan.30.


Enjoy a Community Skating Party withVaughan/King/Aurora MPP Greg Sorbara at the AuroraLeisure Complex from 2 to 4 p.m. located on IndustrialParkway North, Bring a non-perishable item for the foodbank.

* * * *Roy Meaco*ck Memorial Dart Tournament at the Aurora

Legion. Register at 10 a.m. Tournament starts at 11 a.m.$40 per four-person team. Further information at 905-841-9188.

* * * *If you had one of the old-fashioned Christmas trees and

want the town to pick it up, place the tree at the curb after4 p.m. today. Do not place in plastic bags. All tinsel, deco-rations, wire, etc. must be removed as the trees are recy-cled.


Aurora Council meets in the council chambers of the TownHall at 7 p.m. with Open forum the first item on the agenda.The second draft of the 2003 budget is scheduled for pres-entation. If you can't get to the meeting tune into AuroraCable Channel 10 for a telecast starting at 9 p.m. Tuesdayand repeated at 5 p.m. Wednesday.


The Aurora Chamber of Commerce will hold a luncheonmeeting at the St. Andrew's Valley Golf Club, St. John'sSideroad, at 12:30 p.m. with showcase tables at 11:45 a.m.Robert Boswell, a lawyer specializing in workplace safetyand insurance law issues, is the guest speaker. Call 905-727-7262 to reserve.


The Aurora Public Library, in partnership with York RegionHealth Services, presents "Understanding Adolescents", atwo-hour workshop. At the library, public meeting room #1,7 - 9 p.m. Seating is limited. Register at the AdultInformation Desk or call 905-727-9493.


If you are a Yonge Street retailer you will be receiving aninvitation from the town's Economic Development AdvisoryCommittee to attend a breakfast meeting today at theAurora Public Library.


Theatre Aurora presents Ray Cooney's delightful comedy"Run For Your Wife", which opens at the Factory Theatreand continues January 25, January 29 to February 1 andFebruary 5 to 8, 2003. Call 905-727-3669 for ticket infor-mation.


The Five Year Official Plan Review Committee has sched-uled a public planning meeting to receive input at 7:30 p.m.in the Town Hall


Trinity Anglican Church will host a tea luncheon to supportLeah Bryan and family today at the church, 79 VictoriaStreet. There will be two seatings, one at 10.45 a.m. andone at 12.30 p.m. For more information, call 905-727-6101.


Prominent Canadian pianist, active recording artist andaward winner, Andre LaPlante recital at St. AndrewsCollege. Laplante appears through the Piano Six project inwhich exceptional performers visit Canadian communitiesgiving recitals, workshops and masterclasses. In the pastdecade, he has established himself as a romantic virtuoso.For information call (905) 727-5727

the three properties hadbeen consolidated into oneparcel and the owner hasgranted an easem*nt to theproperty owner to the westto allow for a drivewayencroachment. In addition,the required number of park-ing spaces had been provid-ed.

During the Open Forum ofthe meeting, Angela Daustexpressed concerrn aboutincreased traffic on Tylerand Temperance Streetsdue to a recommendation ofthe Traffic Safety Board thatimposed a no-left turn atYonge Street.

Council membersexpressed concern aboutthe two access points onTyler Street but agreed toadopt the staff recommen-dation of approval, subjectto a traffic review followingoccupancy.

From page 1

Yonge project

Former educatordies in hospitalRetired Assistant Director

of Education in YorkRegion, Terry Gray died inhospital New Year's Day,following a courageousbattle with cancer.

Although he lived inToronto, Terry had beenplaying pick-up hockeywith friends in Aurorasince 1994.

He served with the YorkRegion District Schoolboard for many years, andtaught in several Ontariolocations during his

lengthy career.As assistant to

Education Director BobCressman, Terry's officewas located at the boardheadquarters in Aurora.

Services were heldMonday in Toronto andwere attended by a num-ber of his fellow hockeyplayers from Aurora.

He is survived by hiswife, Janet, and childrenKelly Gray-Levitt, Tomand Chris. There are fourgrandchildren.

Comedy opens Jan. 24Theatre Aurora's latest

comedy, "Run For YourWife", written by RayCooney, opens at FactoryTheatre January 24 andcontinues for a 10-perform-ance run.

A man with two wives inadjacent towns is involvedin an accident. He givesconflicting information to thepolice and medical person-nel who contact his wives.

Both women anxiouslyawait his safe return home.Things become hystericallyfunny when authorities turnup at his two apartments

asking questions and tryingto clear up apparent dis-crepancies in the informa-tion he has provided.

A neighbour tries to putthings right, which adds tothe mayhem.

The production is directedby Jeff Burke and producedby Betty Kelly.

Performance time is 8:15p.m. For tickets and information

call 905-727-3669.Factory Theatre is located

on Henderson Drive,between Yonge andBathurst Streets.

There were no canastas in the background, but MayorTim Jones did the "rose in the teeth" routine anyhowduring the official opening of The Rosarium recently.The store, which specializes in roses only, is located inthe plaza at the corner of Wellington Street East andJohn West Way.

Auroran photograph by Dick Illingworth

R.S.V.P. 905-773-9329 aurorafamilylaw - [PDF Document] (3)

AURORAN, Week of January 7, 2003 - 3

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He was on the prowlbefore Christmas,V a u g h a n - K i n g -Aurora Member ofParliament MaurizioBevilacqua was,looking for recipientsof the Queen'sJubilee medal. Hesurprised Mayor TimJones, (top photo)who was hurryingout of the building towatch the medal bepresented to some-one else. And, itwould appear hefound Chamber ofCommerce ManagerRosalyn Gonsalvesin a closet (bottomphoto) but picturescan be deceiving.They were two ofseveral people whowere awarded themedal for outstand-ing community serv-ice. He also madepresentations toMuseum CuratorJackie Stuart, former

Optimist Club presi-dent Jackie Stubbs,and Yellow BrickHouse administratorFilomena Williams.Other winners of themedal includedAurora Legion veteranJack DeGraaf, Magna

President and CEOBelinda Stronach,and, getting his awardright in the middle of acable television inter-view, Dick Illingworth.

Auroran photos byRon Wallace

R.S.V.P. 905-773-9329 aurorafamilylaw - [PDF Document] (4)


Could be yearof frustrations

The days come and go,As calendar pages fall;Where did the time go,Events we can't recall.

- Poor Richard's Scrapbook

Year 2002 has drawn to an end and one wonderswhere the time has gone and what was done.

It was a strange year with many ups and down and itwill go down in history as a year of uncertainty.

Many seniors who have their life savings tied up in aRetirement Investment Fund (RIF), which may beinvested in the stock market, watched their invest-ments go down the drain, and they pray for somerecovery in 2003.

Welfare recipients experienced a cost of livingincrease, while their social assistance paymentsremained at a reduced level. They are hoping for amore compassionate government.

Students, parents and teachers are hoping for somestability in the education system so they can settledown and enjoy their school years without having con-tinual changes imposed on them by a chaotic govern-ment.

Patients want assurance that when they need urgenthealth care there is bed for them in their communityhospital, without being shipped hither and yon lookingfor an empty bed and staff to look after them in a timeof need.

Seniors want to remain independent in their home,but with government imposed cutbacks on health careand social services, some are forced to enter an insti-tution at a much higher cost.

Environmentalists, homeless, unemployed, parentsseeking child day care, poor downtrodden taxpayers,and so many others experienced 2002 as a year ofuncertainty.

Now we move from a year of uncertainty to 2003, ayear likely to go down in history as the year of frustra-tion. It's not a pleasant outlook.

At the federal government Prime Minister JeanChretien is saying the longest goodbye in history, ashis announced retirement date is February 2004, inspite of the fact his replacement will be selected inNovember, 2003.

Chretien is so vindictive in his desire to keep PaulMartin from replacing him as Leader of the LiberalParty and Prime Minister that he will go to any lengthto prevent it, even if it means destruction of the partyand the country.

Hopefully when the new Liberal leader is selected,there will be a general election, but where is the oppo-sition? The Tories and the Alliance will still be fightingas to who represents the right, and both the NDP andTories are looking for a new leader.

In Ontario, we may or may not have an election in2003. Normally in the last year of a four-year term, thegovernment would bring down an election budget inMarch or April and then call the election in May orJune.

But these are not normal times. Premier Ernie Eves isin the difficult position of deciding whether to call anelection during the summer of 2003, or take the unusu-al step of going to the fifth and final year of the gov-ernment's mandate, in hopes the popular opinion pollswill improve.

According to the polls if an election were to be calledtoday, the Liberals under Dalton McGuinty would formthe next government. They are focussing on the GTAarea, now mainly Tory Blue in hopes of turning it intoLiberal Red, a smart political move.

The Liberals have plenty of ammunition with urbansprawl, traffic gridlock, waste disposal, protection ofthe environment and other issues important to the peo-ple.

Then on the local level there will be a municipal elec-tion in November 2003 to determine who will lead thetown's administration during the next three years. If the election is anything like previous municipal elec-

tions, only about one of three eligible voters will makethe effort and take the time to vote.It's not a very good record, as elected representatives

only represent about one-third of the population. Ifelectors don't bother to vote, they shouldn't bother tocomplain.

Welcome to 2003, the Year of Frustration.

4 - AURORAN Week of January 7, 2003

“Aurora’s community newspaper”

Published weekly by TheAuroran Publications Inc.

At 75 Mary Street, Aurora, L4G 1G3

Owner & PublisherRosemary Schumaker

EditorialRon Wallace

Dick Illingworth PhotographyMatt Haggerty Naomi Tobin

Display Advertising Bob Ince

Kathy Bitove Production

Cynthia Proctor

All Departments905-727-3300

Facsimile Machine905-727-2620

E-Mail [emailprotected]

Editorial policyOpinions expressed by colum-nists, contributors and letterwriters are not necessarilythose of the Auroran. Lettersmust include name and phonenumber, although number willnot be published. Names maybe withheld assuming a com-pelling reason to do so. Lettersmay be edited or refused. Allcontents protected by copyright.

Advertising policyPublisher is not liable for slightchanges or typographical errorsthat do not lessen the value ofan advertisem*nt. Disputesmust be brought to the attentionof the publisher prior to the fol-lowing edition.

They were affectionately known as the Aurora Double Trio, this group of singers from Aurora HighSchool. From left to right, they are, Jackie Thompson, Shirley Smith, Ruth Knowles, June Caulfield,Fran Moore and Shirley Saigle. Their music director? Who else? Illtyd Harris.

Letters to the editor

More highlights of bygone AuroraTo the editor,

This response may seema little tardy but I alwayslook forward to visiting myparents and having thempass on to me past copiesof the Auroran.

In reference to KenElmer's very informative let-ter of Nov. 19, I thought of afew omissions in the sametime period.

As a young boy living onthe 4th Concession (KeeleSt.) of King, I rememberwell coming into my Dad'sbusiness at the AuroraDairy Bar.

With my little allowance orbirthday money I was anx-

ious to visit Bowser's orWilson's Hardware (north ofthe post office) to buyanother Dinky toy.

As a toy collector now,boy, I sure wish I had hungonto to those valuablekeepsakes.

A visit to town might alsobe a visit to Jack Tunney'sbarber shop, next toWilson's or a game of bowl-ing over Cousin's Dairy withnon-automated pin setters.

Walking down the streetmight mean a visit to theDel-Har Grill (spelling?) forcandy and watch the GreyCoach bus arrive with anaunt.

Seems to me a chance to

go the theatre next door onCentre St. for a Saturdaymatinee cost a quarter or50 cents tops.

Elmer Yake sold us ourfirst Admiral combinationtelevision, radio and recordplayer just in time to see theQueen's coronation.

Across the street from theAurora Dairy was AuroraAutomotive between DoaneHall and Gilbert's GM deal-ership.

I heard a story aboutGilbert's no longer patroniz-ing my Dad's business afterhe bought a new Dodgestation wagon fromMcQuarrie's in Oak Ridges.

In our many collectibles

my wife and I haveacquired, I have a completeset of Aurora and Cousin'sDairy embossed glass milkbottles along with manydated soda fountain arti-facts.

Clearly on display, theyare a constant memory ofthose carefree youthfuldays spent in Aurora.

Please continue yourexcellent work of research-ing and relating to us ofhow it was to live in Aurora.

Ron WeddellR.R. # 1 Perkinsfield(west of Midland)

Great opportunity awaiting students in federal programTo the editor:

Recently I was luckyenough to participate inEncounters with Canada,a program run in Ottawawhere students from allover Canada meet.

This happens everyweek and each week hasa different theme; historyand remembrance, sci-ence and technology,journalism and communi-cation, as well as manymore.

I chose to go to the his-tory and remembranceweek, which took placeduring the week ofRemembrance Day.

Since there wereRemembrance Day cere-monies taking place,that's the first function weattended.

During the rest of theweek, we went toCanada's War Museum,the War Aviation Museum,the Art Gallery of Canada,and had choices of fourdifferent theatrical plays

to watch one night.There were also veter-

ans who came to speak tous and there were visitsfrom authors, museumstaff, and peacekeepers.As well as all that, every-

one was given manyopportunities to meetpeople from all over thecountry and to learnabout the two world warsin ways that we wouldn'tat school.

I am writing to TheAuroran for two main rea-sons: to thank Van-RobStampings of Aurora pub-licly for sponsoring me,and to promote aware-ness of Encounters withCanada.

Encounters with Canadalooks for 37 students fromOntario weekly. When Iwent, there were only 20Ontario students, so ifyou are looking for achange of environmentand a chance to meetnew friends, you shouldcontact Encounters withCanada.

If you want to learn moreabout it, you should talkto the teachers at yourschool or guidance coun-sellor.

Heather KeanAurora

To the editor,

Just a point of interest on thepicture of the pickup townhockey league team (Auroran,Dec. 10) and the years 1943-44.

In the background is a signreading Elmer's Taxi and myfather was in the army up untilJune 8, 1945, at which time hewas discharged.The earliest this picture could

have been taken would beabout 1946 at which timeElmer's Taxi was started onYonge Street.

Sorry, I can't help with theplayers' names.

Ken ElmerAurora

No taxi til 1946

R.S.V.P. 905-773-9329 aurorafamilylaw - [PDF Document] (5)

AURORAN, Week of January 7, 2003 - 5

Mayor’s Report By Tim Jones

Machell’s Corners by Scott Johnston

55 ALIVE courseurged for seniors

For the past few years, I have had the pleasure ofawarding students of 55 ALIVE their class participationcertificates along with a Town of Aurora pin.

55 ALIVE offers sessions in safe driving, aimed prima-rily at those who are either concerned about their drivinghabits and wish to take a refresher of the rules of theroad and things to watch out for as we get older, or forthose who are nearing 80 years of age and will soon berequired to take a driver's test to keep their license.

With aging, changes occur in hearing, vision, flexibilityand reaction time. We must learn to adjust our skills tocompensate for these changes

The session is a straightforward one, full of informationincluding using a workbook, discussion and watching avideo about driving habits and the areas we should allwatch out for. It's not unlike some of the things we experience with our

health - we tend to live in denial that we are ever in anyserious threat of our health or that our driving habits areanything less than perfect.

However, in many cases that is simply not the case.Ever had chest pain and passed it off as anything but a

heart attack?Just ask almost anyone who has had a heart attack, or

found out at a health check up that they have had a heartattack and didn't know it.

The same applies to driving habits.On a video shown in the session, a gentleman who has

driven for 65 years disregards the fact that he can't phys-ically turn around to look out the back or side.

As long as he is driving with his wife, he feels safe, asshe makes the effort to look around for him and tells himit's okay to drive forward.

Unfortunately, if there is a hesitation in the communica-tion, there could be a accident and it could be fatal. And,how fair is that to an innocent second party?

When asked, why do you take the chance, the reply isquick, " if I don't drive, we can't get what we need to get- we like our groceries fresh and we need to get to thestore to get them."

But at what potential cost?It's a great four-week session offered Fridays in

February in a relaxed environment. The instructor isBarbara West.

Once you turn 65 years of age, it is appropriate toattend, when you turn 80, it is mandatory. Registrationcan be arranged through Kim Hinder at the AuroraSeniors Centre, 905-727-8187.

If you see something in this column that you wish torespond to, I welcome your comments, either throughthe paper, to the Town Hall by mail - Box 1000, Aurora,Ontario, L4G 6J1 or e-mail at: [emailprotected]

EDITOR'S NOTE: Auroran cartoonist Scott Johnston hasshown us in the last couple of years that his talent stretchesbeyond his cartoons. (He wrote the Night Before Christmasarticle on Page 4 in our last edition of 2002.) Now, tonguefirmly embedded in cheek, Scott has a look at Aurora's pastyear…from his perspective.

Jan. 8Anticipating a tax increase of nine per cent, Aurora Councilsoftens up taxpayers by hinting the increase will be 25 per cent.Jan. 15 After spending $9 million on the new library, Councildecides to save money by keeping it closed Mondays. In otherwords, to save 1.1 per cent of the total cost, the facility will remainclosed 14.3 per cent of the week.Feb. 2 The groundhog accurately predicts the six-week summerwater ban.Feb. 9 Unseasonably warm weather threatens to turn the firstAurora Arctic Adventure into the Aurora Amazon Adventure.Feb. 16 After two months of debate over the use of stop signsat the intersection of George and Kennedy, Council votes toaddress the problem by installing a cloverleaf interchange. Feb. 20 The Public School Boundary debate gets out of handwhen Siamese twins are assigned to different schools.Mar. 20 Council decides not to install a sidewalk on Bathurst,while on Wellington, work begins on the new road widening, side-walks, bicycle paths, lighting, median, landscaping, and pedestri-an crossings.May 5 Clowns Canada holds its annual convention in Aurora,prompting smiles from the children, and endless Council-relatedjokes from the adults.May 25 The Leisure Complex re-opening after extensive renova-tions proves so successful that the pool is closed again inOctober, so that it can be re-opened again next spring.June 2 Regional Council's decision not to approve a 50 per centpublic transit subsidy for seniors faces little opposition, as fewseniors can afford to attend the meeting to voice their concernsJune 20 Applauding the preservation of 65 acres at the Ivy JayFarm Woodland & Wetlands near Bayview are residents, whocan enjoy the pleasant surroundings, and developers, who cancharge higher prices for their adjacent "backing onto parkland"properties.

July 1 Two annual traditions take place in Aurora: the CanadaDay parade, and the commencement of the summer water ban.July 15 Speed humps are installed to calm traffic on KennedyRoad. Meanwhile, residents of Collins Crescent, Ridge Road andother streets observe that the pot-holes and other deterioratingconditions of their roads make them self-calming.Aug. 3 The condo at Wellington and Industrial reaches twomilestones: its first tenant, and recognition by the Aurora HistoricalSociety.Aug. 17 When the Federal government proposes splitting thetown of Aurora into two ridings, residents are united ... in theirapathy.Sept. 9 Lake Ontario water is finally connected to the Aurorawater system, which will reduce future summer water bans by atleast one day.Sept. 21 The term "throwing your money away" takes on newmeaning as Council ponders a proposal for a fee of $1 to be paidfor each additional bag of garbage.Sept. 26 The bad news; the Leisure Complex Pool is shut downwhen extensive leaks are discovered. The good news; the ongo-ing leaking has recharged the aquifer under the town.Sept. 29 Council's decision not to allow a Murray Drive locationto be used for a house by Habitat for Humanity prompts theremoval of "A Character Community" from Aurora town letter-head.Oct. 3 Upon the removal of two trees on Yonge Street, residentsare surprised to discover that the town has an LCBO.Oct. 15 The Council vote on the town renaming policy is splitbetween politicians who have streets named after them, andthose who don’t.Oct. 23 No relief in sight for residents as Council decides not toapprove washroom facilities in a local park.Nov. 12 The Town runs out of excuses not to turn on the newWellington street lights when the province fixes hydro prices at alower rate.Nov. 14 The ethics debate begins when it's revealed that acouncillor's plumber has a cousin who once lived next to some-one on the assembly line of the company that recently won thecontract to supply paperclips to the town.Dec. 2 Aurora looks for a new corporate logo, to replace the

Aurora in the year 2002 from Scott's perspectiveone that shows the town with its own fire department, police,garbage collection, transit....Dec. 17 Council agonizes over approval of the construction offour houses on Kennedy St West. Meanwhile, construction con-tinues on the 8,457 houses being built on Bayview.Dec. 30 Anticipating a tax increase of nine per cent, AuroraCouncil softens up taxpayers by hinting the increase will be 25per cent....

No problem identifying the guy on the right, butthe dilemma is the kid on the left. Maurice Richardplayed the fatherly role of tying the boy's skatesduring a visit to Aurora's old arena in the sixties.Anyone know who the boy is?

To the editor,

I was going through someof Stuart's (Stu Symington)old photos and found a pic-ture of Maurice Richard"The Rocket", when he wasin Aurora at the old arenabefore it burned down inthe sixties.

When Stuart was in highschool, the team some-times played at the oldForum on St. CatharinesStreet in Montreal andsome of the old hockeyplayers used to practicewith them.

In Aurora, he and TheRocket had a nice visit andStuart asked if he couldtake a couple of pictures ofhim. They turned out great.

Do you remember Harry

Sarafin, who had the Shellservice station on YongeStreet at Ransom, justacross from Wilma'sDelicatessen and Sy'sSnack Service, now"Jersey's"?

The young lad in the pho-tograph played for Harry'steam, and maybe he wouldlike a picture of The Rockettying his skates for a keep-sake.

Only problem is, I don'tknow who the boy is.

And I don't know why hishead is bandaged, but itlooks like he took an awfulwhack from somebody orsomething.

Can anyone help?

Wilma SymingtonPeterborough

Letter to the editor

Who’s Rocket’s friend?

R.S.V.P. 905-773-9329 aurorafamilylaw - [PDF Document] (6)

&&BrickbatsBrickbatsBOUQUETS to TOAST (Town of Aurora Staff Together) for

their community efforts during the year. Theyraised a total of $1,431.80 through their AnnualCraft and Bake Sale in November. The moneywas used to participate in the Children's Aid

"Give a Kid a Christmas" program, with the committee play-ing Santa to two local families in need of assistance atChristmas.

BOUQUETS to Aurora's AA Peewee Rep Hockey Team onwinning their second tournament with a recentwin at the 31st Annual Royal City Power PlayTournament in Guelph. Last October the teamwon the Georgetown Tournament.

BOUQUETS to the Baskin Robbins ice cream stores fortheir innovative Freezer Frame Cake. Take afavourite photo of your child, grandchild oranybody, and it will be reproduced as the icingof the cake. It's edible and will come as a com-

plete surprise to the subject.

BOUQUETS to the Government of Canada for publishingthe guide "Services for Seniors", which listsmore than 120 services provided for seniorsand their families from health, safety and taxesto information on retirement, travel and volun-

teering. For a free copy, call 1-800-622-6232.

BRICKBATS to those at York Region who were responsiblefor designing the controversial BayviewAvenue extension from BloomingtonRoad to the Stouffville Sideroad as aconvenient commuter route for Aurora

motorists. But the new roadway is dangerous as four-lanesections suddenly turn into two-lanes and then back to threeor four lanes.

BOUQUETS to former Dr. G. W. Williams SecondarySchool graduate Darren Henry on becomingtwo-time world triathlon champion. His mostrecent win was in Cancun, Mexico, when hewas successful over a field of 50 entrants

from 10 countries.

BOUQUETS to Robert Ryan on his excellent letter to theAuroran about Christmas. As the writer pointsout, he is tolerant and respectful of others, butin Canada we celebrate Christmas, and gov-ernments, businesses and other "politically cor-

rect" groups are trying to steal "Merry Christmas" for "HappyHoliday".

BRICKBATS to the Eves Tory government for forcing localhydro utilities, including Aurora Hydro, toissue individual rebate cheques to com-pensate customers for paying high pricesfor hydro during the summer months, at

considerable expense to the local utility.

BOUQUETS to the Aurora Tigers, not only for their hugewinning streak now at 31 games, but for the$350 the team raised for the Community SafetyVillage.



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Author Mills is far right; author Kincaid is the quaterback of this high school football team.

Letters to the editor

Now THAT was a football teamTo the editor,

Well, the diminishing memo-ry bank came alive in yourDecember 10 edition with thepicture on page 6 of theToronto Argonauts, oops,sorry, Aurora High School1953 Double Blue footballteam's offensive line.

Now to anyone under 40,photos like these may notseem important.When you turn 60, however,

your past histrionics becomeof paramount importance.

They define, in part, whoyou are, and to your childrenand grandchildren you mightbe inclined to embellish thedetails of your event.

Well, let's get started.This was not just a football

team, it was a GREAT foot-ball team.I recall we won the Georgian

Bay Championship in 1953.This was a major event and

if there was a Hall of Famefor High School teams, wewould be there.The picture shows Jans with

the great hands; King,Andrews, McClenny andEthridge who provided a big,strong, and fast front line.

Griffith and Mills wereknown for their speed andquickness particularly whendouble teaming oppositiontackles and linebackers.

Preston and Easterbrookwere good track athletes andtheir speed was designed tomove through those bigholes.

Anchoring all this was thecoolness of our quarterback

Kincaid and the dedicatedand supportive coaching ofFrank Gregoire.This is not just a picture.It shows a team and high

school that had, in 1953, agreat deal of spirit and pas-sion.We did have fun and my last

recollection was that we allreceived negotiable offersfrom the Toronto Argonauts.Maybe they can still use us.

Steve MillsAurora

But Keith says team got beatTo the editor,

Here are my recollectionsabout the picture (Auroran,Dec. 10).

It was taken in the fall of1953 which was the secondyear in Grade 13 for sever-

al of us including CyEasterbrook, Sam King andme.

We were taking additionalsubjects and improving ourmarks in others.

As well, we had agreedthe previous year when we

had a very good team, thatif we hung together foranother season we had anexcellent chance of movingwell along in the Ontarioplayoffs.

As it turned out we gotclobbered by Alliston HighSchool in the first game out-side of our own league.

Moose Andrews and NormEthridge were really bigguys and subsequently hada tryout with Toronto BalmyBeach of the ORFU(Ontario Rugby FootballLeague) which was sort of afarm system for the CFL in

those days.Easterbrook got an engi-

neering degree at U of Tand started a long careerwith DuPont in EasternOntario. Far as I know hestill lives near Brockville.

Ethridge joined the navyand became a pilot. How heever fit into a co*ckpit I don'tknow.

Ran into him once in theearly 60s when I was livingin Halifax, but have no ideawhere he is now.

Keith KincaidFormer Auroran

Cumulative effect?To the editor,

Health Canada wants toexpand its irradiation offoods to include meats.

I wasn't aware certainspices, flour, potatoes andsuch are currently blastedwith "safe" radiation.

This is done to kill micro-organisms like e-coli. (Aside benefit to the foodindustry is delayed spoilage.

A negative is some vita-mins are lost, but as the arti-

cle points out, some are lostanyway when you freeze orcook your food.

I don't even really under-stand micro-waving, but Ican't help wondering, ifOrville's kernels have beenirradiated, then later micro-waved, smothered with dietmargarine, and washeddown with light beer, whatcould be the cumulativeeffect?Bill HackAurora

R.S.V.P. 905-773-9329 aurorafamilylaw - [PDF Document] (7)

AURORAN, Week of Jauary 7, 2003 - 7

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Letters to the editor

To the editor,

It was International Night atthe Aurora Seniors Centrerecently.

And oh, what a night.Friendship without borders.Jolly, friendly, laughing, ani-mated and elegant, a joy tobe a part of. Such a simpleidea, bringing together somany different people andcultures.

Tasting foods from the dif-ferent countries, lovingly pre-pared with pride, was a won-derful start to an eveningfilled with music, dancing,and yes, more food.The Ports of Call, located in

the Victoria Hall adjoining theSeniors Centre, were eachidentified by country, andstaffed with representativeswho still had an emotionalattachment to their country oforigin.Artifacts, pictures and hand-

made articles of clothingwere displayed, clothingwhich once had been part offestivities in China, TheUkraine, Croatia to name afew.

The craftsmanship one canonly hope will not be forgot-ten and lost.

Sofia Anderson, an Orientallady, displayed Mandarinstyle clothing which she hadworn in real life, and whichincluded her wedding dress,as did Evelyn Meleta withclothing from Ukraine, andLydia Schuster, adorned in apeasant costume fromCroatia, and displaying acherished photograph of hermother, from long years ago,wearing that very same cos-tume.

Such memories of lovedones, and times long gone,bring a tear to the eye, a lumpto the throat, and will notsoon be forgotten.

The other countries repre-sented with pride, includedGermany with Ericha Prelle,England with Evelyn Payne,Holland with Linda Bootsmaand Mary Verbakel, andCanada, represented by theirrepressible Robena Reed,in hockey uniform, with hel-met and mesh face mask,who brought humour and heruplifting joy of life, a risingtide that lifts all boats.The next part of the evening

took part in the SeniorsCentre, which was decoratedto represent a state roomaboard a ship, with a cap-tain's table, where captainRichard Galata and first mateBarbara Galata held court.

All of the tables had pinktablecloths, mauve servi-

It was world-wide tripwithout leaving home

Jerry Cingolani entertains visitors at the Germanbooth during Aurora Seniors' International Nightheld recently at the centre and at Victoria Hall.

Auroran photo by Matt Haggerty

ettes, and glass candle cen-terpieces encompassed bypink roses.

A setting well suited to theguests, elegant ladies andelegant gentlemen, with anaura of excellence surround-ing them all.And dinner! Salad, followed

by the main course, roastbeef, potatoes, choice ofvegetables and for thosewho could, ice cream with afruit sauce co*cktail.

Compliments to the chefindeed, to all who preparedthis meal and to those whoserved it.

Pat Herbert and MamieYane richly deserve mentionfor their effort preparing thishugely successful dinner.

And Mr Music, CharlesSequeira, who knows justwhat to play, and when toplay it, and Cliff Daviesready to help whereverneeded.

To paraphrase John F.Kennedy, these volunteersasked not, what can theCentre do for us, but whatcan we do for the Centre.

These seniors grace theTown of Aurora and are acredit to the community.

Kim Hinder, the town co-ordinater, is to be commend-ed for her part, well played.

And let me not forget thesupport given by AuroraTown Council, led by MayorTim Jones, diligently plottinga jigsaw of organisationsthat need housing, and loca-tions that need upgradingand renovating.

Good stuff, Aurora!

Brian WarburtonAurora

Political correctnessis carried to extremeTo the editor,

The letter from RobertRyan (Auroran, Dec. 17 - "Iam Canadian, reader says")deserves my compliments.

I, too, have been astound-ed that we, as Canadians,are way too much laid backand have driven the politi-cally correctness to theextreme.

Whatever happened to"When in Rome, do as the

Romans do"?Immigrants do no longer

integrate in the fabric of theCanadian society.

Sure, we do not requirethat these people give uptheir beliefs and customs,but on the other hand, theyshould not require us tochange the 12 Days ofChristmas to "the 12 days ofgift giving". (Shame on you,Royal Mint).

I do not think that the

Islamites will ever changeRamadan to "the season offasting".

Nor will our Jewish friendschange Hanukkah to "theFestival of Candles".

Mayor of Toronto, MelLastman, even though he isof the Jewish faith, let it beknown that the Holiday Treewas indeed a ChristmasTree.

A while ago my wife and Iwent to a "Winter's Eve

Festive Dinner and Dance"presented by my previousemployer.

I confronted the Presidentof the company and theorganizers that, in my book,it was a Christmas Party.

Well, let's see what 2003will bring, and to RobertRyan, I would say, "right on,man".

Tom van den ElshoutAurora

Give a thought to college education, reader saysTo the editor,

In the next few months,students enrolled in grade12 and OAC will apply topost secondary institutionsto continue their education.

About 65,000 graduating

students, nicknamed thedouble cohort, will apply tothe colleges and universi-ties in Ontario seeking tocontinue their educationalcareer. But where shouldyour son or daughter go?

Traditionally, a parentwould think that a universi-ty education would provideand lead their child to abetter career. Universitieshave an active alumniorganization to raise fundsand a rich tradition of edu-cation. Colleges have onlybeen operating since 1969and are searching forfunds to build new librariesand facilities. Universitieshave become establishedand recognized by name,while colleges are still try-ing to get a reputation.

This attitude, however, isout of date and is based onmyths. Colleges havechanged over the yearsand they should now getmore respect from the pub-lic.

For example, at HumberCollege, in 2000, 6.2% ofstudents had partial uni-versity experience and12.4% of the college stu-dents had completed a uni-versity education.

At the same college, 25%of the students had com-pleted five OAC's, and13% of the students hadcompleted six. The stu-dent's educational level at

entry into a college pro-gram is now solid and sig-nificant.

Furthermore, 91% thegraduating students atHumber found work in theirintended career programwithin one year after grad-uation. Few universitiescan state this fact andcompete with this highplacement rate.

Academic standards atcolleges are now matchingthe same standards at auniversity.

Some college coursesnow adopt the same text-book used at a university,for the same type ofcourse. In2003, the colleges and uni-versities will offer moreprograms, which will leadto a college diploma anduniversity degree, over afour-year period. This will

provide the students withthe skills and the knowl-edge for a career and ajob.

So, it is time to changethe old image of colleges.Adults will, no doubt, con-tinue to consider collegesas viable ways to advancetheir careers and skills. Forexample, in 2000, approxi-mately 24% of the studentsregistered at Humber, were24 years of age or older.

It is now the time for highschool grads to consider anew path to higher educa-tion. The double cohortstudents may well want toapply to a CommunityCollege for a college-uni-versity program, for 2003-04. It is a new option inpost secondary education.

Jim Jackson Aurora

Improve localbusiness scene,reader suggestsTo the editor,

Conflict of interest; it's anissue municipal councillors,especially in small towns,wrestle with as they strive toperform their elected duties.

I noted with interestCouncillor Ron Wallace'sobservation: "somewhere itgoes from the ridiculous tothe sublime".

So, why not settle for thesublime and, instead of coun-cillors having to declare con-flict of interest when dealingwith specific companies,draw up a plan to improve thelocal business scene as awhole?

I am well aware theCanadian economy as awhole is now regaining its lostmomentum, but sustainabilityis the moot point.Business viability and stable

employment are urgentrequirements.

W. John TruslerAurora

R.S.V.P. 905-773-9329 aurorafamilylaw - [PDF Document] (8)

8 -AURORAN, Week of January 7, 2003

1. READY FOR THE TORCH - Aurora's 40-year-oldwater tower is shown moments before demolitionequipment attacked it.

2. FIRST NIBBLES - 90-foot "can opener" takesthe first bites out of the tower, in a project thatwould last all day.

3. CRIPPLED - With two legs severed and a thirdweakened, the tower has lost much of its invinci-bility. But it remained upright.

4. A LITTLE BITE HERE - With dad, Vic, and son,Ryan, watching, Priestly equipment chews into atower leg.

5. DOWN SHE COMES - Hard to tell, but the toweris falling, and the photographer is scrambling.Tree and hydro pole were victims.

6. WELL DONE, SON - Vic Priestly, right, congrat-ulates son, Ryan, after the tower in the back-ground came crashing to the ground.

According to Ryan Priestly, it would fall intoitself.

The president of Priestly Demolition, Ryansaid the engineers expected that once themiddle and a few legs of Aurora's 40-year-oldwater tower were removed, the structurewould collapse in a heap.

Not. After a full day of weakening the equivalent

of a 10-storey building, the town's south endwater tower didn't collapse.

It toppled.The giant tower, capable of holding a million

gallons of water, came crashing down, wip-ing out a mature coniferous tree and a hydropole.

It unceremoniously face-planted itself in themud.

For Priestly Demolition, the experts in get-ting rid of things in a hurry, the water towerwas a new challenge.

Equipped with a huge inventory of destruc-tive demolition devices, Priestly's menworked all day at removing the now uselesstower, while spectators, including Mayor TimJones and Councillor George Timpson,watched from a distance.

The idea was to remove the centre post,demolish a small building, then eat off a fewof the tower's eight legs.Three legs had been severed and the struc-

ture remained upright. The fourth was the

killer.But instead of collapsing under its own

weight, the tower let out a horrible groan,then fell toward the property's only access, adriveway off Davis Road.

Founder of the company, Vic Priestly wason hand to watch his son, Ryan, bring thestructure to the ground.

"Any demolition is a good demolition," Vicsaid, when asked if things had gone accord-ing to plan.

By the end of the following day, the mortal-ly wounded structure was being carved upinto a plethora of scrap metal and awaitingremoval.

Life and death of a water tower

Auroran photos by Ron Wallace

R.S.V.P. 905-773-9329 aurorafamilylaw - [PDF Document] (9)

AURORAN, Week of January 7, 2003 - 9

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Speed complaints contin-ued to haunt council asmore and more streetsrequested the limit bereduced to 40 km/hr.

Wenderly Drive and IberCourt were slated for recon-struction and the recon-struction of Jasper Drivethreatened to become anelection issue.As the Aurora Tigers hock-

ey team advanced to theplayoffs, a conflict devel-oped as the AuroraChamber of Commerce hadbooked the community cen-tre for their Annual HomeShow and staff was directedto come with a permanentsolution as to how bothusers could use the buildingat the same time.

Gerry Conetta obtained alimo licence in spite of astaff recommendation to thecontrary.

In May, Aurora was namedW e l c o m e W a g o nCommunity of the Year forits population class.

Renovations to the ChurchStreet School got underwayand the 2002 tax rate wasset with an increase of$94.02 on the averagehome.

Aurora citizens learnedthey would start receivingLake Ontario water blendedwith the local water supplyin late May or early Juneand that the WellingtonStreet reconstruction projectwas on schedule and onbudget.

Motorists were pleased tolearn that the regional cen-tralized traffic control sys-tem was to be upgraded.Council petitioned theprovince to amend theHighway Traffic Act to per-mit a 40-km/hr speed limiton all streets in the munici-pality.

Due to a number of citizencomplaints about the num-ber of newspaper boxes ontown streets, council direct-ed staff to review ways andmeans under which theboxes might be controlled.

Former Aurora CouncillorEarl Stewart died in a Barriehospital during the early partof May.Aurora council was hopeful

some of its traffic problemswould be solved with therelease of the consultant'sreport on the MasterTransportation OperationsStudy in June, but council-lors were disappointed.

Following a trial period ofspeed humps on KennedyStreet, council agreed thetraffic-calming device washere to stay.

The fundraising committeefor the new Library reached$750,000 with a target of $1million.

On June 11th, students,

staff and others carried theWorld Youth Day Crossnorth on Yonge Street fromCardinal Carter HighSchool to Our Lady ofGrace Church.

During the month therewas considerable debateover the future uses of the89-acre parcel of land thetown purchased on LeslieStreet, and the need for aClean Yards Bylaw. Theproposed removal of theYonge Street pedestriancrossover at Mosley Streetwas also debated.

The first six months of2002 were interesting andcontroversial, but there ismuch more to come in thelast six months of the year,which will appear in theAuroran next week.

From page 1

I wasn't invited, the mayor saidHis name is not in the news these days, but back in

February, 1983, Ken Taylor was well known as theCanadian Ambassador to Iran who was able to usehis office to hide several Americans and sneak themback safely to the United States.

He was a hero to the Americans.Taylor visited Aurora that month as the guest

speaker at a "Multi-Cultural Conference" at theAurora Highlands Golf Club.

The conference was designed to promote aware-ness of ethno-cultural similarities and differenceswithin York Region.

The Cross-Cultural Program of Southern YorkRegion sponsored the event.

Following the conference, Mayor Dick Illingworthwas asked why he hadn't attended to welcome theheroic Canadian.

His answer was simple: "I wasn't invited".


For many years the coffee shop at the former IGAstore at Yonge and Wellington, now Sobey's, was thefavourite meeting spot for Aurora's seniors to gatherevery morning.

At that time coffee was 25 cents a cup. When thesales tax was imposed in 1982, IGA manager ArtPepper decided to drop the price of a cup of coffeeto 23 cents so he could still sell it for 25 cents withthe store absorbing the tax.

Local seniors appreciated the price adjustment sothey could go in and enjoy their coffee and a chat atthe same price.

In May, 1985, when the store underwent renova-tions, it was planned to eliminate the snack bar andthe seniors' favourite meeting place.

Val Waite organized a 100-name petition and thesnack bar and coffee tables were saved.


If you have problems trying to fit your car in one ofthe designated spaces in a parking lot, and moreproblems when you try to back out due to lack ofroom, don't blame the plaza or store operator.

In May, 1985, Aurora Council decided to reduce theminimum size of the parking stalls from 19.7 feetdeep to 17.4 feet and the width from 9.8 feet to 8.8feet.

The reason given was that cars were generallysmaller at that time than in 1980 when the originalsizes were set.

The new sizes were tested at the Shoppers DrugMart on Yonge Street for more than a year withoutany reported complaints or problems.


It was in 1960 when the Post Office carried out a"places to call" survey in Aurora as the first step todoor-to-door mail delivery.

Until that time residents walked downtown to theOld Post Office with the historic clock tower onYonge Street.

What would normally be about a 10-minute tripoften stretched out to more than an hour as neigh-bour met neighbour and people stopped to shop inthe many retail stores in the downtown core.

For the ladies there was Ardill's Department Storeand for men Norm Cook's Men's Wear and ChetOsborne's Shoes and Clothing.

There were three drug stores, Nixon Fisher's Fiveto a Dollar, Mary's Fruit Store , Rubin's Grocery andDepartment Store and many others.

In those days, 400 to 500 people would gather onYonge Street every Saturday afternoon about 3 p.m.as Harry Seston mounted the steps of the PostOffice to make the weekly draw of an Auroran who

RUMOURS & RUMBLINGShad shopped in the downtown area during the pastweek.

When home mail delivery started there wasn't thesame need to make frequent visits to the PostOffice and the downtown core and that was the startof the core's deterioration as a retail centre.

Then in 1967 a $397,670 contract was awarded forthe construction of the present Post Office onWellington Street East.

Reviewing Aurora’s events

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Practice makes perfect.And perfect equals a region-al championship.

The boys' volleyball teamat Our Lady Of GraceSchool started practicing inearly September and it led

them to the York CatholicSchool Board RegionalFinals recently undefeatedin their local and north areatournaments.

Each player was instru-mental in attaining this goalbecause each wasassigned specific positionsthat matched his strengths(setter, spiker or digger).

The Regionals were heldat the new St. TheresaLiseux Catholic High Schoolin Richmond Hill.

Teams representing thesouth, east and westregions included Christ theKing, Mother Theresa andOur Lady Of Fatima.

OLG was not playing itsbest as the first round gotunderway.

They split games withMother Theresa (25-19, 18-25) and Christ the King (25-22, 16-25) then lost bothgames to Our Lady ofFatima (14-25, 16-25).A misinterpreted rule didn't

help things, however, theteam dug deep in the semi-finals against Christ theKing and won 27-25 and 25-

19, much to the surprise ofthe other teams and specta-tors.

The finals pitted OLGagainst Mother Theresa.Their first game was a nailbiter with close competitionand spiking from bothteams.

Eventually OLG took thegame 27-25. The secondgame was also close how-ever with consistent serves,digs and spikes, OLGbecame RegionalChampions in two straightwith the second game score25-19.

This is the first regionalchampionship title for anOur Lady of Grace schoolteam ever to be won.

The team is made up ofGrade 7 and 8 boys includ-ing Philip Benda, TylerCappell, Ryan Fennell,Darren Gwilliam, StevenKeane, Fraser Kegel, JakeMacDougall, Kevin Shetler,Alex Stewart, Joel Stock,Jamie Tuck and MatthewVenditelli.

Marcel Leone is theCoach.

Boys volleyball champs 2002

Slow start results in volleyball title

INTERCLUB EVENTS(Top two skaters advance toMidway East Interclub)

Pre-Preliminary Ladies FreeSkate - Maya Goldman,Amy Thompson, Ariel Kwan.Preliminary Ladies FreeSkate - Jamie Stephenson,Meaghan Jones, JacquelineMiklovich.Preliminary Ladies SoloDance - Emma Slimkowich,Jordana Goldman, KateSutton.Junior Bronze Ladies SoloDance - Maya Goldman,Jennine Brunton.Senior Bronze Ladies SoloDance - Amanda Jamieson,Meaghan Jones, TiffanyJordan.Junior Silver Ladies SoloDance - Sarah Gray,Michelle Wong, VictoriaEllis.Introductory LadiesInterpretive Free Skate -Amanda Saunders, VictoriaEllis.Junior Bronze Ladies FreeSkate - Michelle Wong,Sarah Gray, AmberBowman.Senior Bronze Ladies FreeSkate - Carolyn Armstrong, Lauren Cooper, ValerieCrisp.

CLUB EVENTSIndividual CanskateElements

Canskate Elements Stage 4- Samantha Duncan,Brittany Blanchard.Canskate Elements Stage 5- Danielle MacAskill.Canskate Elements Stage 6- Sierra Thomson. Challenge - B r i n l e eBrown, Cassandre VanBakel (tied).Introductory 1 Ladies FreeSkate -Nicole Miklovich,Jacqueline Relke, KendallMannellaIntroductory 1 Ladies FreeSkate - Flight 2 - KateSutton, Madeline Damp,Nicole RelkeIntroductory 1 Ladies FreeSkate - Flight 3 - Coral Snell,Emma Laverty, TaylorMcDowall, Christine Relke,

Results from AFSClub competition

Please see page 15

Thirty-one games andcounting…

The Aurora Tigers Junior Ahockey club have playedonly four games since aweek before Christmas, butno matter…

They were all wins.On Saturday night, they

stretched their unbeatenstreak to 31 games, andtook over first place overall,atop the 35-team OntarioJunior A league.

The Tigers continued win-ning Saturday in Thornhilldefeating the Rattlers 3-2.

An outstanding perform-ance by Thornhill goaltenderMike Andreoff almost pre-vented the Tigers fromextending their streak. butas has become customarywith this team, they keepfinding ways to win.

After coming off a close 1-0 win against Collingwoodthe night before, the Tigerswere looking to get a betterjump early in the game.

And that they did, out-shooting the Rattlers 22-4during the first 20 minutes ofplay.

Scott MacDonald openedthe scoring for Aurora on apower play goal butThornhill tied the game nearthe half way mark of theperiod, beating Tiger goal-tender Lance King.

Although Aurora main-tained its pressure on

Thornhill, outshooting them16-6, it was the Rattlers whotook the lead on a powerplay goal.

But, a beautiful shorthanded goal by Matt Bahen,set up by Jordan Brennerand Mark Poole, allowed theTigers to head into thedressing room tied at twoafter 40 minutes of play.

The third period was moreevenly played with Auroranarrowly outshootingThornhill 9-7.

An incredible wrist shot bySteve Mignardi with justunder five minutes to play inthe game gave Aurora the 3-2 lead, one they would holdonto for the win.A night earlier, playing their

first game since December20th, the Tigers travelled toCollingwood to face theBlues.

With Collingwood comingoff a big win over StouffvilleThursday, the Tigers knewthey were in for a battle.

Both teams showed signsof playing cautious in thefirst period.

Chris Whitley turned inanother outstanding per-formance for Aurora, makingsome key saves.

The Tigers seemed to stepit up a bit in the second, out-shooting the Blues 13-9.

The third period belongedto Aurora as they seemed tobe all over Collingwood.

Tigers outshot the Blues 14-7 and finally managed to geta puck past the Collingwoodnetminder.

Jesse Olden's shot withjust under seven minutes toplay in the game gaveAurora a 1-0 lead and fromthat point on the great playof Whitley allowed Aurora tocontinue its incredible win-ning streak...and moreimportantly give Whitley hisfifth shutout of the season.

Prior to Christmas, Auroramet its arch-rivalNewmarket Hurricanes in aback-to-back series, andmanaged to add four pointsto their ever-growing record.

In the first game, Tigerstravelled to Newmarket tomeet the Hurricanes andtook a 3-1 victory.

Things weren't quite thatclose the following night, asAurora thumped Newmarket7-0 at home.

Aurora got goals fromDerek Doucette (2), SteveMignardi, Jamie Minchella,Sam Skwarchuk, MattChristie and Steve Downie.

Superb goaltending byChris Whitley keptNewmarket at bay as heearned his fourth shutout ofthe season.

Aurora will travel toStouffville Thursday, returnhome Friday night to hostAjax then host MarkhamSunday afternoon.

Shutting down Tigers like stopping a train

R.S.V.P. 905-773-9329 aurorafamilylaw - [PDF Document] (12)

12 AURORAN- Week of January 7, 2003

Exhibition GamesAtomSTUBBS INVESTMENTS INC. 5 (Dylan Teacher2G,2A Daniel Crowther 2G,1A Patrick Che 1G,2AMarlon Young 1A David Naccarato 2A) NORTH YORKPLUMBING &HEATING 3 (Iaian Briscoe 1G ZachLangford 1G,1A Scott Ashbourne 1G Kirk Bice 1A JustinKillens 1A Nicholas Watts 1A Max Jasniewski 1A)

League GamesTykesSUPREME COLLISION CENTRE 10 (Peter Sandwell4G Daniel Jones 3G Massimo Longhin 2G Jamie Poutney 1G,1A Stuart Mattila 2A Evan Romano 1A) DON FAR-NUM'S FABULOUS FLYERS 3 (MacKenzie Lemmon2G Liam Killops 1G Daniel Shepherd 1A)

THE SHREDDING COMPANY 7 (Stefan Lazzer 2G,1AJerryd Jensen 2G,1A Connor Moody 2G Ryan Baskin1GRyan MacMillan 2A) www.mastermindtoys.com 3(Trevor George 1G,1A Hailey Black 1G Colton Lee 1G)

BUTTERNUT HOLLOW FARM 4 (Erik Kimmerer2GQuincy Ing 1G,1A Douglas Nisbet 1G Quinn McGowan1A Jordan Dunin SO) ROTARY CLUB OF AURORA 0

CASEY TRANSPORTATION 4 (Kevin Casey 3GCameron Nuttall 1G Joshua Lawlor 1A) F. R. CUSTOMMETAL 1 (Jason Samide 1G Calvin McHugh 1A)

Minor AtomTHE BACKYARD POOL & SPA COMPANY 3 (DylanJolivet 1G,1A Brendan Strachan 1G Brett Richardson1GBen Centre 1A) TRIO RESTAURANT 2 (AndrewSmitten1G Chris Venditelli 1G Quinn Tessarolo 1AJames Phillips 1A)

MARY'S FLOWER SHOP 3 (Alexander Payne 1GMichael Vance 2G Christopher Follett 1A JordanGregoris1A Ben McConnell 1A) OLBERT METALS 3(Paul Andrews 1G,1A Alex Dunn 1G Luca Battiston 1G)

REC CYCLE N' SPORTS 5 (Jordan Gerace 3G LucasCristillo 1G,1A Lucas Hargrave 1G Andrew Cosentino1AHayden Sands 1A Ryan Ceresino SO) DELPH &JENKINS LEVELERS 0

DOMINION 12 (Curtis Stobo 3g, Gregory Lacroix 3g,Robert Denault 2G Cameron Annear 3G Jarrett Lennie1GAnthony De Cesare 1A David Bolsby 1A StefanHasko 1A Evan Thompson 1A) LANGDONS COACHLINES 7 (Gianfranco Sampieri 2G,1A Eric Presacco 1GRyan Laird 1G Brandon Thompson 2G Adrian Tobin 1GLiam McGoldrick 1A Jonathan Boehmer 1A)

AtomDIAL TONE COMMUNICATIONS 7 (Daniel Sampieri2G Adam Gitto 2G Michael Orschel 1G Steven Judges1G Kyle Landry 1G Drew Coley 2A) AURORA CABLEINTERNET 3 (Nicholas Orsatti 1A Paul Duggan 1G,1ASheldon Rivard 1G,1A Brendan Beatty 2A MattheusVloet 1A)

DIAL TONE COMMUNICATIONS 5 (James Chappell2G Michael Orschel 2G Kyle Landry 1G,1A Brett Weeks1A Adam Gitto 1A) NORTH YORK PLUMBING &HEATING 1 (Scott Ashbourne 1G Ian Stock 1A ConnorMurray 1A)

AURORA CABLE INTERNET 8 (Nicholas Orsatti 4GPaul Duggan 1G,2A Mattheus Vloet 1G Colin Munn2G,4A Andrew Osmond 1A Brendan Beatty 1A) ORR &FORSTER INSURANCE BROKERS 7 (Dylan Lastuk3G,1A Michael Coggin 2G,1A Graham Cormack 1GDexter Speller-Drews 1G,1A Brandon Rival 1A GrahamMitchell 1A Cameron Meikle 1A Eric de Roos 1A)

DIAL TONE COMMUNICATIONS 3 (Adam Gitto 1GDaniel Sampieri 1G Kyle Landry 1G) AURORA HOME-HARDWARE BUILDING CENTRE 3 (Johnathan Siery1G Ryan Peddigrew 1G,1A Robert Fiorini 1G)

ORR & FORSTER INSURANCE BROKERS 4 (DexterSpeller-Drews 2G Michael Coggin 1G Graham Cormack1G,3A) AURORA CABLE INTERNET 3(MattheusVloet 2G Paul Duggan 1G Nicholas Orsatti 2ABrendan Beatty 1A)

Minor PeeweeEUROPEAN STEEL 7 ( David Staeuble 1G,1A JamieRussell 2G,1A Johnathan Comeau 2G,1A BraunHause2G,1A C.J. Melichercik 2A Dane Francis Gregoris1A)AURORA CANADIAN TIRE 1 (Evan Williams 1G TomGibson 1A Michael Hay 1A)

COLL AUDIO & ACCURATE ELECTRICAL 5 (Steven Foss 2G Michael Shoesmith 1G 1A Jay Finch 2GMarshall McQuillan 2A Dylan Dusome 1A) FRESH-WATER INDUSTRIES BOTTLED WATER 1 (AdrianClark 1G Zachary Samonas 1A)

OMAR'S SHOES 8 (Christian Hastings 3G MadisonWeber 3G,1A Daniel Sacchetti 2G,1A Cameron Smith2A Kevin Nandlall 1A) SKATERS FIRST 1 (MatthewPerdeaux 1G Taylor Bryce 1A)

AURORA CANADIAN TIRE 4 (David Yates 3GSpenser Freeland 1G William Ginther 1A) SKATERSFIRST 3 (Taylor Bryce 1G 1A Ian Hayzelden 1G EricBailey 1G)

OMAR'S SHOES 3 (Christian Hastings 2G MadisonWeber 1G 1A Cameron Smith 1A Dylan Calvert1A)EUROPEAN STEEL 1 (Jamie Russell 1G C.J.Melichercik 1A)

SHOPPERS DRUG MART - AURORA 3 (Jay Lamont1G Blair Nimmo 1G Nick Cascone 1G,1A Simon

Esposito 1A) FRESH WATER INDUSTRIES BOTTLEDWATER 2 (Aaron Macdonald 2G Adrian Clark 1A KylePartanen 1A)

COLL AUDIO & ACCURATE ELECTRICAL 1 (ConorJohnston 1G Bryan Kearns 1A Eric Shoesmith 1AJamesCollett SO) PERMANENT PRESS PRINTING 0

PeeweeAURORA CABLE INTERNET 11 (Connor Ryeland1G,1A Patrick McMurray 4G Joe Doucher 2G,1A FraserKegel 3G,2A Mike Sanita 1G David Crisp 1A) SLATERSTEELS- STAINLESS 5 (Sam Caldwell 4G DevinMaule 1G)

EDWARDS-MURPHY PAINTING & DECORATING 5 (Joey Clark 1G Garrett Kerkkamp 2G Patrick Murphy 2GChristian Di Vincenzo 1A Evan Benson 1A) CHEVA-LIER CHRYSLER 2 (Scott Gray 1G Tyler Flanagan 1GDaniel Cress 1A)

JUNIOR TIGERS 5 (Mike Roberts 2G Josh Finlayson1G Alex Munn 1G,1A Alistair Bogart 1G,1A AlexPagnotta 1A Mike Nealon 2A) D-MAC FURNITURE 2(Nick Whelan 1G Matthew Holland 1G Bradley Juffs 1ATyler Miskolczy-Macdonald 1A)

SMITTY'S PAINTING & DECORATING 4 (Alex Strapp 2G Sam Millette 1G Greg Haralampopoulos 1G,1AGeoffHarrison 2A) ATLAS SPECIALTY STEELS 3(Joseph Smith 2G Dylan Brennan 1G Zach Ashfield 1ADavid Hilchuk 1A)

Minor BantamAURORA HOME HARDWARE BUILDING CENTRE5 (Jason Baran 2G Stephen Pitts 2A Patrick Madden 1AKeith Bradford 1G Jesse Gattellaro 2G Joel Stock 1APatrick O'Doherty 2A Jordan Beally SO) JUNIORTIGERS 0

HS FINANCIAL SERVICES 3 (Michael Rowe 1G,1AMorgan Middelstaedt 1A Jon Aleksich 1G Paul Jenkins1A Dan Lewis 1G) IZZI POPAT - ROYAL LE PAGE 3(Tom Horner 1G Omar Popett 1A Bradon Bonner 1GJonathan Williams 1A Mathew Preston 1G Rob Kaptyn1A)

LOCKLEY STAINLESS 6 (Peter Walker 2G MitchellBrown 3G Bryan Dunjko 1G,1A Ian Mulhern 1A RobRuuskanen 1A Harrison Edwards 1A Doug Bainbridge1A) PHILADELPHIA STAINLESS 2 (Harrison Brook1G Jamie Fenyes 1G,1A)

JUNIOR TIGERS 5 (Paul Magill 1G Ryan Joynt 2G,1AJake Teel 1G,2A Kevin McCreedy 1G Andrew Kines 1A)PHILADELPHIA STAINLESS 1 (Tyler McGhee 1GEvan Magill 1A)

HS FINANCIAL SERVICES 3 (Micheal Rowe 1G,1AJesse Barker 1A Jon Aleksich 1G,1A Brent McClenny 1GDan Coates 1A Meagan Bastarache 1A) LOCKLEYSTAINLESS 3 (Andrew Boyle 1G Eric Wakeman 1G,1APeter Walker 1G Rob Ruuskanen 1A Bryan Dunjko 1A)

AURORA HOME HARDWARE BUILDING CENTRE3 (Jesse Gattellaro 1G Justin Torma 1A Jason Baran 1GStephen Pitts 1A Patrick Madden 1A Ryan Hall 1G JamesWeber 1A Joel Stock 1A) IZZI POPAT - ROYAL LEPAGE 1 (Bradon Bonner 1G Nathon Taylor 1A)

BantamAURORA OPTICAL 6 (Mike Smyth 1G,2A JesseEikelund 2G Dean Hamann 1G,1A Chris Wheeler 1GBlair Plewman 1G John Epworth 2A Mike McIntosh 1A)TW!ST MARKETING 2 (Nathan Vanderweilen 1GAugustino Bova 1G Brad Finch 1A Ben Revington 1A)

TW!ST MARKETING 7 (David Zavarese 2G,4ANicholas Mikailie 2G,1A Spencer Robinson 1G RyanThiffault 1G,1A Troy Johnston 1G,3A Dan Baillie 1AAndrew Goss1A) CHEVERIE COMMUNICATIONS 3(Mark Quagliarin2G,1A Peter Smith 1G,1A JamesHarrison 1A)

AURORA OPTICAL 2 (Jesse Eikelund 1G SpencerPerry 1G Dean Hamman 1A John Epworth 1A) ROYALCANADIAN LEGION - AURORA 1 (Curtis Sands 1GLuke Roth 1A)

IRVINE ROBINSON INTERIORS 6 (Michael Panetta2G Michael Fong 2G Rocco Smeriglio 1G,2A AlecFollett 1G Caitlin Kelly 2A Sean Devlin 1A DavidJohnson 2A Corey McPherson 1A Dan Jolivet 1A)ASTECH 1 (Mike Bellamy 1G,1A Spencer Phillips1G,1A Dan Abram 1G)

IRVINE ROBINSON INTERIORS 4 (Corey McPherson1G Sean Devlin 1G Neil Irvine 1G Michael Fong 1G,1ARocco Smeriglio 1A Evan Bonnell 1A Michael Panetta1A Dan Jolivet 2A) CHEVERIE COMMUNICATIONS 1(Marc Quagliarini 1G Jim Harrison 1A)

SponsorsTyke Venture Steel

McLean TravelNovice Butler's Landscaping

Priestly ElectricMinor Atom City-Wide Electrical

Joriki JuiceMinor Bantam Bill & Brenda Jenkins@Re/Max

York Group Realty IncDuckworth Insurance & Financial Services

Minor Peewee Astech Solutions Inc

Exhibition GamesMinor Atom (3) vs Newmarket (1)Daniel McConnell 1G Kamran Karamchi 1G,1A Tyler

Jensen 1G Nicholas Silverio 1A Jonathan Poulakos 2ADennis Casey 1A

League GamesTyke (3) vs Richmond Hill (2)Kyle Zacharuk 2G Eric Archibald 1G Quinn McGowan1A Eric Damecour 1A Collin Laird 1A

Minor Atom (4) vs Ajax (1)Jonathan Poulakos 2G,1A Dylan Skelton 1G MichaelDiVincenzo 1G Kamran Karamchi 1A Matthew Miller1A Michael Bar 1A Daniel McConnell 1A

Minor Peewee (5) vs East Gwillimbury (2)David Iwai 2G Matthew Scrimes 1G,1A Graeme Smart2A Andrew Mangialardi 1G Curtis Hough 1G AdamBloom 1A Ryan Crockett 1A

TournamentsMinor Peewee (2) vs Osgoode Rideau (3)Brandon Galante 1G Andrew Mangialardi 1G EmilioNafarrate 1A Brandon Giniotis 1A Ethan Shore 2A

Minor Peewee (3) vs Duffield (1)David Iwai 2G Graeme Smart 1G Curtis Hough 1A

Minor Peewee (1) vs Meadowvale (1)Greg Buchner 1G

SponsorsNovice AA Dymin Steel

Dave Wood MazdaMinor Atom A Charley FitzWhiskey's Tap &

EateryLondon Guarantee Insurance Company

Minor Atom AA Cosma InternationalMasterclean Contracting & Cleaning

Bantam A Highland TransportBantam AE Gallaugher Contracting

Viking FireMinor Midget A Law Insurance Brokers

Scotia CapitalMidget A B&M Produce

Dome InteriorsMidget AA RBC

Summer's & Smith

League GamesNovice A (3) vs Richmond Hill (3)Eric Perrin 1G Ethan Benson 1G William Reid 1G

Novice A (2) vs Georgina (4)Ethan Benson 1G,1A Eric Perrin 1G,1A

Novice A (5) vs Markham (3)Eric Perrin 2G Ethan Benson 1G,1A Brian Puskar 1G,1AReid Sisson 1G William Reid 1A

Novice A (3) vs Markham (1)Ryan Hughes 1G Eric Ludwig 1A Jody Nonnewitz 1A

Novice A (2) vs Nobleking (8)Eric Perrin 1G Eric Ludwig 1A Matthew Roy 1A DylanWoyslaw 1G Reid Sisson 1A

Novice AA (6) vs Peterborough (2)Taylor Chick 4G Ryan St.Germain 1G Chris Youtoff 1GDylan Sikura 2A Jesse Bentolila 1A Mark Robertson 1ASean Nishimura 1A Mitchell Harris 1A

Novice AA (1) vs Georgina (13)Cooper Catt 1G Dylan Sikura 1A Taylor Chick 1A

Novice AA (4) vs Peterborough (4)Chris Youtoff 2G Taylor Chick 1G,1A Brett Wilson 1GSean Nishimura 2A Dylan Sikura 1A Cooper Catt 1AAlex Woodward 1A Trevor Best 1A

Novice AA (3) vs Richmond Hill (4)Mitchell Harris 1G Taylor Chick 1G Cooper Catt 1GKyle Spicer 1A Sean Nishimura 1A Trevor Best 1A ChrisYoutoff 1A AJ Killens 1A Mark Robertson 1A

Novice AA (3) vs Richmond Hill (4)Mitchell Harris 1G Taylor Chick 1G Dylan Sikura 1GKyle spicer 1A Sean Nishimura 1A Trevor Best 1A Chris Youtoff 1A AJ Killens 1A Mark Robertson 1A

Novice AA (6) vs Pickering (3)Chris Youtoff 3G Taylor Chick 1G,2A Brett Wilson1G,1A Dylan Sikura 1G Mitchell Harris 3A Kyle Spicer1A Sean Nishimura 1A Jesse Bentolila 1A

Minor Atom A (3) vs Innisfil (5)Eleeza Cox 1G,1A Steadman Dinning 1G BrandonPedersen 1G Josh Beaton 2A Matthew Mears 1A TristanMiller 1A

Minor Atom A (3) vs East Gwillumbury (3)Steadman Dinning 1G Jamie Hawkins 1G Eleeza Cox 1GJosh Beaton 1A Stephen DeMarco 1A Jack Steffan 1A

Minor Atom A (0) vs TNT (5)

Minor Atom A (6) vs Stouffville (3)Matthew Mears 3G,1A Josh Beaton 1G,1A Tristan Miller1G,1A Brandon Pedersen 1G,1A Eleeza Cox 1ASpencerGeorge 1A Cody Weese 1A Blair Cuthbert 1ASteadmanDinning 1A

Minor Atom AA (5) vs Ajax (4)James Harkin 1G,1A Taran McGowan 1G,1A BarclayGoodrow 2G Kyle McCreedy 1G Dylan Kovacs 1AChristopher Smith 2A Ryan Bailey 2A Scott Bromley 1A

Minor Atom AA (4) vs Barrie (1)Barclay Goodrow 1G,1A Chris Smith 2G,2A RyanBailey1G,1A Scott Bromley 1A Dylan Kovacs 1A

Atom AE (1) vs Oak Ridges (4)Michael McGolrick 1G Matthew Pellegrini 1A

Atom A (2) vs Newmarket (4)Darcy Eveleigh 1G Dylan Cross 1G MichaelDelplavignano 1A Tyler Tisdale 1A

Atom A (1) vs Barrie (2)Louis Lamanna 1G Paul Keilty 1A Justin Brown 1A

Atom AA (4) vs Whitby (5)Stephen Dinallo 2G,1A Dillon Cappell 1G,2A MaxLerner 1G Spencer Arkell 1A James Mildon 1A

Atom AA (1) vs Georgina (1)JJ Lam 1G

Atom AA (1) vs Uxbridge (2)Andrew Whitley 1G Shawn MacEachern 1A

Atom AA (1) vs Markham (1)Dillon Cappell 1G

Minor Peewee A (7) vs Barrie (2)Darrell Evans 1G,1A Anthony Ranieri 1G Carter Hassard3G,1A Brett Dutchyshen 1G,1A Michael Morson 1G,3ABen Mulholland 2A Matthew Joynt 1A AndrewMcDonald 4A

Minor Peewee AA (3) vs Barrie (0)Brent Waites 1G,1A Matthew Mikaili 1G Tyler Hanlon1G David Roper 1A Ryan Carlisle SO

Minor Peewee AA (7) vs Georgina (4)Johnny Borsellino 2G Brent Waites 1G,2A ConnorMcQueston 1G,1A Matthew Mikaili 2G Marcus Tocchet1G Tyler Hanlon 2A Sean Fennel 2A Zachary Guisti 1A

Peewee A (3) vs Orillia (2)Jeremy Cohen 2G Ryan Campbell 1G Ross Pizzurro 1AJosh Meron 1A

Peewee A (1) vs Stouffville (2)Josh Meron 1G

Peewee A (5) vs Innisfil (3)Steven Keane 2G Ethan Davenport 1G Jeremy Cohen 1GChris Finlay 1G,1A David Cigana 2A Ryan Finlay 1AColton Horner 1A

Bantam A (3) vs East Gwillumbury (3)Mike Smyth 1G Tom Keane 1G Derek Roldan 1G MikeCouperthwaite 1A Keon Karamchi 1A

Minor Midget A (2) vs Richmond Hill (5)Kieth Mitchell 1G Andrew Jamieson 1G Bryan Osuszek1A Matt Cundari 1A

Minor Midget A (4) vs Stouffville (6)Kari Paivio 1G,1A Ryan Murphy 2A Ryan Kines 1G,1AReed Neagle 1G Matt Cundari 1G Jason Zemanovich 1AAndrew Jamieson 1A Jamie Marton 1A

Midget A (5) vs Innisfil (6)Gary Domanico 2 G,1A Mark Johnson 2G Chris Amato1G Chris Sturges 2A Trevor Williams 2A Ryan Angotti1A Sam Battaglia 1A Sean McCartney 1A

Midget A (2) vs Schomberg (2)Sam Battaglia 1G Chris Amato 1G Mark Johnson 1A

Midget AA (2) vs Richmond Hill (4)Mark Oppedisano 1G,1A Jared Pignataro 1A Joey Leo1A Mark Smith 1G Mike Keon 1A

TournamentsMinor Peewee AA (3) vs Caledon (1)Connor McQueston 2G,1A Tyler Hanlon 1G JohnnyBorsellino 1A Zachary Guisti 1A Matthew Mikaili 1ADavid Roper 1A Marcus Tocchet 1A

Minor Peewee AA (4) vs Markham (2)Matthew Mikaili 1G Marcus Tocchet 1G Sean Fennell1G Christian Stankiewicz 1G Johnny Borsellino 2A TylerHanlon 1A Adrian DiRosa 1A Alex Denault 1A

Minor Peewee AA (5) vs Streetsville (1)Matthew Mikaili 1G Marcus Tocchet 1G Sean Fennell1G Johnny Borsellino 1G David Roper 1G Brent Waites2A

Minor Peewee AA (4) vs Richmond Hill (3)Matthew Mikaili 2G Brent Waites 1G,1A Sean Fennell1G Tyler Hanlon 2A Johnny Borsellino 1A MarcusTocchet 1A

Minor Peewee AA (7) vs Scarborough Bruins (2)Semi FinalsDavid Roper 2G Marcus Tocchet 1G,1A JohnnyBorsellino 1G,1A Brent Waites 1G,2A Sean Fennell 1GTyler Hanlon 1G,1A Connor McQueston 2A Jim Lyons

Minor Peewee AA (5) vs Brampton (0)Silverstick ChampionsJake Sanita SO Connor McQueston 2G Matthew Mikaili1G,2A Tyler Hanlon 1G,1A Johnny Borsellino 1G DavidRoper 1A Brent Waites 1A Marcus Tocchet 1A

AAuurroorraa MMiinnoorr HHoocckkeeyy AAssssoocc iiaa tt iioonnResults to 9 Results to 9 AM Sunday December 22, 2002AM Sunday December 22, 2002

Website: www.aci.on.ca/amhaHouse League

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Rep Teams

R.S.V.P. 905-773-9329 aurorafamilylaw - [PDF Document] (13)

AURORAN, Week of January 7, 2003 - 13

Exhibition GamesAtomAURORA HOME HARDWARE BUILDING CENTRE 5(Julian Biasoni 1G Kyle Scott 1G Kyle Blaser 2G,1APhilippe Meunier 1G Ryan Peddigrew 1A Robert Fiorini1A) DIAL TONE COMMUNICATIONS 1 (Daniel Sampieri1G Daniel Devine 1A)

League GamesTykeswww.mastermindtoys.com 5 (Trevor George 4G HeatherTillsley 1G Dylan Sutton 1A Evan Sheridan 1A)McALPINE FORD LINCOLN 3 (Luke Pizzurro 1G LiamDevlin 1G Bailey Miller 1G)

DR. STEINER'S DRILLERS 7 (Kyle Zacharuk 3G RyanDowling 2G Scott Wheeler 1G,1A Jeffery Lam 1GMikePerryman 1A) DON FARNUM'S FABULOUS FLY-ERS 1 (MacKenzie Lemmon 1G Christopher Tsianos 1A)

THE SHREDDING COMPANY 6 (Jerryd Jensen 3GMatthew Pryse 2G,1A Ryan Baskin 1G Stefan Lazzer 1A)ROTARY CLUB OF AURORA 4 (Collin Laird 2G KentArkell 1G Jimmy Brookes 1G)


Minor PeeweeEUROPEAN STEEL 4 (David Staeuble 1G,1A ConnorSands 1G Jamie Russell 2G C.J. Melichercik 1A)SKATERS FIRST 2 (Zacharie Roitner 1G IanHayzelden1G Christopher O'Hara 1A Geoffrey Knaack1A)

PERMANENT PRESS PRINTING 5 (Matthew Symington1G Ian Veloso 1G Christopher Burns 1G 1A AndrewWilkins 1G Ryan Logue 1G) FRESH WATER INDUS-TRIES BOTTLED WATER 2 (Ryan Hart 1G NizaamRehman 1G Aaron Macdonald 1A Ryan Laird 1A)

AURORA CANADIAN TIRE 1 (Evan Williams 1G DavidYates 1A) COLL AUDIO & ACCURATE ELECTRICAL 1(Brendon Harrington 1G Eric Shoesmith 1A)

SHOPPERS DRUG MART - AURORA 2 (AlexanderMackrell 1G Nick Cascone 1G Eric Beveridge 1A)OMAR'S SHOES 1 (John Cardella 1G Richard Sendel 1A)

PeeweeSMITTY'S PAINTING & DECORATING 4 (GregHaralampopoulos 2G Chris Ramsay 1G,2A Sam Millette1G) EDWARDS-MURPHY PAINTING & DECORATING2 (Chris MacDonald 1G Brendan Murphy 1G WesleyCampbell 1A)

D-MAC FURNITURE 5 (Matthew Holland 1G Ryan VanWinckle 1G,1A Ray Mullins 2G,1A Tyler Miskolczy-MacDonald 1G,2A Sean Kipfer 2A Bradley Juffs 1A NickWhelan 2A) CHEVALIER CHRYSLER 3 (Daniel Cress 1GDaniel Puopolo 2G Tyler Flanagan 1A Michael Tufnell 1APaul deRoos 1A)

ATLAS SPECIALTY STEELS 7 (Dylan Brennan 3G DavidHilchuk 2G Chris Porter 1G,1A Zack Ashfield 1G,1AJoseph Smith 1A) SLATER STEELS - STAINLESS 3 (SamCaldwell 2G Stephen Dixon 1G Ryan Casselden 1A)

JUNIOR TIGERS 4 (Mike Nealon 1G,2A Mike Roberts2G,1A Josh Finalyson 1G,1A Keith Hannah 1A MeaghanKeslick 1A) AURORA CABLE INTERNET 2 (FraserKegel 2G)

MidgetFIDELITY STAINLESS 2 (Cam Fleming 1G Jesse Teel 1GBen Devlin 1A) MAGNA STAINLESS 1 (John Parkhill 1GMichael Gordon 1A Steve Pendergast 1A)

DGN MARKETING SERVICES LTD. 7 (Scott McIvor2G,1A Taylor Hayworth 2G Craig Dickie 1G,2A FraserMasters 1G Drew Hurlbut 1G Adam Kirchbaum 1A)PHILADELPHIA STAINLESS 2 (Andrew Gerrits 1GBritton Stanbury 1G Sean Herbert 1A JP Villeneuve 1A)

ASA ALLOYS 7 (Steve Gould 2G,1A Kevin Meek 2G,1ATyler Forget 1G Chris Williams 1G,1A Mike Reynolds 1GDrew MacMartin 2A Adam Contois 1A) LOCKLEYSTAINLESS 4 (Kevin Parry 3G Joe Gatt 1G Sean Perry 2ALeonard Richardson 2A)

LAURION & ASSOCIATES 4 (Jeff Calder 1G,1A AdamMagliochi 1G Colin Young 1G Mike Peirce 1G Mike Pyziak2A Mackenzie Kemp 1A) AMERICAN STAINLESS 0

FIDELITY STAINLESS 5 (Jesse Teel 2G,1A Ryan Myers1G Matt Swift 1G Steve McDonald 1G,1A Tony Gattelaro2A Cam Fleming 2A Scott Bennett 1A Dan Henderson 1A)DGN MARKETING SERVICES LTD. 2 (Craig Dickie 1GKevin Lower 1G Martin Wales 1A)

ASA ALLOYS 2 (Chuck Hamilton 1G Chris Williams 1GMike Reynolds 2A) FIDELITY STAINLESS 2 (MikeGranato 1G,1A Scott Bennett 1G Cam Fleming 1A)

DGN MARKETING SERVICES LTD. 6 (Craig Dickie2G,1A Ken Hurley 2G,1A Kevin Lower 1G AdamKrichbaum 1G Colin Dickie 2A Taylor Hayworth 1A DrewHurlbut 1A) LOCKLEY STAINLESS 5 (Mark Neufeld2G,1A Michael Burns 1G,1A Sean Perry 1G Joe Gatt 1G,1APaul Aihoshi 1A Mark McKay 1A Candace Webb 1A)

AMERICAN STAINLESS 4 (Kyle Steeves 2G MikeMcKenzie 1G Bryan Rowe 1G Aaron Walker 1A DanMcCann 1A) PHILADELPHIA STAINLESS 2 (SeanGraham 1G Mike Sgro 1G Brandon Fyfe 1A Jeff Jamieson1A)

MAGNA STAINLESS 6 (Steve Pendergast 4G,1A MattTobin 1G,1A Simon Melotte 1G Ian Harvie 2A DarylGallaugher 1A John Parkhill 1A) LAURION & ASSOCI-ATES 2 (Colin Hullah 2G Mathieu Fowles 1A DanielGuerra 1A Jeff Calder 1A)

MAGNA STAINLESS 7 (Steve Pendergast 2G,1A MattTobin 2G,1A John Parkhill 1G,2A Scott Thompson 1GDarryl Gallaugher 1G John Peterkin 1A) PHILADELPHIASTAINLESS 4 (Colin Gerrits 2G,1A Mike Sgro 1G RoryMayne 1G,2A Mathew Gillison 1A Jeff Jamieson 1A)

Show Case TournamentTykesTHE SHREDDING COMPANY 7 (Stefan Lazzer 5G JerrydJensen 1G,2A Connor Moody 1G,2A)www.mastermindtoys.com 4 (Connor Allen 1G,1A TrevorGeorge 1G William Brogan 1G Liam MacKichan 1G)

BUTTERNUT HOLLOW FARM 6 (Quinn McGoven3G,1AErik Kimmerer 1G Daniel Fiori 1G Steven Grandin1AMatthew Reeves 1G Quincey Ing 1A) McALPINE FORDLINCOLN 2 (Daniel Autoveic 1G Hayden Sawyer 1G)

DR. STEINER'S DRILLERS 5 (Ryan Dowling 2G ConorFennell 1G,2A Mike Perryman 1G Dylan Gould 1APaulAshbourne 2A Jeff Lam 1A Scott Wheeler 1G KylrZacharuk 2A) ROTARY CLUB OF AURORA 2 (BradenCasselden 1G Andrew Macdonald 1A Erik Staeble 1G JimmyBrookes 1A)

F. R. CUSTOM METAL 8 (Benjamin Hannins 4G JasonSamide 1G,1A Jonathan McConnell 1G,1A Eric Damecour 2GSamual Steenhorst 1A) DON FARNUM'S FABULOUS FLY-ERS 1 (Mack Lemmon 1G)

SUPREME COLLISION CENTRE 5 (Peter Sandwell 3GDaniel Jones 2G Stuart Mattila 1A Matthew Iwai 1AEvanRomano 1A Jordan Stevenson 1A) CASEY TRANS-PORTATION 4 (Cameron Nuttall 1G Eliot Karkin 1G JoshLawlor 1G Eric Bullock 1A)

DON FARNUM'S FABULOUS FLYERS 3 (Daniel Shepard2G Mackenzie Lemmon 1G Christopher Tsianos 1A RyanKorosi SO) ROTARY CLUB OF AURORA 0

CASEY TRANSPORTATION 2 (Cameron Nuttall 1G KevinCasey 1G Eric Bullock 1A) F. R. CUSTOM METAL 2 (JonMcConnell 1G,1A Ben Hankins 1G Kevin Sarrazin 1A)

THE SHREDDING COMPANY 8 (Stefan Lazzer 4G,1AJerryd Jensen 3G,2A Ryan MacMillan 2A) McALPINE FORDLINCOLN 4 (Mathew Roach 1G,1A Daniel Antoniel 1G LukePizzuro 1G Hayden Sawyer 1G)

BUTTERNUT HOLLOW FARM 7 (Quinn McGowan 3G,1AMathew Reeves 2G Quinn McGowan 1G,1A Daniel Fiori 1G)DR. STEINER'S DRILLERS 0

SUPREME COLLISION CENTRE 6 (Peter Sandwell 3GZachary Ferry 1G,1A Daniel Jones 1G,1A Evan Romano 1GMathew Iamonaco 1A Massimo Longhin 1A Jamie Poutney1A) www.mastermindtoys.com 3 (Colton Lee 1G TrevorGeorge 1G Austin Partanen 1G Evan Sheridan 1A)

SUPREME COLLISION CENTRE 2 (Peter Sandwell 2GJamie Poutney 1A Ethan Slimkowich 1A) McALPINE FORDLINCOLN 2 (Daniel Antoweil 1G Hayden Sawyer 1G KyleHoran Katie Hullah 1A)

F. R. CUSTOM METAL 8 (Jon Mcconnell 3G Ben Hankins2G,3A Eric Damecour 1G,2A Mathew Johnson 1G,1A SamSteenhorst 1G,2A Jason Samide 1A Calvin McHugh 1A Kevinsarrazin 1A Peter MacWilliam 1A Duncan Eveleigh SO)www.mastermindtoys.com 0

ROTARY CLUB OF AURORA 2 (Braden Casselden 1GJimmy Brookes 1G) CASEY TRANSPORTATION 2(Cameron Nuttall 2G)

BUTTERNUT HOLLOW FARM 4 (Quincey Ing 2G ErikKimmerer 1G Daniel Fiori 1G Christopher Alessandri2ASteven Grandin 1A Douglas Nisbet 1A Mathew Reeves 1A)DON FARNUM'S FABULOUS FLYERS 2 (Liuam Killops1G,1A Mack Lemmon 1G)

THE SHREDDING COMPANY 5 (Stefan Lazer 3GRyanBaskin 1G Jerryd Jensen 1G Andrew Strobbe 1A) DR.STEINER'S DRILLERS 2 (Ryan Dowling 2G Mike Perryman2A)

F. R. CUSTOM METAL 8 (Eric Damecour 6G,1A SamSteenhorst 1G,4A Ben Hankins 1G Nicholas Bertrand 1AMVP - Kevin Sarrazin) BUTTERNUT HOLLOW FARM 1(Quinn McGowan 1G Steven Grandin 1A Quincy Ing 1A MVP- Quinn McGowan)

NoviceDBSA CONSULTING INC. 202 6 (Adam Balaban 4G JoesphRomano 1G,1A Thomas Hagias 3A Wade McFarlane 1G,3A)TIM HORTON'S/timbits 205 3 (Kevin Lukezic 2G,1A JoshKlinowski 1G,2A Adam Kiroff 1A)

TIM HORTON'S/timbits 204 3 (Dylan Hussy 2G MackenzieWoodur 1A Jordan Caruso 1A Lukas Leslie 1G Graham Loney1A) TIM HORTON'S/timbits 207 3 (Christina Giambattista 2GBrandon Farr 1G Taylor Butler 1A Ryan Dalcin 1A)

TIM HORTON'S/timbits 208 3 (Grame Ralph 1G,1A NickTheodoropolous 1G Stephan Richardson 1G Kevin Grasse SO)TIM HORTON'S/timbits 206 0

TIM HORTON'S/timbits 201 6 (Jack Angela 1G,1A AndrewLuck 1A Mike Mildon 1A Sean Blynn 2G Cameron Greg 1ACooper Riswick 2G Kevin Lidner 1A Dennis Kim 1G AndrewBuchanan 1A) TIM HORTON'S/timbits 205 4 (DanielDelbello 2G,1A James Procher 1A Jake Langford 1G,1A DavidPeddigrew 1G)

DBSA CONSULTING INC. 202 2 (Chris Bull 1G NicholasHeintzman 1G) TIM HORTON'S/timbits 207 2 (JonathanWhite 1G Danniel Laflamme 1G)

TIM HORTON'S/timbits 208 3 (Sean Paul Hudson 2G ZachPyle 1A Stefan Richardson 1G) TIM HORTON'S/timbits 2043 (Mackenzie Woodur 1G Robert Bradford 1A Lukas Leslie1G,1A Anthony Sulski 1AAndrew Seguin 1G)

TIM HORTON'S/timbits 203 3 (Jesse Van Robyen2G,1AAndrew Papousek 1G,2A) TIM HORTON'S/timbits 2063 (Braydon Dunn 1G Braedon Mackenzie 1G Drew Marshall1G)

TIM HORTON'S/timbits 203 3 (Jesse Van Robyen2G,1AAndrew Papousek 1G,2A) TIM HORTON'S/timbits 2063 (Braydon Dunn 1G Braedon Mackenzie 1G Drew Marshall1G)

TIM HORTON'S/timbits 203 9 (Jesse Van Rooyen4G,1AAndrew Papousek 3G,4A Matthew Clarke 1A EvanFoxwell 1A Stephen Cantarutti 1G Royce Kirby 2A SamanthaMinchella 1G) TIM HORTON'S/timbits 201 4 (CooperRiswick 1G,2A Dennis Kim 1G,1A Brendan Kingsack 1G

Kurtis Lindner 1A Mike Mildon 1A Taylor Cooke 1A)

TIM HORTON'S/timbits 207 6 (Daniel Laflamme 2GChristianna Giambattista 2G Taylor Butler 1G Sam Straw1GKasey Piper 1A Ryan DalCin 1A) TIM HORTON'S/timbits201 2 (Cooper Riswick 2G)

TIM HORTON'S/timbits 208 6 (NicholasTheodoropoulous3G,1A Jean Paul Hudon 1G,1A NickReinholdt 1G,1A Andrew Martin 1G) DBSA CONSULTINGINC. 202 1 (Adam Balaban 1G Nicholas Heintzman 1A)

TIM HORTON'S/timbits 204 5 (Mathew MacEachern 1GRobert Bradford 1G Mackenzie Wooder 1G Thomas Kerr 1GAnthony Selski 1G Martin Wood 1A Cole Roffey 1A) TIMHORTON'S/timbits 203 5 (Andrew Papousek 2G,1A Jesse VanRooyen 1G,1A Kyle Coughlin 1G Michael Logue 1G MitchellShaw 1A)

TIM HORTON'S/timbits 205 2 (Jake Langford 1G JoshKlinowski 1G Matt Hart 1A Dan Moriarity SO) TIM HOR-TON'S/timbits 206 0

TIM HORTON'S/timbits 204 2 (Anthony Selski 1G ThomasKerr 1G Dylan Hussey 1A Graham Joiner 1A Martin Wood SOMVP - Anthony Selski) TIM HORTON'S/timbits 208 0 (MVP- Kevin Grasse)

Minor AtomMARY'S FLOWER SHOP 5 (Micheal Vance 12G GianfrancoGalluzzo 1G David Scott 1A Alex Payne 1G,1A Daniel Fusco1A Mark Janel 1G Brody Hunter 1A Zack Henderson SO)DOMINION 0 ()

TRIO RESTAURANT 3 (Andrew Smitten 2G Jeremy Fitkin1A Chris Venditelli 1A) DELPH & JENKINS LEVELERS 2(Thomas Gans 1G Jarred Reid 1A Scott Kimmerer 1GGeoffrey Ash 1A Kyle Rojas 1A)

MANHATTAN TROPHIES 5 (Ryan Kennedy 2G,1ASeanTakahashi 1G,1A Micheal Wood 2A Egan Fennel 1G,1ATroy Gouviea 1G Branden Bortolin 1A) INTER-WORLDPAPER 1 (Roccoo De Bartolo 1G Daniel Whitley 1A)

OLBERT METALS 7 (Luca Battiston 3G Adam Harris 1GNick Skillins 1G,1A Stefan Pagura 1G,1A Alex Dunn 1G)LANGDON"S COACH LINES 6 (Tyler Lamantia 4GGianluca Sampieri 1G Adrian Tobin 1A Brandon Thompson1G,1A Christian Davies 1A Liam McGoldrick 1A)

THE BACKYARD POOL & SPA COMPANY 4 (Dylan Jolivet1G,1A Stephan Newby 1G Wesley Seminara 1G BrettRichardson 1G Kevin McCruden 1A) REC CYCLE N'SPORTS 2 (Rhys Gander 1G Jordan Gerace 1G Sean Maule1A)

MANHATTAN TROPHIES 3 (Brodie Royce 1G ChristopherFollet 1G Michael Vance 1G Mark Tanel 1AAlexander Payne1A) TRIO RESTAURANT 1 (Quinn Tessarolo 1G ChrisVenditelli 1A)

OLBERT METALS 8 (Brent Lockhart 3G,2A Luca Battiston2G,1A Alex Dunn 2G,2A Zac Armstrong 1G,1A AndrewHunter 2A Paul Andrews 1A) INTER-WORLD PAPER 5(Tivon Cook 2G,1A Chase Riddell 2G,3A Daniel Whitley1G,3A)

MANHATTAN TROPHIES 6 (Egan Fennell 2G Troy Gouveia1G,1A Branden Bortolin 1G,1A Ryan Kennedy 1G,1AMichael Takahashi 1G) DELPH & JENKINS LEVELERS 3(Jarred Reid 2G,1A Scott Kimmerer 1G)

LANGDON"S COACH LINES 3 (Gianluca Sampieri 1GTyler Lamantia 1G Brandon Thompson 1G Robert Anderson1A Liam McGoldrick 1AAdrian Tobin 1A) THE BACKYARDPOOL & SPA COMPANY 2 (Brendan Strachan 1G StephenNewby 1G)

REC CYCLE N' SPORTS 7 (Jordan Gerace 4G,1ARhysGander 3G Hayden Sands 1A Lucas Cristillo 1A ClaytonArtnold 1A Scott Czinsky 1AAndrew Cosentino 1A) DOMIN-ION 4 (Gregory Lacroix 3G Logan Weber 1G Evan Thomson1A Peter Collins 1A Robert Denault 1A)

MARY'S FLOWER SHOP 3 (Gianfranco Galluzzo 1G AlexPayne 1G Michael Vance 1G,1A Jordan Gregoris 1AZackHenderson 1A David Scott SO) MANHATTAN TROPHIES 0

THE BACKYARD POOL & SPA COMPANY 5 (BrendanStrachan 2G Kevin MCrudden 1G Brett Richardson 1G AaronNusbaum 1G Spencer Palmer 1A Dylan Jolivet 2A) INTER-WORLD PAPER 1 (Daniel Whitley 1G Chase Riddell 1A)

LANGDON"S COACH LINES 4 (Adrian Tobin 2G BrandonThompson 1G Tyler Lamantia 1G Austin Haynes 1A GianlucaSampieri 1A) DOMINION 4 (David Bolsby 1G Curtis Stobo1G Gregory Lacroix 1G Cameron Annear 1G,1ARobertDenault 1A Peter Collins 1A)

TRIO RESTAURANT 6 (Andrew Smitten 2G,1A ChrisVenditelli 2G,1A Jeremy Fitkin 1G,1A Ethan Morice1G) RECCYCLE N' SPORTS 1 (Jordan Gerace 1G Christian Avolio1A)

OLBERT METALS 6 (Luca Battiston 4G Brent Lockhart 2GAlex Dunn 1A) DELPH & JENKINS LEVELERS 2 (ScottKimmerer 1G Thomas Gans 1G Kyle Rojas 1A Geoffrey Ash1A)

THE BACKYARD POOL & SPA COMPANY 2 (BrettRichardson 1G Kevin McCrudden 1G Dylan Jolivet 1A JaretMeron 1A MVP - Chad Porteous) MARY'S FLOWER SHOP1 (Michael Vance 1G Mark Tanel 1A MVP - Michael Vance)

AtomAURORA CABLE INTERNET 3 (Colin Munn 2G,1AMattheus Vloet 1G Andrew Osmond 1A) AURORA HOME-HARDWARE BUILDING CENTRE 2 (Ryan Peddigreen 1GChris Dynes 1G Philippe Meunier 1A Kyle Blaser 1A)

DIAL TONE COMMUNICATIONS 5 (Adam Gitto 2G JamesChappell 1G,1A Steven Judges 1GKyle Landry 1G BrettWeeks 3A Eric Seguin 1A Michael Orschel 1A) ORR &FORSTER INSURANCE BROKERS 5 (Graham Cormack3G,1A Gianni Episcopo 2G Peter Carleton 1A)

STUBBS INVESTMENTS INC. 2 (Caleb Gould 1G PatrickChe 1G Marlon Young 1A George Marshall 1A) AURORACABLE INTERNET 1 (Max Jasniewski 1G Neil Gaston 1A)

STUBBS INVESTMENTS INC. 3 (Trevor Coll 1G Caleb Gould 1G Adam Stubbs 1G George Marshall 1A Dylan

Teacher 1A Patrick Che 1A) DIAL TONE COMMUNICA-TIONS 1 (Kyle Landry 1G)


ORR & FORSTER INSURANCE BROKERS 3 (GrahamCormack 2G Julian Savosardaro 1G Michael Coggin 1ACameron Meikle 1A) AURORA CABLE INTERNET 3(Nicholas Orsatti 2G Matheus Vloet 1G Colin Munn 1A MylesFisher 1A Carter Schaeffer 1A)

NORTH YORK PLUMBING & HEATING 4 (JohnnyMarazita 1G,1A Mike Moody 1G Justin Killens 1G NeilGaston 1G,2A Shawn Clark 1A) ORR & FORSTER INSUR-ANCE BROKERS 4 (Graham Cormack 1G Trevor Smith 1GGianni Episcopo 1G Brandon Hurst 1G Dylan Lastuk 1ABrandon Rival 1A Michael Coggin 1A Dexter Speller-Drews1A)

AURORA CABLE INTERNET 3 (Nicholas Orsatti 1G,2AColin Munn 1G,1A Matheus Vloet 1A) STUBBS INVEST-MENTS INC. 1 (Patrick Che 1G)

STUBBS INVESTMENTS INC. 2 (Patrick Che 1G,1AMathew Raponi 1G MVP - Patrick Che) AURORACABLEINTERNET 1 (Nicholas Orsatti 1G Matheus Vloet 1AMVP - Myles Fisher)

Minor PeeweeAURORA CANADIAN TIRE 2 (Michael Hay 1G,1A Spencerfreeland 1G David Yates 1A) SHOPPERS DRUG MART -AURORA 1 (Daniel Korolnek 1G)

COLL AUDIO & ACCURATE ELECTRICAL 4 (MarshallMcQuillan 2G,1A Conor Johnston 2A Jay Finch 1G MichealHartman 1G) FRESH WATER INDUSTRIES BOTTLEDWATER 1 (Adrian Clark 1G Micheal Seymour 1A)

OMAR'S SHOES 7 (Madison Webber 4G,1A Stuart Marsh 2ARicky Sendel 1G,1A Daniel Sacchetti 1A Christian Hasting 1GShaun Kenyon 1A John Cardella 1A) EUROPEAN STEEL 4(Connor Sands 2G,1A Carson Melichercik 1G,1A DavidStaeuble 1G Braun Hause 1A Jamie Russell 1A Nathan Miller1A)

PERMANENT PRESS PRINTING 2 (Chris Burns 2GMatthew Symmington 1A Ryan Logue 1A Bruce Phillips 1A)SKATERS FIRST 1 (Jacob Peart 1G James Suddes 1A)

FRESH WATER INDUSTRIES BOTTLED WATER 6(Nizaam Rehman 2G,1A Adrian Clark 2G,1A JasonDurst1G,1A Ryan Hart 1G,1A Aaron MacDonald 1A JacobDawe 1A Zack Samonas 1A) AURORA CANADIAN TIRE 2(William Ginther 1G,1A Tom Gibson 1G Evan Vizzachero 1A)

OMAR'S SHOES 9 (Madison Weber 4G,1A ChristianHastings 2G Michael McGee 1G,1A John Cardella1G RickySendel 1G Daniel Sacchetti 1A) SKATERS FIRST 1 (EricBailey 1G Ian Hayzelden 1A)

EUROPEAN STEEL 2 (Braun Hause 1G CJ Melichercik 1GDavid Stauble 1A) COLL AUDIO & ACCURATE ELECTRI-CAL 1 (Jay Finch 1G)

PERMANENT PRESS PRINTING 6 (Andrew Wilkins 2GJonathan Magill 1G Daniel Flippi 1G,1A Christopher Burns1G,2A Ryan Logue 1G,1A Devin O'Kelly 1A) SHOPPERSDRUG MART - AURORA 2 (Eric Beveridge 1G MichaelGrande 1G Simon Esposito 1A)

COLL AUDIO & ACCURATE ELECTRICAL 4 (Steven Foss1G,1A Jay Finch 1G,1A Conor Johnston 1G MarshallMcQuillan 1G) SKATERS FIRST 1 (Geoff Knaack 1G ZacRoitner 1A)

FRESH WATER INDUSTRIES BOTTLED WATER 4 (AdrianClark 2G Nizaam Rehman 2G) PERMANENT PRESSPRINTING 3 (Christopher Burns 2G,1A Andrew Wilkins 1GBruce Phillips 1A Ryan Logue 1A Jonathan Magill 1A)

OMAR'S SHOES 7 (Madison Weber 5G William Burke1GDaniel Sacchetti 1G Kevin Nandallal 3A Stuart Marsh 3ACameron Smith 1A Stuart Marsh 1A Mark Jenkins 1A DylanCalvert 1A Michael McGee 1A Ricky Sendel 1A Dan Bianchi1A Mikail Khamissa SO) SHOPPERS DRUG MART -AURORA 0

AURORA CANADIAN TIRE 2 (Ben Slimkowich 1G SeanDeakin 1G Robert Revington 1A Evan Vizzacchero 1A CodyBenson 1A Tom Gibson 1A) EUROPEAN STEEL 2 (BraunHause 1G Jonathon Comeau 1G David Staeuble 1A JamieRussell 1A Jordan Brown 1A)

PERMANENT PRESS PRINTING 2 (Christopher Burns 1GRyan Logue 1G MVP - Andrew Mueller) OMAR'S SHOES 1(Christian Hastings 1G MVP - Mikail Khamissa)

PeeweeJUNIOR TIGERS 5 (Alex Munn 1G,1A Meaghan Keslick 1AMike Nealon 2G Mike Roberts 1G,1A Alistar Bogart 2A JoshFinlayson 1A Alex Gitto 1A) CHEVALIER CHRYSLER 2(Scott Gray 1G,1A Ryan Rojas 1G,1A)

AURORA CABLE INTERNET 7 (Fraser Kegal 5G,1AJoeDoucher 2A Niles Aavasalmi 1A Micheal Spick 1A AdamBrutto 1A Alex Hosko 1G Micheal Sanita 1G) EDWARDS-MURPHY PAINTING & DECORATING 4 (Brendon Murphy3G Chris Macdonald 1A Camron Buchanan 1A GarrettKerrkamp 1A)

SMITTY'S PAINTING & DECORATING 2 (GregHaralampopolous 2G Derek Smith 1A Ben Promane 1A ChrisRamsay 1A) ATLAS SPECIALTY STEELS 2 (Dylan Brennan2G David Hilchuk 1A Daniel Creighton 1A)

SLATER STEELS - STAINLESS 2 (Devon Mayle 1G StephenDixon 1G MIke Davis 1A Ryan Cassecden 1A) D-MAC FUR-NITURE 1 (Tyler Miskoloczy-Macdonald 1G Chad Pilkey 1A)

SLATER STEELS - STAINLESS 2 (Sam Caldwell 2G CharlieTeel 2A) SMITTY'S PAINTING & DECORATING 2 (GregHarlampopoulos 2G Derek Smith 1A Alex Strapp 1A)

AURORA CABLE INTERNET 4 (Conner Ryeland 3G FraserKegel 1G,2A Adam Brutto 1A Joe Doucher 1A) CHEVALIERCHRYSLER 3 (Tyler Flanagan 1G,1A Ryan Rojas 1G MichaelTufnell 1G Daniel Cresse 1A Scott Gray 1A)

EDWARDS-MURPHY PAINTING & DECORATING 3(Camron Buchanan 2G Brendan Murphy 1G Patrick Murphy

AAuurroorraa MMiinnoorr HHoocckkeeyy AAssssoocc iiaa tt iioonnResults to 9 Results to 9 AM Sunday January 5, 2003AM Sunday January 5, 2003

Website: www.aci.on.ca/amhaHouse League

R.S.V.P. 905-773-9329 aurorafamilylaw - [PDF Document] (14)

2A Mathew Aleksick 1A Chris MacDonald 1A WesleyCampbell SO) D-MAC FURNITURE 0

JUNIOR TIGERS 3 (Mike Nealon 2G Mike Roberts 1GAlistair Bogart 1A Josh Finlayson 1A Keith Hannah 1A)ATLAS SPECIALTY STEELS 1 (Dylan Brennan 1G)

ATLAS SPECIALTY STEELS 6 (D. Brennan 4G,1A D.Hilchuk 1G S. Logue 1G,1A J. Striegler 1A C. Porter 1A JSmith 1A) AURORA CABLE INTERNET 5 (Fraser Kegel4G,1A Connor Ryeland 1G,2A Joe Doucher 1A MichaelSanita1A)

JUNIOR TIGERS 5 (Alistair Bogart 1G,1A Alex Munn 2GMike Roberts 2G Mike Nealon 1A Keith Hannah 1A JoshFinlayson 2A) SLATER STEELS - STAINLESS 4 (CharlieTeel 2G Sam Caldwell 2G,1A Mike Davis 1A Drew Boorn 2A)

SMITTY'S PAINTING & DECORATING 6 (Derek Smith 2GAlex Strapp 1G,1A Geoffery Harrison 2G GregHaralampoplous 1G,2A Jake Deacon 1A Chris Ramsay 1ABen Promane 1A) EDWARDS-MURPHY PAINTING &DECORATING 2 (Garrett Kerkamp 1G Cameron Buchanan1G Joey Clary 1A Chris MacDonald 1A Matthew Alekeich 1A)

CHEVALIER CHRYSLER 2 (Scott Gray 1G daniel Cress 1GEric Meunier 1A) D-MAC FURNITURE 1 (S Kipfer 1G LLeddy 1A) JUNIOR TIGERS 4 (Mike Roberts 2G AlistairBogart 1G,1A Mike Nealon 1G Keith Hannah 1AMeaghanKeslick 1A Alex Munn 1A Josh Finlayson 1A MVP -Alex Gitto) SMITTY'S PAINTING & DECORATING 1 (MikeRoberts 1G MVP - Alex Strapp)

Minor BantamPHILADELPHIA STAINLESS 4 (Paul Maggliocchi 1G DerekHeppler 1A Daniel Hunter 1G,1A Harrison Brook 2A EvanMagicc 1G Liam McNeely 1A Jamier Fenyes 1G TylerMcGhee 1A) IZZI POPAT - ROYAL LE PAGE 1 (BradenBonner 1G Cameron Spence 1A)

AURORA HOME HARDWARE BUILDING CENTRE 6(Keith Bradford 4G Patrick O'Doherty 1A Joel Stock 1G JesseGattellaro 2A Justin Torma 1G Taylor Jeffery 1A) LOCKLEYSTAINLESS 2 (Ian Mulern 1G Eric Wakeman 1G)

JUNIOR TIGERS 5 (Keifer McBride 1G,1A AndrewKings1ALuke Muirhead 1G,1A David Petrasovic 1A Ryan Joynt 1GJake Teel 1G Brett Scott 1G) HS FINANCIAL SERVICES 4(Jon Aleksich 1G,1A Dan Coats 1G,1A Jacob Evelyn iA JesseBarker 1G MeaganBastarache 1A Micheal Rowe 1G,1A JonAleksich 1A)

PHILADELPHIA STAINLESS 3 (Tyler McGhee 1G,1AHarrison Brook 1G,1A Mazor Rehman 1G Jamie Fenyes 2A)LOCKLEY STAINLESS 2 (Mitchell Brown 2G James Taylor1A)

HS FINANCIAL SERVICES 6 (Michael Rowe 2G,1A MorganMittelstaedt 1G Dan Coates 1G Jon Aleksich 1G,1A BrentMcClenny 1G Jesse Barker 1A Dan Lewis 1A MeganBastarache 1A) LOCKLEY STAINLESS 3 (Bryan Dunjko 1GBill Spasopoulos 1G Mitch Brown 1G)

HS FINANCIAL SERVICES 2 (Michael Rowe 1G,1A MorganMiddlestaedt 1G Dale McDonald 1A) IZZI POPAT- ROYALLE PAGE 1 (Mathew Preston 1G)

PHILADELPHIA STAINLESS 3 (Jamie Fenyes 2G PaulMagliocchi 1G Drew Brown 1A Harrison Brook 1A BrendonCooke SO) JUNIOR TIGERS 0

AURORA HOME HARDWARE BUILDING CENTRE 7(Jesse Gatellaro 4G,1A Keith Bradford 1G Justin Torma1G,1A Jamie Rundle-Sanderson 1G Stephen Pitts 1A RyanHall 1A Patrick Madden 2A Jordan Beally SO) IZZIPOPAT -ROYAL LE PAGE 0

AURORA HOME HARDWARE BUILDING CENTRE 11(Keith Bradford 5G,2A Steven Pitts 1G,1A Jesse Gattelaro 1GJamie Rundle-Sanderson 2G Michael Mariani 1G PatrickMadden 2A James weber 1A Ryan Hall 2A Justin Torma 1A)JUNIOR TIGERS 2 (Brett Scott 1G Luke Muirhead 1G KieferMcBride 2A)

PHILADELPHIA STAINLESS 4 (Tyler McGhee 2G,1A JamieFenyes 1G,2A Ryan Smyth 1G Paul Magliocchi 1A MVP -Tyler McGhee) AURORA HOME HARDWARE BUILDINGCENTRE 3 (Jamie Rundle-Sanderson 1G,1A Stephen Pitts 1GJesse Gatellaro 1G TaylorJeffrey 1A MVP - Jamie Rundle-Sanderson)

BantamTW!ST MARKETING 6 (Augustino Bova 2G,1A NathanVanderWielen 1G Andrew Goss 1G,1A David Zavarise 1ASpencer Robinson 1G Bradley Finch 1A Alex Kane 1G)CHEVERIE COMMUNICATIONS 5 (Marc Quagliarini2G,1A Kevin Moffat 1G James Harrison 1G,1A LawrenceCheverie 1G,1A)

AURORA OPTICAL 3 (Rob Juffs 1G,1A Jason Lower1GJesse Eikeland 1A Brock Sweeting 1G Dean Hamann 1A)IRVINE ROBINSON INTERIORS 2 (Matt Robertson 1GMicheal Panetta 1A Corey Mcpherson 1A Neil Irvine 1G EvanBonnell 1A Micheal Fancie 1A)

ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION - AURORA 7 (Luke Roth3G,1A Ian McCrone 2G Curtis Sands 1G Ken Crocker 1G JonTurner 1A Matt PAque 1A Julian Jaswiewski 1A) ASTECH 5(Mike Bellamy 1G,1A Liam Bauer 1G,2A Robert Buchner 1GJonathan Ansdell 1G,1A Richard Comeau 1A MichealParravano 1G)

ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION - AURORA 5 (Luke Roth 2GMichael Durst 1G Ken Crocker 1G Matt Paque 1G IanMcCrone 1A Andrew Leo 1A) IRVINE ROBINSON INTERI-ORS 3 (Michael Panetta 2G Evan Bonnell 1G Bobby Haskin3A Michael Fancie 2A Sean Devlin 1A)

AURORA OPTICAL 5 (Dean Hamman 3G Chris Wheeler1GBlair Plewman 1G Rob Juffs 2A Mike Smyth 2AAndrew Rizzi1A Jason Lower 1A) ASTECH 1 (Criag Cook 1G Don Abram1A)

IRVINE ROBINSON INTERIORS 3 (Michael Panetta 2G,1AAlec Follett 1G,1A Neil Irvine 1A) TW!ST MARKETING 2(David Zavarise 1G Spencer Robinson 1G Andrew Goss 1A)

AURORA OPTICAL 5 (Dean Hamman 3G Chris Wheeler 1GBlair Plewman 1G Mike Smith 2A Rob Juffs 2A Jason Lower1A Andrew Rizzi 1A) ASTECH 1 (Craig Cook 1G Dan Abram1A)

TW!ST MARKETING 6 (Nicholas Mikhaili 2G David

Zavarise 1G,1A Ryan Thiffault 1G,1A Augustino Bova 1GAndrew Goss 1G,1A Matt Hall 1A Sean Brennan 1A SpencerRobinson 1A) ASTECH 4 (Dan Abram 2G Mike Bellamy1G,1A Robert Buchner 1G Liam Bauer 1A Ryan Rozalowsky1A Dennis Jarrett 1A)

AURORA OPTICAL 4 (Dean Hamman 2G,1A Chris Wheeler1G Mike Smyth 1G Blair Plewmann 1A BrockSweeting 1A)CHEVERIE COMMUNICATIONS 1 (James Harrison 1GAlex Hunter 1A Ryan Stirling 1A)

ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION - AURORA 6 (IanMcCrone3G Luke Roth 1G,1A Jon Turner 1G Michael Durst1G Nic Hamilton 1A Luke Stinson 1A Michael Hegarty 2A)CHEVERIE COMMUNICATIONS 2 (Marc Quagliarni 1GKyle Kaminski 1G Kyle Riendeau 1A)

ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION - AURORA 3 (Ian McCrone2G Curtis Sands 1G Michael Durst 1AAndrew Ramsey 1A JonTurner 1A MVP - Ian McCrone) AURORA OPTICAL 2 (MikeSmyth 1G Blair Plewman 1G Rob Juffs 1A MVP - JimmySzydlowski)

Minor MidgetDIAMOND GROUNDSKEEPING SERVICES LTD. 3(Graham Gabel 1G,1A Carter Jensen 1G,1A Erik Burrow 1GJake Warden 1A, Kevin Scott 1A Ian Docherty 1A DerekSmith 1A) TILEMASTER 3 (Graham Coote 1G,1A JordanMoffitt 1G,1AAlex Esposito 1G Bob Halampopoulos 1A ChadColey 1A)

BETZ CUT STONE LTD. 7 (Andrew McGovern 2G,1AMichael Laprocina 2G,1A Andrew Onoratti 1G,1A WilliamJohnston 1G,1A Cody Riddell 1G Andrew McGee 2A DavidReeves 1A Michael Sotoadeh 3A Stephan McGill 1A JacobManson 1A) ASA ALLOYS 1 (Graeme Jenkins 1G DarrenParsons 1A)

DIAMOND GROUNDSKEEPING SERVICES LTD. 4 (JakeWarden 2G Mathew Bloom 1G,1A Graham Gabel 1G CarterJensen 1A Joe Verdugo 1A Kevin Scott 1A Paul Pirri 1A) CAACENTRAL ONTARIO 2 (Brad Finch 1G Ryan Mansbridge1G)

I.O.O.F. AURORA LODGE 148 - F.L.T. 8 (Fraser Klein 3GDanny Phair 1G,1A Adam Stock 2G,1A Chris Moore 1G MikeFroio 1G,1A Robert Sottile 1A) TILEMASTER 2 (AdamWhite 1G Jeremy McIvor 1G Michael Vertolli 1A)

I.O.O.F. AURORA LODGE 148 - F.L.T. 3 (Adam Wood 1GRobert Sottile 1G Chris Moore 1G Devin Andrews 2A MikeFroio 1A Karl Domes 1A Fraser Klein 1A) BETZ CUTSTONE LTD. 2 (Andrew Onorati 1G Andrew McGee 1G CodyRiddell 1A)

CAA CENTRAL ONTARIO 5 (Andrew Beal 2G,1A AndrewSturges 1G,1A Caleb MacDonald 1G,1A Robert Danis 1G KariPavio 1A) ASA ALLOYS 2 (Ryan Comerford 1G Kyle Shaw1G Cameron Lynch 1A Jayde Woodruff 1A)

TILEMASTER 4 (Bob Hariampopoulos 3G Adam White 1GPatrick Collings 1A Graham Corter 1A Nasser Kazemi 1AJordan Moffit 1A Michael Vertolli 1A) ASA ALLOYS 2(Andrew Macdonald 1G Jayde Woodruff 1G,1A TristanBenson 2A)

DIAMOND GROUNDSKEEPING SERVICES LTD. 3 (KevinScott 2G Jake Warden 1G Matthew Bloom 2A Paul Pirri 1A)BETZ CUT STONE LTD. 3 (Jacob Mavson 1G MichaelLaprocina 2G David Boom 2A Andrew McGovern 1A)

I.O.O.F. AURORA LODGE 148 - F.L.T. 7 (Fraser Klein 2GDevin Andrews 2G Mike Froio 2G,2A John Pitts 1G,2A DanTahmazian 3A Adam Stock 2A Adam Wood 2A Chris Moore1A) CAA CENTRAL ONTARIO 1 (Robert Davis 1G)

I.O.O.F. AURORA LODGE 148 - F.L.T. 4 (Mike Froio 2G,1AFraser Klein 1G,1A Devin Andrews 1G,2A Adam Wood 1AChris Moore 1A MVP - Devin Andrews) BETZ CUT STONELTD. 2 (Michael Sotoadeh 1G Mike Laprocina 1G AndrewOnorati 1A Andrew McGovern 1ADrew Dente 1A MVP -Brooks Betz)

Midget 3 on 3





















SponsorsTyke Venture Steel

McLean TravelNovice Butler's Landscaping

Priestly ElectricMinor Atom City-Wide Electrical

Joriki JuiceMinor Bantam Bill & Brenda Jenkins@Re/Max

York Group Realty IncDuckworth Insurance & Financial Services

Minor Peewee Astech Solutions Inc

League GamesNovice (4) vs Pickering (2)Jesse VanRooyen 1G Dennis Kim 2G Anthony Selski 1G NickHeintzman 1A Taylor Butler 1A Dylan Hussey 1A CooperRiswick 1A Tanner Thiessen 1A

Novice (3) vs Pickering (3)Jesse VanRooyen 1A Anthony Selski 2G Daniel Delbello 1ADylan Hussey 1G Cooper Riswick 1A Tanner Thiessen 2A

Novice (2) vs Markham (0)Taylor Cooke/Stefan Richardson SO Jesse VanRooyen 1GCooper Riswick 1G Andrew Papousek 1A Daniel Delbello 1A

Minor Atom (5) vs Richmond Hill (3)Matthew Miller 1G,1A Jonathan Poulakos 1G Tyler Jensen1G,1A Kamran Karamchi 2G,1A Daniel McConnell 1A RyanAntoniel 1A Nicholas Silverio 2A

Minor Peewee (6) vs Newmarket (5)David Iwai 2G,1A Curtis Hough 1G,1AAdam Bloom 1G RyanCrockett 1G Brandon Giniotis 1G Greg Buchner 2A MatthewScrimes 1A Chris Burns 1A

TournamentsMinor Peewee (3) vs Applewood (2)Ryan Crockett 1G Andrew Mangialardi 2G Ethan Shore 2A

Minor Peewee (1) vs Meadowvale (3)David Iwai 1G

SponsorsNovice AA Dymin Steel

Dave Wood MazdaMinor Atom A Charley FitzWhiskey's Tap &

EateryLondon Guarantee Insurance Company

Minor Atom AA Cosma InternationalMasterclean Contracting & Cleaning

Bantam A Highland TransportBantam AE Gallaugher Contracting

Viking FireMinor Midget A Law Insurance Brokers

Scotia CapitalMidget A B&M Produce

Dome InteriorsMidget AA RBC

Summer's & Smith

League GamesNovice AA (1) vs Newmarket (5)Taylor Chick 1G Alex Woodward 1A Dylan Sikura 1A

Novice AA (1) vs Newmarket (5)Mitchell Harris 1G Chris Youtoff 1A Trevor Best 1A

Minor Atom A (5) vs Richmond Hill (1)Stephen DeMarco 3G Tristan Miller 1G,1A Steadman Dinning1G,1A Spencer George 3A Matthew Mears 2A Josh Beaton 1APatrick Jones 1A

Minor Atom AA (4) vs Barrie (1)Barclay Goodrow 1G,1A Christopher Smith 2G,2A RyanBailey 1G,2A Scott Bromley 1A Dylan Kovacs 1A

Minor Atom AA (7) vs Nobleking (0)Barclay Goodrow 1G,1A Kyle McCreedy 1G Taran McGowan2G,4A Ryan Bailey 1G,4A Stephen Demarco 1G ChristopherSmith 1G Ben Hanlon 1A Jamie Cherutti 1A Dylan Kovacs 1AGraeme Goodfellow SO

Minor Atom AA (5) vs Barrie (2)James Harkin 2G,1A Dylan Kovacs 1G Christopher Smith1G,1A Ryan Bailey 1G Taran McGowan 2A Jamie Cherutti 2ABarclay Goodrow 1A

Minor Atom AA (12) vs Markham (1)Dylan Kovacs 3G Christopher Smith 2G,1A Kyle McCreedy2G Barclay Goodrow 2G Ryan Bailey 1G,1A Taran McGowan1G,1A Craig Johnson 1G Gavin Forrest -[ 1A James Harkin 1AJamie Cherutti 1A

Atom AE (3) vs Orillia (0)Michael McGolrick 1G,2A Marcel Lamanna 1G,1A ConorSheridan 1G

Atom AE (6) vs Newmarket (0)Michael McGolrick 1G,2A Tyler Tisdale 1G,1A JohnnyHaralampopoulos 1G,1A Sean Agostino 1G MatthewSemeredy 1G Matthew Pellegrini 1G Andrew McKay 1ADarcy Eveleigh 1A Oliver Boettcher 1A Patrick Lee 1A

Atom A (3) vs East Gwillumbury (5)Derrick Hamner 2G Paul Keilty 1G Evan Casselden 1A

Atom A (5) vs Barrie (2)Dylan Cross 2G Derrick Hamner 1G,1A Jeffery Sanderson1G,1A Paul Keilty 1G Louis Lamanna 1A Geoff Gianopoulos1A

Atom AA (4) vs Richmond Hill (2)Dillon Cappell 2G Kevin Zacharuk 1G Luke MacLeod 1GMax Lerner 1A Jesse Cappell 1A Jordan Tripp 1A ShawnMacEachern 1A Taylor Nuttall 1A

Minor Peewee A (4) vs Stouffville (1)Andrew McDonald 1G Darrell Evans 1G,1A Brett Dutchyshen1G,1A Ben Mulholland 1G,1A Michael Morson 1A LucaGhegin 1A

Minor Peewee A (4) vs Georgina (1)

Matthew Joynt 1G,1A Anthony Ranieri 1G,1A Darrell Evans1G Quenton Hunt 1G Lucas Boyd 1A Ben Mulholland 1ABrett Dutchyshen 2A

Minor Peewee A (7) vs Innisfil (3)Anthony Ranieri 1G,2A Carter Hassard 3G,1A Darrell Evans1G,2A Michael Morson 1G,2A Matthew Joynt 1G,1A TrevorMcCartney 1A Quenton Hunt 1A

Peewee A (2) vs Bradford (2)Ethan Davenport 1G,1A Jeremy Cohen 1G Colton Horner 1AChris Finlay 1A Jake Hurlbut 1A

Peewee A (1) vs Innisfil (1)Jeremy Cohen 1G Steven Keane 1A Ross Pizzurro 1A

Minor Bantam AA (7) vs Georgina (1)Mike Pantalone 1G,1A Kevin Shetler 3G,2A AaronMansbridge 1G,2A Jonathan Adams 1G Ryan Fennell 1GTyler Pettes 2A Michael Osuszek 1A Chris Blom 1A

Minor Bantam AA (0) vs Richmond Hill (0)Darren Gwilliam SO

Minor Bantam AA (5) vs Markham (2)Michael Pantalone 3G Chris Blom 1G Harrison Jones 1G,1AMichael Osuszek 3A Connor O'Grady 1A

Bantam AE (4) vs Innisfil (2)Scott Daly 1G Sean Fodey 1G Brent Gallaugher 1GKyleFitkin 1G,2A Mark Whiting 1A Brandon Polsinello 1AMatt Kerr 1A

Bantam A (4) vs Markham (5)Keon Karamchi 1G Tom Keane 1G Mike Smyth 1G GraemeFleming 1G Tyler Roffey 1A Mike Couperthwaite 1A DeanHamman 1A Mike Panetta 1A Sandy Craig 1A Derek Roldan1A

Bantam AA (2) vs Barrie (10)Peter McNeil 1G Michael White 1G Cal Simmonds 2A PatrickBowie 1A

Bantam AA (2) vs Richmond Hill (3)Peter McNeil 1G,1A Vincent Davenport 1G Cal Simmonds 2A

Bantam AA (1) vs Richmond Hill (1)Cal Simmonds 1G Peter McNeil 1A

Bantam AA (1) vs Oshawa (2)Cal Simmonds 1G Vincent Davenport 1A

Minor Midget A (7) vs Newmarket (0)Jordan Ekers SO Ryan Kines 2G,2A Matt Bloom 2G,1A CraigMurphy 2A Reed Neagle 2G Jamie Marton 2A Kari Paivio 2ACorey Hopkins-Straker 1G Ryan Murphy 1A

Minor Midget AA (5) vs Georgina (1)Kyle Robinson 1G Daryl Osborne 1G Jordan Ofield 1G,1ADavid DelZotto 2G Shawn Beer 1A Michael Osborne 1ATyson Dover 1A Sak Pietila 1A David Martyn 1A Mike Jack1A

Minor Midget AA (1) vs Richmond Hill (4)Clinton McCullough 1G Shawn Beer 1A Ryan Bryce 1A

Midget A (4) vs Richmond Hill (5)Chris Amato 2G,1A Sam Battaglia 1G Gary Domanico 1G,2AMark Johnson 2A Jason Lupo 1A Adam Chale 1A

Midget A (5) vs Nobleking (1)Mark Johnson 1G,2A Ryan Angotti 2G Chris Amato 1GTrevor Williams 1G,2A Sam Battaglia 2A Steve Black 1AAlex Lekkas 1A Chris Sturges 1A Jason Lupo 1A

TournamentsAtom AE (2) vs Condon (3)Oliver Boettcher 1G Johnny Haralampopoulos 1G TylerTisdale 2A

Atom AA (1) vs Mississauga (3)Taylor Nuttall 1G Max Lerner 1A

Atom AA (6) vs Char-Em Ice Kings (2)James Mildon 2G Max Lerner 1G,3A Jordan Tripp 1G,1ASpencer Arkell 1G Stephen Dinallo 1G Taylor Nuttall 2A LukeMacLeod 2A Andrew Whitley 1A Kyle Murphy 1A

Atom AA (5) vs Northwest Chargers (3)Jordan Tripp 2G,3A Spencer Arkell 2G Taylor Nuttall 1G,1A

Atom AA (1) vs Uxbridge (3)Spencer Arkell 1G Taylor Nuttall 1A

Atom AA (0) vs Mississauga (4)Consolation FinalBantam AE (2) vs Mnjikaning (0)Mike Bentley 1G Brandon Polsinello 1G Brent Gallaugher 1AMike Parkhill 1A Adam Jakovina SO

Bantam AE (6) vs Huntsville (1)Brandon Polsinello 1G Matt Kerr 2G Scott Daly 1G,1A KyleFitkin 1G Sean Fodey 1G Zach Andrews 1A Coey Berube 2ATyler Fyfe 1A Mark Short 1A

Bantam AE (2) vs Stirling (1)Zach Andrews 1G Brent Gallaugher 1G Timi Sotoadeh 1AKyle Fitkin 1A Mike Parkhill 1A

Bantam AE (5) vs Orillia (1)Huntsville Tournament ChampionsCorey Berube 1G,1A Scott Daly 1G,2A Sean Fodey 1G, BrentGallaugher 1G,Zach Andrews 1G,1A Jordan Williams 1ABrandon Polsinello 1A Mike Bentley 1A Mark Short 1A MattKerr 1A

AMHA TV Auction

The Annual AMHA TV Auction will take place on Saturday February 22, 2003 on Cable 10.Each team is asked to donate a minimum of 3 items for the Auction. The team whose items raise the most money during the Auction will receive $100 towards the cost of a Team Party. Please drop off your items at the AMHA Office. If you are willing to work for a minimum of 2 hours during the Auction please contact the AMHA Office at 905-727-1480.

14 - AURORAN, Week of January 7, 2003

AAuurroorraa MMiinnoorr HHoocckkeeyy AAssssoocc iiaa tt iioonnResults to 9 Results to 9 AM Sunday January 5, 2003AM Sunday January 5, 2003

Website: www.aci.on.ca/amha

Rep Teams

Select Teams

AMHA Information

R.S.V.P. 905-773-9329 aurorafamilylaw - [PDF Document] (15)

Malyssa Tidona (last threeskaters tied for third).Introductory 1 Men Free Skate - Alex Woodward,Hugh Babb.Novice Ladies Free Skate -Flight 1 - Jordana Goldman,Megan Gunning, EmmaSlimkowich.Novice Ladies Free Skate -Flight 2 - Sara DeViney,Jennine Brunton, CierraSnell.Preliminary Ladies FreeSkate - Katie Haskell, StaceyHaskell (tied).Junior Bronze Ladies FreeSkate - ChristineMacCallum, PaigeFlanagan.Intermediate/Junior SoloDance - Canasta - AlexWoodward, Hailey Riggs,Hugh Babb.Intermediate/Junior SoloDance - Fiesta - Cierra Snell,Emma Dillon, EmmaLaverty.Novice Interpretive - Disco -Emma Slimkowich, CadenArmstrong, Jenna Williams. FROLICS ON ICE


Pre-Preliminary 3 Ladies, Fl.1 - Allie Sutton, 3rd; AmyThompson, 1st.Pre-Preliminary 3 Ladies, Fl1 - Maya Goldman, 1st.Pre-Preliminary 2 Ladies, Fl1 - Jordana Goldman,3rd.Pre-Preliminary 2 Ladies, Fl.1 - Mackenzie Jordan, 4th.Pre-preliminary 2 Ladies, Fl.2 - Ariel Kwan, 1st; EmmaSlimkowich, 3rd.Pre-Preliminary 2 Ladies, Fl,3 - Jenna Williams, 2nd.Pre-Preliminary 2 Ladies, Fl.4 - Cierra Snell, 1st.Pre-Preliminary 2 Ladies, Fl.8 - Jennine Brunton, 4th.Pre-Preliminary 1 Ladies, Fl.1 - Katie Sutton, 1st.Pre-Preliminary 1 Ladies, Fl.2 - Tayler Sim, 4th.Pre-Preliminary 1 Ladies, Fl.5 - Christina Relke, 1st. Pre Preliminary Mens, Fl. 2 -Caden Armstrong, 2nd.Preliminary 2 Ladies, Fl. 1 -Meaghan Jones, 4th. Junior Bronze Ladies, Fl. 3 -Amber Bowman, 1st.Junior Bronze Ladies, Fl. 4 -Fayme co*ckshutt, 2nd.Senior Bronze Ladies, Fl. 1 -

850 SQ. FT. SECONDF L O O R , d o w n t o w nA u r o r a . A v a i l a b l eFebruary 1st. Call: 905-727-4073

AURORAN, Week of January 7, 2003 - 15



C L A S S I F I E D S C L A S S I F I E D S C L A S S I F I E D S C L A S S I F I E D ST O P L A C E A N A D V E R T I S E M E N T I N T H E C L A S S I F I E D S C A L L : 9 0 5 - 7 2 7 - 3 3 0 0 O R F A X T O : 9 0 5 - 7 2 7 - 2 6 2 0



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JANUARY 21ST, 2003 AT 7:30 PM Aurora Town Hall, Holland Room

100 John West Way, Aurora, Ontario

1. To receive the Annual Financial Statements. 2. To elect Directors for a term of office, (File intention to seek Election or Re-election, in

writing, with the Board’s secretary at the Cemetery office at least 12 days in advance of this meeting.

3. To amend Corporation Bylaws, 4. To transact such further or other appropriate Corporation business as may properly come

before the meeting or an adjournment or adjournment thereof.

Interment Rights Holders (only) welcome. Jack Patterson, President.

P R O F E S S I O N A LHUSBAND to do elec-trical, plumbing, car-pentry, painting, etc.,references available.Call Brad at 905-727-3397.


Aurorans Advertise in theClassifieds


CARPET - I have several thousand yardsof new Stainmaster and 100% olefin car-pet. I will carpet your living room & hallfor $389. Price includes carpet, pad andinstallation (30 square yards) Steve 905-898-0127

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Insert Information



40 Engelhard Dr., Unit #9Aurora 905-727-7144

Valerie Crisp, 3rd.Canskate freeskatePurple - DanielleMacAskill, 4th.Canskate Freeskate Pink- Kayla Mete, 4th; SierraLerner 3rd


Pre-Preliminary Dance -Tayler Sim and CadenArmstrong, 2nd.Senior Bronze Solo Dance -Tiffany Jordan 1st

Figure Skating resultsFrom page 11

The Entrepreneurs Networking Groupinvites all business owners to join its breakfast party

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R.S.V.P. 905-773-9329 aurorafamilylaw - [PDF Document] (16)

16 - AURORAN, Week of January 7, 2003



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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Author information

Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.