The Central New Jersey Home News from New Brunswick, New Jersey (2024)

TIIE DAILY HOME NEWS Monday, November 23, 1931 New Brunswick, N. J. DRY AGENT HELD' streets, this morning, after a November 23. 1931. Rosina, widow brief illness of pneumonia.

of Albert Atkinson. The deceased is sumved by six Relatives and friends of the children. Mrs. Gilfoil Martin of family are respectfully Invited to Obituary Brooklyn, Albert Atkinson of Leighton. Thomas Atkinson, of Philadelphia; Robert V.

Atkinson, of Belona. and Fred Atkinson, of this city. The funeral will De held from FINE attend the funeral from her late residence, Juliet and Somerset streets. Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Interment in Hightstown.

HI KI.1H T-At Highland Park, WOMAN ON VISIT HERE DIES ON WAY TO LOCAL HOSPITAL her late home Wednesday after- noon at 2:30 o'clock. Interment, on November 23, 1931, harah Ben-1 1 ---a If will be in Hightstown under the i nett, wife of John W. Hurlbut. direction of Undertaker James H. 1 Relatives and friends of the fam-Maher.

ily are respectfully invited to at-j tend the funeral from her late 4 THANKSGSVJNG Hl'BKRT DE I.A I'l-ANTE residence, SO Kiver Koad. Hignianu The funeral of Hubert De La Park, on Wednesday afternoon at Plante of George street, was held 3 o'clock, this morning from St. Peter's! Mrs. Etta Bernstine, 65. of 330 Georgia avenue.

New York City, died in the city ambulance while enroute to St. Peter's Hospital for treatment on Saturday nipht. Mrs. Bernstine. who had been visiting her friends, Mr.

and Mrs. Daid Meyerowitz of 240 Burnet street, was on her way home. She complained of feeling ill so a friend of the family, Al Eettet of Suydam street, said he vould accompany her to New York. At the station platform she was taken ill and fell to the floor. Mr.

Rettet asked the ticket office staff Church where mass was said by-Rev. Father V. Hickey of Bound Brook. There were many floral Interment was in Mid-dlebush Cemetery under the direction of Undertaker J. Burr Herbert.

FOUR YOUTHS CHARGED WITH TAKING WOOD ON AINSC0W PROPERTIES FRANKLIN M. MOORE BURIED The funeral of Franklin M. Moore was held Saturday after for help and they called an am- rr.i- -1 A Year after year we've been placing plump, tender, young turkeys on thousands of tables at Thanksgiving time. Our Duiance. me omn noon from the home of his daugn-to the hospital but when thev Mrs Cara Milh "on reached the institution it North Fourth av Highland found she had died.

Park. Rev Horace c. Wrisht of-Coroner Herdman HMding wabflciated and interment ws in called and after making an ex- Elmwood Cemetery under the divination gave Undertaker rertion of Undertaker J. Burr Her- customers know the quality. We know they're the best the market affords.

We'll have a lot of turkeys this year, but if there aren't enough for all of our patrons it will be because "Used brute force and no Is the way Prohibition Director Woodco*ck is reported to have characterized the work of Henry Dierka, above, prohibition agent. He is alleged to have shot and killed Milford Smith. 20, in En-glewood. Colorado, when he found the youth with a few ounces of wine in his possession. Dierks has been suspended and now faces a murder charge.

unancs "WF hen. The pallbearers were Henry remove me ouuy iu jm. Bartholomew. Frev Ornen. Ed ha was i WeKon street.

rro filUm U-xs 'M- we've bought only the finest. held this morning and interment i was in the Baptist cemetery un-jry J' l00re ana 1 erry dcr the direction of Funeral Di-j" Four youths were arrested yesterday by Lieutenant William Henderson, of the Raritan Township Police, charged by George Ainscow, with attempting to steal wood from the Linwood Grove property, on the Lincoln Highway between Stelton and Metuchen. The men were discovered shortly after 11 a. m. yesterday by Ainscow near the high tension line of the Jersey Central Light Power Company, which crosses the Aln-ccow property Ainscow notified the police at once and Lieutenant Henderson responded.

The youths claimed that they had been given permission to take the wood by someone connected with the utility company, for which one of them works. They were released after agreeing to appear before Recorder Harry L. Ivins, in the township police court tomorrow evening. The youths are Harold Perrine, of 378 North avenue, and Richard Perrine of 304 Central avenue, both of Dunellen, Herbert Perrine of rector Charles E. Darling.

The; deceased leaves several sons. DIED Fresh Killed Northwestern TERHL'XK At Milltown. IV. J. Vtv i on RatiirrtAV.

NnvomW "1 1031 Mrytle Beecher, wife of Harry A Remarkable Price for Turkey of This Quality Turkeys Terhune. Relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral from her late home, 178 South Main street, Mill-town on Tuesity afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment at Van Liew cemetery. and William Essler of 306 Central avenue, Plainfield. Three men who ha dbeen arrested on the same charge about two weeks ago werelismisscd after being given a hearing before Recorder Ivins, who started that he could find no evidence of deliberate theft on their part.

The disappearance of wood from the Ainscow property is the source of frequent complaints by the owner. Mrs. Sarah Bennett Hurlbut, wife of John W. Hurlbut of 50 River Road, Highland Park, passed away early this morning at her home after suffering for several years from a complication of diseases, although it was not until last Thursday that her condition became critical. Mrs.

Hurlbut was lor years an active member of the First Methodist Episcopal Church of this city, but for the past four years has been connected with the Trinity CitiSCG (For Shortening) 1 LB. CAN 19C FRONT LINE (SLICED OR HALVES) on Mountain Boulevard, Watchuns. ATKINSON In this city. EACHES LARGEST CANS I5C Mr Th.Vrlv, Kind'y? ICE CREAM Large Budded WALNUTS Fancy Mixed NUTS Blue Ribbon MINCE MEAT PLUM PUDDING i.tin 23c 2 ib.iiN 45c pound 29c pound 23c PACKAGE 10C The Finishing Touch to His Honor The Turkey Methodist Church of Highland Park. The deceased is survived by her husband, John W.

Hurlbut, three daughters, Mrs. Saidee H. Turley, Mrs. Edward A. Flomerfelt and Mrs.

Edmond A. Contant; three grandchildren, Betty and Lou Flomerfelt and Bernard Turley, also two sisters, Mrs. Annie De Lay and Mrs. Arabella Reed Ma-hone all of Highland Park. Mrs.

Hurlbut was a daughter of the late George and Arabella Bennett of Highland Park. The funeral will be held from her late home Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock and will be conducted bv Rev. Samuel R. Latham, pastor of Trinity Methodist Church. Interment will be in Elm- NONE SUCH MINCEMEAT FRONT LINE (PICNIC SIZE) ASPARAGUS TIPS 2 pkgs.

25c CAN 15c Sharpiess Ice Cream Thanksgiving Specials i wood Cemetery under the direction i "Nonpareil" poper ALMONDS Shelled pound 23C ORANGE or. LEMON PEEL 13c CITRON PEEL 4 0Zpkge. 15C PUMPKIN 2 LARGEST CANS 25C of Undertaker Vv. H. Quacked boss and Son.

PRIDE OF ST. LOUIS FLOUR 3V2 lb. bag 13c 7 lb. bog 25C 24H lb. bag 3 ESSIE COFFEE, Vacuum Packed Pound Tin 31c MRS.

ALBERT ATKINSON Mrs. Rosina Atkinson, widow of Albert Atkinson, died ft her home, corner of Juliet and Somerset Si N. B. PREMIUM SODA CRACKERS, Suggestions for Thanksgiving Pint Packages No. 5 Tutti Frutti-French Vanilla.

Pound Package 15c Van Dyk'i PITTED DATES "'aage 17c John E. Gleason Funeral Director and Emb aimer Phone 70ft 44 Throop Atc. ENGLISH STYLE SUNSHINE BISCUITS Pound Pacbge 29c Minarer UNPITTED DATES 2 pkges.25c Black No. 7 Chocolate Walnut. Dromedary PITTED DATES package 19C I S'-'n.

7 ji-fiKL-J LARGE SELECTED BROWN EGGS Doz. 27cr All the lang and verve of autumn are in their flavors. WM. F. HARDING CO.

102 Somertct Street Pbone 607 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Front Line Seeded or Seedleti RAISINS pkge.10c I BUTLER'S BREAKFAST BACON SLICED lb. package JC SWISS KNIGHT CHEESE BOX of 6 PORTIONS 35c Adriatic FIGS ce ream 10c I OZ. pkge. Bali's Poultry SEASONING package J0c J. BURR HERBERT Funeral Director and Embalmei GEORGE W.

BOWNE Assistant MORRIS ST. TEL. 475 FRUITS VEGETABLES Pumpkin $1.50 Thrill! ngiy realistic it will add a colorful touch to your table, and give nine to eleven persons a generous serving of Ice Cream in the very finest of flavor combinations. EATMOR YELLOW CRANBERRIES lb. 10c TURNIPS 3 lbs.

10c CRANBERRY (Ocean Spray) SAUCE SMAiu10c la.ge19c Bon Bon Bakery Products FANCY HEART TABLE CELERY 2 Bunche, 25c APPLES 10 for 25c W. H. Quackenboss Son FUNERAL DIRECTORS 98 Albany Street TELEPHONE I Ice Ci ice Cak( aKes v.ream i TV FRUIT CAKE pound 33c 16 25c FLORIDA ORAMGES BEVERAGES PALE DRY GINGERALE BUTLER'S LIME DRY SPARKLING WATER "A Scotch Inspiration" POUND CAKE, Walnut, Marble, Raisin, Plain POUND 25c MACAROONS JJ HOLIDAY FRUITCAKE pkg.0c BON BON BREAD to oz. loaf Jc IN TWO SUEZ 9 toll Persons $1'50 12 to 14 Persons HERE'S something in keeping with the Thanksgiving motif a cake made entirely of icecream in two appealing flavors Tutti-Frutti and French Vanilla, the Thanksgiving decorations cleverly carried out in whipped cream. New Brunswick Cornice Works Sheet MeUl Work.

Roo6d' 8-10 JLI.IN STREET fhone 1060-1061 3 Bottles 25c 3 Bottles' 25c 3 Bottles 25c MM CIVIL ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS SINCERBEAUX, MOORE and SH1NN Highland 1'ark. New Brunswick Ftann N. R. II CI.K.VH.ANTI AVrVTR GROCERY COMPANY Thanksgiving Fancy Forms That universal favorite of all desserts Ice Cream in unique forms for Thanksgiving, such as Horn of Plenty, Apple, Roast Turkey, Standing Turkey, Pumpkin, Roast Pig, Pic, Squash, Bunch of Grapes, Ear of Corn. Skarfkss Ice Crram Novelties eomei in the Mystic breadth and along WUIocka I.ane cr SHERIFF'S S.VLK In Chanrery uf New Jersey.

lletween Middlesex County Huildins Loan AkhoiIh. tinn gf New Hrunxwtck, New Jersey. Complainant, and Kinrene ir-ner, et. Ie fendatitn. 1I Fa for nnn of mortiraged premises dated tober lti, Hv virtue of th nhove gtsted writ JAMES H.

MAHER Funeral Director p.nd Embalmer rrlvat) Ambulance Servlr rilONE 1100. 25 EASTON AVE. feet to a point, being the point or place of ItoiiiHT lots imiiibewf fifty-nine and sixty ih'i and tin) as laid dnwn and located on the "Map of Pis-cataway Park," as aforesaid. levree amounting to approximately Together with all and aincular the rights, privllenea, hereditaments nnd Hppurteiiam es thereunto be-lonuiiiic or In anywise M. CANNiVS.

Sheriff. KHKU W. DK VOU. Solicitor. :,4 i.hiio one nuii'irca ana inir-ty-ti (132) feet carrying the same breadth of forty feet along the whola length of said lot.

liecree for First Trai amounting to approximately $18. 'W. SECOND Tit ACT ISKCINSINU on the north side of Smith street In said City or Perth Am hoy at the corner of a lot of Jand now or late belonging to the estate of I 'avid Crow-ell; tbeiico running (I) northerly along land of said estate one hun Package with Mystic Ice. to in, directed and delivered, 1 will expose to Kale, at pnblli" vendue on MLCK.MHEH, A. l.

at two o'vlock standard time In th nfteruoun of the said day at th Sheriff's of tbe ill the City of Ne.r Urunswlck, N. J. All that certain lot. tract or par. eel of land and premises, hereinaf.

ter particularly described, situate, lying and being In the Tnwnship of lliitiiau. County of Middlesex ami state of New Jersey. liKOlNNISU In the southerly lit of Central avenue al a point there In distant fifty feet westerly from the Inteiswtloii of the southerly line of Central avenue with th westerly line- of Kutgers street; which said beginning point Is also distant eleven hundred fortv-ttvn i ir i'iii ha i ur tjkck.mbf.k. a. i.

inn at two o'clork atandard time In the Order through your Sharpiess dealer, or 'phone New Brunswick 517 afternoon of th data day at the Sheriff'H dtficts In ths City of New Brunkwiok, N. J. BUKUIFF'S SALK In Chancery of dred and thirty-two (1,12) fet to Hie land now or late of William Ferguson: thence (2) easterly twenty-one (21) feet to corner of John Wait's land; thence. (H) southerly along land of said Wait one hun-drew nnd thirty-two (132) feet to All the following tract or parcel New Jersey, Mutnil mnrrmn of land and premlnes hereinafter particularly described, situate, ly-Iti bt and heln' tn the Township of I'im'Mtaway In the t'ountv of Mid Hnvinic Fund Harmonia, a rorpm4i-tion, I'ninplainant, and I 'avid Fait, et. Pefendants.

I I Fa for sale dlesex and State of New Jersey. The Funeral Home CHAS. E. DARLING FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMliALMER Formerly Hubbard and Darling 79 WELTON ST. PHONE 53 HWllNMMt at a point In the northerly lino of Pacific atreet.

which point la distant two hundred (2n) feet eagerly, from the intersection of th said northerly line of i Smith street; thence (I) westerly alonir the line of Smith street to the LKiilNNINU. Oecres for fferotMj Tract amounting to approximately Together with all and singular the rights, privileges, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto or In anvwlse appertaining. Sheriff. CKifttllK SCHMIUT. Solicitor.

$26. ot mortgaged premises dated Octj-ber 13. itv virtue of Ihe above stated writ tome directed and delivered, I will epnse to sale at public vendue on EDNHSIiAV, TH 2ND KAY OF liKCKMIJHU, A. P. 1031 at two o'clock standard time III the afternoon of said day at the Sheriff's oftl.

In the City of New riruiix-w l. li, N. J. All those tuts, tracts' or parcels of land and premises hereinafter par I'ar fit: Htreet. and tli easterly line of Lincoln avenue, as th name arc laid down and located on a man en.

titled "Man of Piscntfiway Park. Middlesex County, N. owned and developed by th Home ltealty New Brunswick, New Jersey, ncale rThe Velvet Kiad feet westerly from Hie Intersect io' of the sou'lierly line of Central ave. line illi the westerly line of Plains held avenue; thenre running westerly along the southerly lim of Central avenue seventy-live leei; thence southerly and at nul't KtigleM with the southerly line of Central avenue one hundred ev enteen and eight one-hubdredt hn feet; thence (3) easterly and parallel with the southerly line of Central avenue seventy-rlve (c-i; thence (4) northerly and parallel with the sicond courxe one hundred seventeen and eight one. bund ret 4 feet to the place of I'ecrees amounting to approl inately Tui-'ether with all and singular the rights, privileges, hereditament and appurtenance thereunto be.

longing or In nvli' appertaining, PKIINAIili M. iJANNON. Sheriff. K'HN A. LYNCH.

Solicitor. $23.94 D23-U-mon I I 4 SHKIMFF'S SALK In Chancery ofJ ICE CBEAM ticularly described, situate, lyin and in the of Perth Am-boy, In the County of Middlesex and State of New Jirsev: FIHST TRACT Situated on the northerly side of Smith street atld westerly side of a lane twelve Oil feet In width that parts the said lot I'HONE K. B. 1341 W. Edward Gowen Funeral Director III FRENCH STREET lrrS0, May.

lHIR." and from said berlnnlnc tnlnt runnlne 1 east-erly, and alonjr the nid northerly line of Pacific street, fifty (S0 feet to a point: thence 2) northly. at rlBht angles to Pacific street, one hundred and slaty-one hundredths lino. Ml feet to point: thence 1 westerly nnd fira'lel to the frst course, fifty (Tint feet to a 'nf: thr-nce III soutlierlv and parallel to the second eourse, one hundred and Elxty-ons onc-hundredths (100.61) isew jersey, l.elwectl Ihe Work-Inamen'n Huildlng and Loan Association of New Cruusw ick. New Jersey. Complainants, and Samuel J.

et. Ilefemlants. I'l Fa for sale of moitgaiied prein-ls dated 'doner 2t, 1931. My virtue of the above stated writ to me directed and delivered, I will expose to sale at public vendue on WLLNLSUAV, TIIU HiTU I'AY OF from land fornierlv of Andrew pct and now of John V. call ed Wlllocks or Maiden l.nne and from thence running nlons Smith trctt forty feet In.

The Central New Jersey Home News from New Brunswick, New Jersey (2024)
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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

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Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.